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Oxides of Group 14

Group 14, also known as the carbon group, contains the following elements: carbon, silicon, tin, germanium, and lead. Oxides are compounds formed between two or more oxygen atoms and other elements. Learn about group 14 and the oxides of group 14.

The group 14 elements are part of the P block of elements and include carbon, germanium, silicon, and lead. They have four electrons in the outermost shell. Oxides are compounds formed between two or more oxygen atoms and other elements and can be acidic, basic, amphoteric, and neutral. These elements form two types of oxides–monoxides and dioxides. Some oxides like carbon dioxide (CO2), silicon dioxide (SiO2), and germanium dioxide (GeO2) are acidic, whereas tin (IV) oxide (SnO2) and lead dioxide (PbO2) are amphoteric. Carbon monoxide (CO) is neutral in the case of monoxides. Similarly, germanium oxide (GeO) is acidic, and tin (II) oxide (SnO) and lead oxide (PbO) are amphoteric. Carbon forms the most acidic dioxide in group 14.

Oxides of Group 14

Group 14 is also known as the carbon group and contains carbon, silicon, tin, germanium, and lead. Let’s take a look at the oxides of group 14.

Carbon (C)

Carbon is an exceptionally important element. Carbon as an individual element is of minor importance. However, it is more productive as carbonates of other elements and oxides. It is present in plants and animals, and common minerals are formed from carbon.

Carbon forms two kinds of oxides–carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Carbon monoxide is poisonous, whereas carbon dioxide is produced by normal respiration and metabolism. Plants use this carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. 

Carbon has 4 valence electrons, and oxygen has 6 valence electrons. Therefore, there will be a free atomic orbital to bind. Carbon dioxide forms a linear geometry, and dioxides of carbon are weakly acidic.

Silicon (Si)

Silicon forms both oxide and dioxide with oxygen. Silicon monoxide is not very well studied. Silicon dioxide is commonly known as silica. It has a tetrahedral structure. Dioxides of silicon are weakly acidic.

Germanium (Ge)

Germanium is a silvery-grey metalloid that is used for night vision and thermographic cameras. It forms amphoteric oxides. It can be in an amorphous or crystalline form. There is a hexagonal and tetragonal structure in the case of GeO2. Silica-germania, a compound formed by silicon dioxide and germanium dioxide, is used for optical fibres.

Tin (Sn)

Tin is used as an illuminating agent and polishing agent. Tin oxides are amphoteric. Tin oxide is called a stannous oxide, and tin dioxide is known as stannic oxide. It has an oxidation state of +2.

Lead (Pb)

Lead is an amphoteric heavy metal with the atomic number 82. It forms various oxides with oxygen, including PbO, Pb₃O₄, and PbO₂. Less common oxide forms include Pb₂O₃ and Pb₁₂O₉. Lead generally has a tetragonal and orthorhombic crystal structure. It is mainly used as waterproof cement to join glass when combined with glycerin.


Group 14 is also known as the carbon group. It contains carbon, silicon, tin, germanium, and lead. They have four electrons in the outermost shell. They form two types of oxides–monoxides and dioxides. Some oxides like CO₂, SiO₂, and GeO₂ are acidic, whereas SnO₂ and PbO₂ are amphoteric. CO is neutral in the case of monoxides. 


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