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Method of Froth Floatation

The method of froth floatation is used to separate metal ores. Let us learn about the meaning of froth floatation.

Whenever you need to separate hydrophobic materials from waste gangue, froth flotation is an effective method. Froth floatation is perhaps the most well-known method for eliminating minerals from rocks and materials. Frost floatation separates economically significant minerals from different minerals and pollutants in metal/mineral handling. The minerals are gathered on the outer layer of a thick layer of foam called a “froth layer.”

In floatation, the great minerals are separated from the awful ones by making minerals fall into a foam. This technique for froth flotation is a method for handling minerals wherein various minerals are isolated. Froth floatation can specifically eliminate lead, copper, and zinc from minerals with many metals, similar to press metal. It’s called floatation tailings or floatation tails when minerals don’t float in the froth and don’t get found out. Learn about the method of froth flotation. 

Method of froth floatation

The method of froth floatation can be characterised into three stages:

  1. Genuine floatation – Minerals are placed along these lines. A vital piece of this interaction is that mainly this progression decides how the essential minerals will be separated. The other two stages choose how well the mineral and the gangue can be separated.
  2. Entrainment – When air bubbles are entangled in water, they are gone through, and the foam causes air pockets to be framed as the water moves around.
  3. Collection – In this interaction, the mineral particles are taken by the foam and remain there.

Froth flotation is used to separate minerals. The size of the metals should be tiny, similar to powder, to be separated by this technique. They wouldn’t have the option to adhere to the froth without this, which is vital. If they didn’t, they would tumble to the lower part of the cup. Subsequently, it will be impossible to separate.

The activity of foam buoyancy is generally done in two ways:

  1. Direct flotation procedure – The mineral sticks to the air bubble, and the remainder of the gangue tumbles to the base.
  2. Switch flotation method – Gunge sticks to the air pocket, and metal particles tumble to the base. This is the way it works.

How froth floatation works

Some of the minerals in the ore are picked up by a liquid film and floated on top of a mass of fluid pulp. This process, called floatation, separates the valuable minerals from less valuable ones. In this place, they are not mixed with other minerals in the pulp. When you process minerals like sulphides, you can also use it to treat other metallic minerals like graphite and sulphides with an adamantine look like Sphalerite and Cinnabar and other metallic minerals, like copper and nickel.

The main thing that makes floatation so important is its “slimes process,” which saves small pieces of valuable minerals that can’t be found by gravity alone. The mills that process low-grade copper sulphide ores have helped them make 10 to 20% more money. The same thing has happened in mills that process zinc and lead sulphide ores.

A lot of the sulphide in the ore floats on the surface of a water body when mixed with a siliceous or earthy gangue that’s been ground very finely. The gangue sinks. This is called “film floatation”, as shown by the Wood and Macquisten processes. 

Adding small amounts of certain oils, acids, or alkalis to a mixture of finely ground ore and water makes the sulphide particles in the ore rise to the surface of the gas bubbles. This makes the ore easier to separate from the water and the gas bubbles. These form a thick froth full of sulphide particles, like a cloud. Bubbles don’t push the gangue particles out of the pulp. They stay in the pulp. 

Froth floatation theory explained

Surface tension, adsorption, adhesion, and viscosity are physical phenomena that the theory used to explain the froth flotation process.

Surface Tension

Surface Tension means that every surface in contact with a gas or its vapour is in a tight spot. The value of this force per unit width can be calculated. In this case, it says that the value for water, 74 dynes per centimetre, is higher than the value for any other liquid that we know of. As long as you don’t have liquid metals or salts that have been heated, you’re good to go. 

When talking about many things, this fictitious tension is a good idea. It can be explained by the intermolecular, or bonding, attraction between the substances that make up the boundary. It’s also beneficial to think of each surface unit as having potential energy numerically equal to the surface tension. This is another way to think about the phenomenon. 


Using froth floatation, how hydrophobic a particle is will affect how well an air bubble sticks to it. Hydrophobic particles are drawn to air bubbles, which leads to adsorption. The bubble-particle combinations rise to the froth zone because of buoyancy forces, which push them there.


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