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Magnesium Hydroxide

Magnesium Hydroxide is an inorganic compound that has a low solubility in water due to its low solubility in water. It is also referred to as Magnesium (Mg2+) hydroxide or Milk of Magnesia.

Magnesium hydroxide has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 and is an inorganic compound.

It can be found naturally in the form of the mineral brucite. 

It appears as a white solid when dissolved in water and has a low solubility (Ksp = 5.611012). Antacids, such as milk of magnesia, contain magnesium hydroxide, which is a common component of the compound.

Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic chemical compound that is found as a white solid in the natural world. 

As previously stated, a hydroxide is any polyatomic anion composed of oxygen and hydrogen and denoted by the chemical formula (OH).

This clearly demonstrates that it is an anion with a single negative charge on it.

Chemical formula

Magnesium hydroxide has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 and is an inorganic compound. 

Generally speaking, it is well understood that magnesium atoms have the capability of donating two electrons in order to form an anion and achieve a stable electronic configuration.

This results in the formation of an acidic neutral salt compound with the formula magnesium hydroxide, formed by the reaction of a monatomic anion of magnesium and a polyatomic anion of hydroxide. 

It is also known as milk of magnesia in some circles, and the formula for magnesium hydroxide is the same as the formula for milk of magnesia in other circles.

Magnesium hydroxide is a compound that contains magnesium. 

It can be found naturally in the form of the mineral brucite. 

It appears as a white solid when dissolved in water and has a low solubility (Ksp = 5.611012).

Properties Of Magnesium Hydroxide

Brucite is the name given to the magnesium hydroxide mineral that occurs naturally in the environment. 

It naturally occurs in chlorite in the form of 1:2:1 clay minerals, where it is found in the interlayer position between the layers of the mineral. 

The physical form of magnesium hydroxide salt is that of a white crystalline solid mineral with a crystalline structure. 

In accordance with the magnesium hydroxide chemical formula, the molar mass of magnesium hydroxide equals 58.3197 grams per mole of magnesium hydroxide.

The chemical compound with the chemical formula for magnesium hydroxide is an odourless inorganic compound with the chemical formula for magnesium hydroxide.

Magnesium hydroxide has a density of 2.344 grams per cubic centimetre of volume.

Magnesium hydroxide has a melting point of 350 degrees Celsius and decomposes completely when heated to a high temperature.

The chemical formula for magnesium hydroxide represents a compound that has a very low solubility in water, which is interesting to note.

Magnesium hydroxide has a hexagonal crystal structure in its solid state. Because it is non-flammable, it is not recommended for use.


A common application for magnesium hydroxide is the industrial production of magnesium oxide, also known as magnesia, which is important because it has the dual properties of low electrical conductivity and high thermal conductivity, making it a useful material for a variety of applications. 

In everyday life, magnesium hydroxide is used as an antacid or a laxative in suspension form, which is one of the most common applications for this compound. 

The compound functions through a straightforward neutralisation reaction in which the hydroxide ions derived from the magnesium hydroxide combine with the H+ ions derived from the hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells in the stomach to form water. 

Because magnesium hydroxide is directly ingestible by foods, it has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) around the world. 

For medical purposes, it has been marketed in the form of chewable tablets, capsules, powder, and liquid suspensions, all of which are available in a variety of flavouring options. 

It’s also used as an antiperspirant in some cases. 

When applied topically, magnesium hydroxide can also be used to treat canker sores (aphthous ulcers). 

Aside from that, it is used in the industrial neutralisation of acidic waters, and its mineral form is used as a fire retardant in its natural state.

Occasionally constipated children and adults can be treated with magnesium hydroxide on a short-term basis with a solution containing magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium hydroxide is a medication that belongs to a class of medications known as saline laxatives. It works by causing water to be retained along with the stool in the digestive tract. 


Magnesium hydroxide has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2 and is an inorganic compound.

And is found as a white solid in the natural world. 

As previously stated, a hydroxide is any polyatomic anion composed of oxygen and hydrogen and denoted by the chemical formula (OH). Magnesium hydroxide is well-known for its ability to help people with indigestion and heartburn. It is well-known for its ability to reduce stomach acid while simultaneously increasing the water content in the intestines, resulting in the induction of bowel movement. As a result, it is also used as a laxative to treat constipation when it occurs on occasion.


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