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Laboratory Methods of Preparation

Let’s solve all your Laboratory methods of preparation questions. In brief, these are the methods employed within laboratories to develop hydrogen peroxide and other elements. Let's discuss.

In brief, here are the laboratory methods of preparation of Hydrogen peroxide notes. Before that, let’s understand hydrogen. Hydrogen would be a chemical element having the symbol H and the atomic number 1. Hydrogen is the least dense atom. It has no scent or colour, is non-toxic, highly flammable, and is the most common chemical element. However, it is part of many molecule families. In which a peroxide family is also present. The most common peroxide is hydrogen. Let us dive directly into the concept.

Laboratory methods of preparation

Before going to learn laboratory methods of preparation of hydrogen peroxide, let’s have a glance at what exactly hydrogen peroxide is.

In a nutshell, in the family of peroxides, hydrogen peroxide is probably the simplest and most common molecule which is often used. Hydrogen peroxide molecules house a pair of hydrogen and oxygen molecules in their molecular structure. Furthermore, the element can also be employed as a cleaner. Aside from it, Hydrogen peroxide is acidic in nature. However, when photochemical reactions occur in the atmosphere, a considerable proportion of hydrogen peroxide is generated. 

Laboratory Methods of Preparation 

Moving further, as said, Hydrogen peroxide is a common molecule belonging to the peroxides family. There are certain methods to prepare the compound. Moreover, there are two primary ways. One is when sodium peroxide is reacted with the acid solution of Sulphuric acid. Similarly, the second laboratory preparation method is when another peroxide, namely barium peroxide, is reacted with the same sulphuric solution. Let us discuss thoroughly along with reactions. 

From sodium peroxide

Sodium peroxide is introduced in minute amounts to mild sulphuric acid solutions coated by 20% ice and stirred regularly throughout this laboratory preparation method. Moreover, the process is also referred to as Merck’s Process. The reaction is as follows.

Na2O2 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O2

As the solution cools more, crystals of Na2SO4 and 10H2O form, which can be filtered away.

Barium Peroxide 

A hydrate barium peroxide (BaO2.8H2O) paste made in ice-cold water is cured with a 20% ice-cold sulphuric acid solution. Filtering is used to extract the BaSO4 white precipitation. Only about 5% of the H2O2 is still present in the solution. This method is inadequate since barium sulphate generates a defensive coating around H2O2, stopping this from completing the chemical reaction. The Ba2+ ions inside the liquid gradually break down hydrogen peroxide.

 Moreover, the solution cannot be stored for an extended period as a condition. To verify this, phosphoric acid is employed rather than sulphuric acid. The barium phosphate, which forms without Ba2+ ions, is entirely precipitated because hydrogen peroxide decomposition is not possible.

BaO2 ⋅ 8H2O + H2SO4 → BaSO4 + H2O2+8H2O

3BaO2⋅8H2O + 2H3PO4 → Ba3 (PO4)2 + 24H2O + 3H2O2

Other methods than the laboratory methods

Some other methods of preparation include industrial and commercial methods. Some of them are as follows.

  • Sulphuric acid electrolysis
  • By 2-Ethyl anthraquinone
  • Oxidation of Isopropyl alcohol

Physical Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide

There is a lot regarding hydrogen peroxide’s physical properties. Some of them are listed below.

  • The element is odourless and bitter in taste. 
  • It is pale blue in appearance and is a thick liquid.
  • Since it is thick, it comprises more viscosity than water.
  • The element does constitute high melting and boiling points.
  • The bonds between Hydrogen and oxygen molecules of the element are not weak. 

Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide

  • In its pure state, it is an extremely unstable liquid. As a result, it breaks down into oxygen and water when heated.
  • Whenever it comes into contact with light, it decomposes.
  • The oxygen molecule in hydrogen peroxide does have an oxygen value of -1, which is an opposite oxidation state than it has typically. 
  • It is a relatively weak acid, but it is much stronger than water. 
  • It forms two types of salts: hydro-peroxides and peroxides. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent reducing agent.


Here’s all we learned all essential aspects of laboratory methods of preparation of Hydrogen peroxide. We concluded that the other members of peroxide families react with acids to form new compounds. From which, extraction of hydrogen peroxide can be made. The two most used among them are barium peroxide and sodium peroxide. Moreover, aside from it, we also discussed the properties of Hydrogen peroxide.


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