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Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic compounds are a crucial topic in chemistry and describe the compounds without carbon and with an ionic bond. The topic gives several examples and applications.

The primary components of chemistry are understood with the help of two types of classification called organic and inorganic compounds. The former consists of carbon – hydrogen bonds, while the latter does not contain carbon – hydrogen bonds . Inorganic compounds include various types of inorganic acid and these are substances produced by living things but produced either in the laboratory or by non-living natural processes. The compounds are categorised into various types, including salts, oxides, acids, bases etc. The topic will look into the characteristics of inorganic compounds with examples.

Characteristics of Inorganic Compounds

Here are some of the characteristics which are specific to inorganic compounds. The compounds lack carbon atoms and are synthetics products, and many other properties make them different from organic compounds.But some simple inorganic compounds such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide , carbides etc contain carbon.

  1. The inorganic compounds consist of strong ionic bonds. This is characterised by high boiling and melting points, which helps identify the compounds’ purity.
  2. The inorganic compounds are colourful because of partially filled d-orbitals. The electrons absorb energy from light, which de-excites the molecule and releases visible light wavelength, making it colourful.
  3. The compounds are not inflammable nor are they non-volatile. The inorganic compounds are soluble in water but insoluble in organic solutions.
  4. The compounds are good conductors of heat and electricity in an aqueous solution.
  5. The inorganic compounds are solid, and it does not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. It has a high reaction rate.

Various types with inorganic compounds examples

  1. Inorganic acids dissolve in water and produce hydrogen ions (H+). Some examples are hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid etc.
  2. Bases are compounds that produce hydroxyl ions in water. Some examples are calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonia etc.
  3. Salts are obtained due to the reaction between an acid and a base. Examples for the same are potash alum, Mohr’s salt, sodium hydroxide etc.

Potash alum and Mohr’s Salt

Both of them are crucial examples of inorganic compounds. It is used in various fields like medicine, ceramic industries, baking industries etc.

Potash Alum

  1. It is a double salt used in water treatment, medicines, etc. The chemical formula for the same is K2SO4.Al(SO4)3.24H2O.
  2. Potash alum is extracted from alunite. It is produced by adding potassium sulfate to a concentrated aluminium sulfate solution:>K2SO4 + Al2SO4.18H2O  + 6H2O  →K2SO4.Al(SO4)3.24H2O (s)
  3. The hydrolysis of the salt is prevented by using a small amount of diluted sulfuric acid for dissolving aluminium sulfate in water. This leads to the formation of a double layer of salt by crystallization.
  4. The potash alum shape is octahedral, soluble in water, and colourless.
  5. When potash alum is heated at a high temperature, it produces a red colour and is porous.
  6. It is used for various purposes like fire retardant, gourmet food, iron and steel dissolving, tanning, dyeing, textile industry, and blocking chemicals.

Mohr’s Salt

The chemical formula for Mohr’s salt is FeSO4 + (NH4)2SO4 → (NH4)2Fe(SO4)26H2O and is known as ammonium iron (II) sulphate. It consists of two primary cations called ammonium cation and ferrous cation. It is a double salt of ammonium sulfate and ferrous sulphate.

Mohr’s salt is prepared by dissolving the ammonium sulfate and hydrated ferrous Sulphate in water with a small amount of dissolved sulphuric acid.

FeSO4 + (NH4)2SO4 → (NH4)2Fe(SO4)26H2O + H2O

  1. It is common for impurities like nickel, zinc, magnesium, lead etc., to be present in Mohr’s salt. These impurities are called isomorphous salts.
  2. The addition of dilute sulphuric acid prevents the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate. The concentrated solution of ferrous sulphate promotes the formation of the salt crystal by adding Mohr’s salt, and this process is known as seeding.
  3. The molar mass is 284.05 grams per mole, and under standard pressure and temperature, the salt colour is bluish-green.
  4. The bonding pattern of the salt consists of octahedral centres made of [Fe(H2O)6]2+. The octahedral centre of the crystal forms hydrogen bonds with sulphate and ammonium ions.
  5. It is used as a source of Fe2+ ions as it has a long shelf life and is resistant to oxidation.


Inorganic compounds are different from organic compounds because they lack carbon – hydrogen bonds but have a high ionic bond. It is not naturally produced but is a synthetic product either produced in a laboratory or as a result of natural processes. It exists in solid form and mostly in crystal form, and is non-volatile. It readily dissolves in water but not in inorganic solutions. The topics give insight into various types of inorganic compounds, including salts, bases, inorganic acid, etc. Potash alum and Mohr’s salt are two important examples used in various applications: medicine, water treatment, tanning, baking, dyeing, fire retardant, dissolving steel, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the four types of inorganic compounds?

Ans. The four main classes of inorganic compounds are water, salts, acids, and bases.

How is a double salt different from a complex salt?

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What are the main applications of Mohr’s salt?

Ans. Mohr’s salt is mainly used for: o...Read full

What are the main applications of Potash alum?

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Is Potash alum acidic or basic?

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