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Industrial Method of Preparation (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Before we talk about the various aspects that concern hydrogen peroxide, let us analyse its basics. Hydrogen is the most abundant element present on Earth. Without hydrogen and its compounds, life would be impossible on Earth. Hydrogen makes up 75% of all the simple compounds we see around us like water. Hydrogen consists of two molecules, the hydrogen atom, and has a chemical formula of H2. It is highly reactive and can form compounds with almost all the periodic table elements, be it metals or nonmetals.

The hydrogen gas does not have any colour or odour. It is also harmless. However, when two molecules of hydrogen combine with two molecules of oxygen, it gives rise to hydrogen peroxide, which has a chemical formula of H2O2. It is the simplest peroxide to exist in the world of chemistry. We will discuss all the other aspects of hydrogen peroxide in this article. We will also talk about the industrial method of preparation meaning and its association with hydrogen peroxide.

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

The hydrogen peroxide is the simplest and easiest member to study and understand in the family of peroxides. It contains two molecules of hydrogen along with two molecules of oxygen. It has a simple chemical formula of H2O2.

It finds several uses in the environment. It is not found abundantly in the atmosphere. However, a significant amount of hydrogen peroxide is released when any photochemical reactions take place in the environment. Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a disinfectant with an added amount of effectiveness. The hydrogen peroxide is also acidic.

What are the Properties of Hydrogen peroxide?

There are many properties of hydrogen peroxide that make it different from the other peroxides. Apart from being a derivative of hydrogen, the other properties that make Hydrogen Peroxide different are mentioned below:

Physical Properties of hydrogen peroxide

  • It is soluble in ether, water, and alcohol
  • When it comes in contact with the skin, it can cause blisters
  • It has a bitter taste
  • It lacks any kind of odour
  • The hydrogen peroxide has a pale blue colour
  • It has a high boiling and melting point
  • The dipole moment of hydrogen peroxide is more than that of water
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an odourless and thick liquid
  • It is more viscous than water
  • The hydrogen peroxide molecules possess strong hydrogen bonds as compared to other compounds
  • It is diamagnetic

Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is unique. The oxygen atom present in the hydrogen peroxide has an oxygen number of -1, which is completely different from its usual oxidation state.

  • It is a highly unstable liquid in its pure form, hence, it decomposes into water and oxygen when it is heated
  • If it is exposed to light, it undergoes decomposition
  • It is a very weak acid but stronger as compared to water
  • It produces two types of salts that are hydroperoxides and peroxides
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a superb reducing agent
  • When kept in an acidic medium, Hydrogen peroxide undergoes oxidation and loses electrons
  • In an alkaline medium hydrogen peroxide changes to oxygen
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidising agent as well. It can accept electrons easily
  • In an acidic medium, hydrogen peroxide accepts electrons and decomposes to water
  • In an alkaline medium, hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidising agent
  • When kept in a neutral medium, it can oxidise numerous elements

Method of Preparation

Hydrogen peroxide can be prepared through industrial methods of preparation.

  • Electrolysis of Sulphuric Acid

For industrial methods of preparation, sulphuric acid undergoes electrolysis. We observe that peroxodisulfuric acid is produced at the anode. At the cathode, the hydrogen gas is released.

Peroxodisulphuric acid is later removed from the arrangement and undergoes decomposition with water. It releases hydrogen peroxide as a result.

H2S2O8 + 2H2O → 2H2SO4 + H2O2

  • From 2-Ethyl Anthraquinone

2-Ethyl anthraquinone is dissolved in benzene, and then the hydrogen gas is transported. In this chemical reaction, Palladium is used as a catalyst. Through this, 2-Ethyl anthraquinone is generated. Later, the mixture of benzene, cyclohexanol, and 2-Ethyl anthraquinone is released into the air. When 2-Ethyl anthraquinone is oxidised to hydrogen peroxide.

  • Oxidation of Isopropyl Alcohol

When Isopropyl alcohol reacts with hydrogen peroxide, initiation of the reaction occurs. At a certain temperature, oxygen is transferred. As a result, hydrogen peroxide and acetone are generated.

CH3CHOHCH3  +    O2   →   CH3COCH3   +   H2O2

(Isopropyl alcohol)               (Acetone)      (Hydrogen peroxide)


In this article, we studied the definition of hydrogen peroxide and how it is important in the environment. The hydrogen peroxide is the simplest and easiest member to study and understand in the family of peroxides. It contains two molecules of hydrogen along with two molecules of oxygen. It has a simple chemical formula of H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a bleaching agent. It also functions as a disinfectant. When photochemical reactions take place in the environment, it releases a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide in the environment. Hydrogen peroxide is unique. The oxygen atom present in the hydrogen peroxide has an oxidation number of -1, which is completely different from its usual oxidation state. The industrial method of preparation states that three different methods are involved in its preparation.


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