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Hydrides of Group 14

Hydrides of group 14 are also known as the Carbon family of the periodic table. It contains less radii and great ionisation enthalpy.

The chemical compounds composed of hydrogen atoms are known as group 14 hydride. Moreover, group 14 contains the elements like carbon, Germanium, lead, Silicon, tin, and flerovium as there are two types of hydrides- Tetrahydride and Hexahydride. Group 14 hydrides contain straight-chain saturated following the formula XnH2n+2. However, alkanes also have the same formula. Other groups of 14 hydrides are also known as prismane, a Platonic hydrocarbon and Cubane. In addition, hydrocarbons contain a large amount of carbon. 

The Group 14 elements contain less electropositivity than group 13. That’s why group 14 elements are greater than group 13 elements in size. Similarly, the melting and boiling point of silicon, carbon, and germanium is very high because they are very stable. But Sn and Pb are two elements with a lower melting point because only two bonds are formed due to the inert pair effect. So, let us look at some information about Hydrides group 14.


The series contains the chemical formula XH4 and is represented by X to any carbon families known as the Tetrahydride Series. Moreover, methane is the only element that results in the decomposition of organic matter and gives the result in the greenhouse. In addition, if we talk about other hydrides, they are generally unstable and poisonous metal hydrides. 

Tetra hydrides usually contain pyramidal structures. And as they are not like polar molecules of the other p-block hydrides.

Some light hydrides are present in group 14, which are ammonia, water, and hydrogen fluoride. On the other hand, methane is the only compound that does not exhibit any anomalous effects attributed to hydrogen bonding. This compound tends to be one of the heavier group 14 hydrides.

Compounds with Tetrahydride structure with their chemical formula 

  • Carbon Tetrahydride is also known as hydrogen carbide methane (carbane), and the chemical formula is CH4
  • Silicon Tetrahydride is also known as hydrogen silicide (silane). Moreover, the chemical formula of Silicon Tetrahydride SiH4
  • Germanium Tetrahydride is also known as hydrogen germanide (german), and the chemical formula of the Germanium Tetrahydride is GeH4
  • Tin Tetrahydride’s other name is hydrogen stannide (stannane). The chemical formula of Tin tetrahydride is SnH4
  • Lead Tetrahydride is also considered hydrogen plumbide (plumbane), and the chemical formula for this compound is PbH4
  • Flerovium Tetrahydride another name is hydrogen flerovium (flerovane) and the chemical formula of Flerovium Tetrahydride is FlH4


The series, which contain the chemical formula

X2H6 is considered as hexahydrides series. Ethane is the common chemical compound found with methane, and both of them are natural gas. If you talk about the other hydrides, they are less stable than Tetrahydride.

Compounds with Tetrahydride structure with their chemical formula 

Some Tetrahydride structure and their chemical formula are 

  • Dicarbon Hexahydride Ethane is also known as Ethane (Dicarbane), and the chemical formula of this compound is C2H6
  • Disilicon Hexahydride is commonly known as Disilane. As it contains the chemical formula which is Si2H6
  • Digermanium Hexahydride another name is Digermane. Moreover, the chemical formula of the Digermanium Hexahydride is Ge2H6.
  • Ditin Hexahydride is also known as Distannane, and the chemical formula of this compound is Sn2H6
  • Dilead Hexahydride, another name is Diplumbane. The chemical formula of the Dilead Hexahydride is Pb2H6

Some properties of Hydrides Group 14 are as follows 

Let us discuss some basic properties of Hydrides group 14, they are 

  • Group 14 elements have a lower tendency to catenate if we talk about the other group. For example, Silanes SinH2n+2 are known for n = 1–8 (when thermal stability decreases, n increases). This property is similar to the other chemical compounds: cyclosiloxanes Si5H10 and Si6H12.
  • The group 14 hydrides are very reactive, colourless gases and volatile liquids. Their property of volatility is just known before the volatility between the alkanes and the germanes. The chemical compounds contain hydrogen and multiple groups of 14 elements are, also known as one of the most famous tetraethyllead. 
  • The electronic configuration of group 14 elements is generally ns2np2. Moreover, there are two electrons of an element present in the outermost orbital, known as p orbital and the valency group 14 elements is 4.
  • The oxidation number of the group 14 elements are +4 and +2. If we go down to the group, that tendency of ions increases +2. The ions increase because of the inert pair effects; as we go down the group, the tendency to form ions increases. This is due to the inert pair effect, as p-block elements represent this inert pair effect.


Here, we have discussed the Hydrides of group  14. Moreover, in Group 14 elements, the carbon behaves anomalously because of its small size with high electronegativity and high ionisation enthalpy. The valence shell is absent in the d-orbital. In addition, the group 14 element is bigger than that of group 13 elements because of the ionisation energy. So in this context, you have learned about the properties of group 14 elements and two types of hydrides present in group 14. So, before entering into this topic, you must know about some terms like enthalpy, ionisation energy, electronegativity, etc. These terms help you understand your subject quickly.


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