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Homolytic Fission

Homolytic chemistry deals with the fission of homolytic bonds, bond formation, dissociation and bond dissociation energy. This article will provide easy-to-read study material and notes on homolytic chemistry.

Colligation is the process of combining two electrons from distinct atoms to form a covalent link (a nonionic chemical bond generated by shared electrons). Homolysis is the process of a covalent bond’s electrons getting split between two atoms. The discipline of chemistry that deals with this phenomenon is called homolytic chemistry. Cl2 → Cl`+Cl` The equation depicts these reactions schematically. We call chlorine-free radicals or, more commonly, just chlorine radicals to emphasise the fact that chlorine atoms have single unpaired electrons. When a bond fractures equally, each atom receives one of the two electrons, thereby resulting in the formation of free radicals. Homolytic fission is the name given to this process. Free radicals are the result of a homolysis reaction, and all such reactions are considered to have homolytic or free-radical mechanisms.

    Fission of bonds

    When electrons are shared between two atoms in the traditional sense, a covalent connection is established. As a result, a single bond (sigma bond) consists of two electrons. When old bonds are broken and new ones are formed, a chemical reaction occurs. This chemical reaction is called the fission of bonds. The breaking of a covalent bond between two atoms in homolytic bond fission occurs in such a way that each atom takes one of the bonding pairs of electrons. The most common method of bond fission in the vapour phase is homolytic bond fission, which occurs in the presence of heat, light, or organic peroxides.

      What are how atoms forming covalent bonds break?

      Covalent bonds, which entail the sharing of electrons between two atoms, are commonly used to build organic compounds. The atoms that make up a covalent bond can break apart in two ways:
        • Heterolytic fission
        • Homolytic fission

        Homolytic Fission

        When a bond breaks, the two electrons that are needed to create the bond or the bonding pair of electrons, are evenly distributed amongst the bonding atoms. As a result, when a neutral molecule undergoes homolytic fission, two free radicals are produced as products. Homolytic fission is also known as bond homolysis or homolytic cleavage. To assist pyrolysis, this form of bond breakage occurs under specific conditions such as ultraviolet light, high temperatures, or high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. Homolytic bond dissociation energy is the amount of energy necessary for homolytic fission in a molecule.

          Cases in which Homolytic Fission takes place

          Typically, a large amount of energy is required to initiate homolytic fission in a molecule. This is the main reason why this sort of bond fission occurs in only a few circumstances, as listed below:
            • When a molecule is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (the electromagnetic radiation that corresponds to the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum), it undergoes photosynthesis
            • When a molecule is heated to the needed dissociation energy of the bond for homolytic fission
            • When carbon compounds are heated to extremely high temperatures in the absence of oxygen to speed up the pyrolysis of the molecule
            • In a few circumstances, homolytic fission can be produced by giving the molecule a lower quantity of heat. The homolytic breakage of oxygen-oxygen bonds in peroxides is one example of this. These intramolecular bonds are weak, meaning that they have relatively low dissociation energies. As a result, just a modest quantity of heat energy is required to overcome this barrier

            Bond Dissociation Energy

            The amount of energy required to break apart one mole of covalently bound gases into a pair of radicals is known as the homolytic bond dissociation energy. Bond energy is measured in kilojoules per mole of bonds (kJ/Mol) in SI units. It describes how tightly the atoms are bound together.

              Bond Formation/Breakage

              Since bond dissociation energy (or enthalpy) is a state function, it is unaffected by the direction it takes. As a result, the mechanism through which a bond breaks or forms has no bearing on the BDE. The energetics of chemical processes can be assessed using bond dissociation energies. Hess’s Law can be used to predict reaction enthalpies for chemical reactions by combining bond dissociation energy for bonds formed and bonds broken in the reaction.

                The Bond Dissociation Energy calculation

                The difference in the enthalpies of formation of the products and reactants for homolysis is used to compute the BDE for a molecule A-B.
                  BDE = ΔfH(A∙​) + ΔfH(B∙) − ΔfH(A−B)
                    Bond dissociation energy is officially defined by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) as the energy change that happens at 0 K, with the symbol Do. However, it is frequently referred to as BDE, or bond dissociation energy, and it is sometimes used interchangeably, albeit imprecisely, with the bond dissociation enthalpy, which is the enthalpy change at ambient temperature (298K). Although there are technical changes between BDEs at 0 K and 298 K, these differences are minor and do not alter chemical process interpretations.


                      Homolysis, also known as homolytic fission, is the chemical breakup of a molecular link into fragments, each of which preserves one of the originally bound electrons. During the homolytic fission of a neutral molecule with an even number of electrons, two free radicals are created. The two fragment species share two electrons that were involved in the initial bond. A large amount of energy is normally required for the homolytic fission of a molecule. That is why this form of link fission occurs in only a few instances. This homolytic study material will help you to get a better understanding of this subject and the processes involved in it.