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General Introduction & Importance of Biomolecules

In simpler terms, biomolecules are the building blocks of the living organisms that make life possible on earth. There are several biological processes that they together promote, which is necessary to live a quality life. These primarily consist of oxygen and hydrogen; however, their sizes and shapes may vary..

Introduction to Biomolecules

Biomolecules can be defined as one of the most critical organic molecules present in a living cell that are necessary for the overall maintenance of the body and to promote metabolic processes in living organisms. Each biomolecule is manufactured inside the body. There are different types of biomolecules that range from small molecules, including primary and secondary hormones and metabolites, to giant macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and so on. Note that the physical properties of biomolecules such as melting points and water solubility may differ from one another.

Types of Biomolecules

Primarily, the biomolecules are classified into four major categories. These include-


Carbohydrates, also known as Polysaccharides, come under the category of macromolecules. They consist of sugar molecules commonly known as monosaccharides. Living cells are generally rich in carbohydrates; as a result, they are termed to be the final product of several metabolic processes, such as Glucose which is the end product of photosynthesis. The carbohydrates can be disaccharides, monosaccharides, polysaccharides and so on depending on the amount of sugar molecules they consist of.


Proteins, also known as polymers, are generally made from the monomeric units of twenty amino acids. In order to form long polypeptide chains, the amino acids are tightly linked with one another in a pre-defined sequence along with the peptide bonds. Methane is the biggest substitute of amino acids in which the C is connected with the carboxylic group, amino acids group, hydrogen along with R groups.


Lipids fall under the category of macromolecule. They are present in the water-insoluble in the body. It includes fats, oils, wax, phospholipids, steroids, and so on. The simpler acids are fatty acids as they contain carboxylic acids, which can either be unsaturated or saturated.

Nucleic Acids

DNA and RNA are the genetic material present in all humans, living organisms, and nucleic acids viruses. The nucleic acids can be defined as the polymer of nucleotides where every nucleotide has the sugar, nitrogenous base, and terminal phosphate group. Mainly, there are two types of Nitrogenous bases. These include pyrimidines and purines.

The human body comprises billions and trillions of small cells that consist of proteins, carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, and other biomolecules. As a result, most activities performed regularly are possible only because of biomolecules.

What is DNA?

DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is a group of molecules whose major responsibility is to carry and transmit the genetic instructions or the hereditary materials from parents to the offspring. This condition is true for viruses as well. 

Certain viruses consist of RNA as their genetic material, whereas others contain DNA as their genetic material. Apart from taking care of the inheritance of genetic information, DNA plays a vital role in the production of proteins. Mainly, there are three types of DNA. These include-

  • A-DNA -The A-DNA is a right-handed double helix same as the B-DNA form
  • B-DNA – The B-DNA is a right-handed helix and is the most common DNA conformation
  • Z-DNA – Unlike others, the Z-DNA is left-handed DNA

What is RNA?

RNA, also known as ribonucleic acid, is responsible for synthesising proteins in the human body. It is a nucleic acid mainly responsible for producing cells in the human body. RNA is mostly obtained from the DNA molecule present in our body.

Although they seem to be the same, the significant difference between the two is that, unlike DNA, RNA has a single strand and consists of only a single ribose sugar molecule in it. As a result, it is named ribonucleic acid. Primarily, there are three types of RNA in the body. These include-

  • tRNA – Transfer RNA – The transfer RNA, also known as the tRNA, is mainly responsible for choosing the right amino acid or protein required by the body to help ribosomes
  • rRNA-Ribosomal RNA – The ribosomal RNA is located in the cytoplasm of a cell and is the major component of the ribosome as ribosomes are found here
  • mRNA – Messenger RNA – The messenger RNA is another type of RNA that majorly works by transferring genetic materials into ribosomes and passing instructions regarding the proteins required

Importance of Biomolecules

Biomolecules are the most important organic compounds that promote the functioning of living organisms. These molecules promote essential functions, including the source of energy, haemoglobin responsible for carrying oxygen in the body and so on. In simple terms, life would be impossible without biomolecules.


Biomolecules are one of the most crucial topics of chemistry. In this Study material notes on the general introduction & importance of biomolecules, we studied biomolecules in length. We also covered other essential concepts, such as the types of biomolecules and the importance of biomolecules, in detail. In the end, we discussed DNA and RNA in detail. We hope the general introduction & importance of biomolecules study material must have helped attain a greater understanding of this topic.


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Briefly define the biomolecules.

Ans. Biomolecules can be defined as one of the most critical organic molecules present in a living cell that...Read full

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What is the importance of biomolecules?

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