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Functions of Biomolecules

Biomolecules are compounds found in living organisms. These include chemicals composed primarily of Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. Biomolecules are components of life and play important roles in living organisms.

The human body is made up of about 30 trillion cells that collectively perform the essential functions of life. Cells can perform these important tasks with the help of certain organic molecules present in them. These organic molecules are called biomolecules. Biomolecules come in a wide variety of sizes and structures, and they participate in a variety of important functions. They include more than 25 naturally occurring elements,  the main ones being carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Carbon compounds are of primary importance in the formation of biomolecules. They are covalently bonded with other elements to form a number of other compounds. Some biomolecules are considered to be hydrocarbon derivatives, which are formed by replacing hydrogen atoms from functional groups such as alcohols, amines, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic groups.

Biomolecule: Biomolecules are vital to life because they help organisms  grow, maintain themselves, and reproduce. They participate in the construction of organisms ranging from single cells to complex organisms such as humans, by interacting with each other. Their diversity in  shape and structure gives rise to their functional diversity. Biology and its subfields of biochemistry and molecular biology study biological molecules and their reactions. Most biomolecules are organic compounds, and just four elements (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen) make up 96% of the human body’s mass. But many other factors, such as different biometrics, are also present in small amounts. The homogeneity of both specific types of molecules (biomolecules) and specific metabolic pathways is an invariant characteristic of a wide variety of organisms. Therefore, these biomolecules and metabolic pathways, along with cell theory and evolutionary theory, are called “biochemical universality” or “theory of material unification of living organisms”, which is a connection concept in biology.

Structure and Functions  of Biomolecules 


Carbohydrates are an essential component of a balanced diet. They provide you with the energy you need to get things done. It’s a polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone in scientific terms. Carbohydrates are the most widely distributed macromolecules on the planet. 

Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.  The general empirical structure of carbohydrates is (CH2O)n.  They are organic compounds organized in the form of aldehydes or ketones with multiple hydroxyl groups derived from the carbon chain. The component of all carbohydrates is a monosaccharide called a monosaccharide.  The monosaccharide can be a polyhydroxyaldehyde (aldose) or a polyhydroxy ketone (ketose).

Carbohydrates can be structurally represented in one of  three forms: 

Open chain structure.

Hemiacetal structure.

Haas structure.  

  1. Open Chain Structure-A long linear form of carbohydrate. 
  2. Hemiacetal Structure Here, the first carbon of  glucose condenses with the OH group of the fifth carbon to form a ring structure. 
  3. Haas structure-the existence of a pyranose ring structure.

Carbohydrates are  molecules that are widespread in plant and animal tissues. 

 With plant and arthropod carbohydrates from the skeletal structure, they also serve as food depots for plants and animals. They are an important source of energy  required for various metabolic activities, and energy is obtained by oxidation.


 Proteins are linear polymers of amino acid residues. Approximately 22 amino acids  are involved in protein synthesis, depending on its location and function. Proteins are divided into four groups based on their structural tissue. 

Primary structure: Formed by the formation of  peptide bonds between amino acids. 

 Secondary structure: It is a folded structure within a polypeptide that results from the formation of hydrogen bonds between amide hydrogen and the carbonyl oxygen of the peptide backbone. Includes structures such as Alpha helix and Beta pleated. 

Tertiary structure: A three-dimensional conformation  formed by the interactions between the R groups or side chains of the amino acids that make up a protein. Bonds that contribute to the formation of this structure include hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interaction forces. 

Quadratic structure: This structure is formed between two or more polypeptide chains. Each polypeptide chain is called a subunit. The quaternary structure can occur between the same or different polypeptide chains. Bonds involved in the formation of these structures include hydrophobic bonds, electrostatic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and covalent bonds.

Protein has many functions in your body. It helps repair and build body tissues, promotes metabolic reactions, and regulates body function. Protein not only provides a structural framework for your body, but also ensures proper pH and fluid balance.

Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acid is a macromolecule present in cells and viruses and is involved in the storage and transmission of genetic information. This nucleic acid was first discovered in the nucleus of white blood cells by Friedrich Miesher. Subsequent further studies have shown that it is a mixture of basic proteins and phosphorus-containing organic acids. Structurally, nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides (or polynucleotides) and phosphate esters of nucleosides. 

Nucleic acids are the most important signaling molecules in cells and determine the genetic properties of all living organisms by directing the process of protein synthesis. The two major classes of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).


Lipids are organic compounds that are insoluble or slightly soluble in water, but soluble in (and similar in) organic solvents  such as ether, benzene, or chloroform. They are hydrophobic and structurally composed of hydrocarbon chains. They are more chemically  diverse than other biomolecules and  are primarily involved in membrane structure and energy storage.

An important part of the cell membrane. This structure is usually composed of a glycerol backbone, two fatty acid tails (hydrophobic), and a phosphate group (hydrophilic). Another type of lipid is wax. Wax is an ester of long-chain alcohols and  fatty acids.

Lipid functions  include energy storage, signal transduction, and function as structural components of cell membranes. … Lipids also include molecules such as fatty acids and their derivatives (tri, di, monoglyceride, phospholipids, etc.) and  other sterol-containing metabolites such as cholesterol.


Biomolecules are vital for life as it aids organisms to grow, sustain, and reproduce. They are involved in building organisms from single cells to complex living beings like humans, by interacting with each other. The diversity in their shape and structure provides diversity in their functions. 

The study of these biomolecules is known as biochemistry. Biochemistry deals with the study of their structures, functions, interactions, and reactions. The function of some of these biological molecules is still a mystery, and current advanced technology is being used to discover more molecules and understand their role in life-sustaining processes.