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Frequently Asked Questions on Hybridization

Hybridization is a concept in context to chemistry, the mixing of two atomic orbitals to obtain newfound hybridized orbitals. This article will consist of Frequently asked questions on hybridization.

The mixing of two atomic orbitals, namely s, p, and d for a particular atom to obtain a new set of orbitals or the same numbers as initially or originally containing both s, p, and d characters are arranged in better space for the bonding of covalent bonds. Hybridization includes s, p, and d orbitals only. With the help of designation in atomic orbitals, the hybrid orbitals are also designated of isolated atoms. This article will discuss several frequently asked questions on hybridization with their answers to provide you with a clear handful of knowledge and concepts.

Frequently Asked Question on Hybridization

  1. Name the compound which contains both covalent and ionic?

KCN is a compound which has both covalent and ionic properties.

  1. In which angle the number of the maximum 90-degree angles between electrons and bond-pair is discovered?

sp3d2 hybridization leads for octahedral geometry having 3 bonds at 1800 and 12 bonds 12 bonds at 900 which has maximum number of 900 angle

  1. Which process is the ether more volatile than alcohol to have the same molecular formula?

Ether is more volatile than alcohol, holding the aforesaid molecular formula because they have intermolecular hydrogen bonding in alcohols.

  1. Why is BCl3 a planar molecule and NCl3 is a pyramidal?

BCl3 has a planar molecule, and NCl3 has a pyramidal structure because BCl3 has no pair, but on the other hand, NCl3 only has a single lone pair of electrons.

  1. NaCl has the maximum solubility in?

NaCl has the maximum solubility in H2O.

  1. The pairs of molecules which have permanent dipole moments are?

NO2 and CO2 both have permanent dipole moments.

  1. What compounds have the smallest angle of bond in their molecule?

H2S is the smallest bond angle compound in its molecule.

  1. NO shows which property?

NO show the diamagnetic nature in the gaseous state.

  1. In the molecule of water, which hybrid orbitals are present?

The total number of atoms determines the hybrid orbitals, and lone pairs at the centre of the atom will perform as an sp3 hybridization.

  1. How many bonds are formed in valence bond theory?

The bonds are formed between two items, and they can be either covalent or ionic. Covalent bonds can be of two types, namely nonpolar and polar. The polar and nonpolar represents the sharing of electrons between atoms.

  1. Describe the hybridization done in the OH+ formula?

For finding hybridization, there is a formula:

2x = equals the number of electrons that are valence of a central atom + the number of monovalent atoms in contact with (Cl, H, etc.)

IF x = 2, then an overview of sp hybridization will take place

x = 3, then sp2 hybridization will take place

x= three then sp3 hybridization will take place

For example;


2x = 4 – (+1) + 1

2x = 4

x = 2

the OH+ ions don’t exist.

  1. Explain the difference between overlapping and hybridization?


  • Overlapping is defined as the process in which various types of bonds are formed between two or more than two atoms of an orbital.
  • When the overlapping takes place between two or more atoms, it is known as orbital overlap.
  • Bond formation takes place. 
  • When s and p orbitals overlap, they form some bonds, such as a single, double, and triple bond.
  • Explain the structure of Methane. The concept of maximum overlapping orbital fails to explain it.


  • Hybridization is when various atomic orbitals with different energy every minute combine to form a new orbital called a hybrid orbital. 
  • Only redistribution of energy occurs, and there is no Bond formation in hybridization.
  • Hybridization is referred to in terms of one atom.
  • The orbitals from which there arose are the atomic orbitals, considered their type.
  • The explanation of Methane is clearly explained in the process of hybridization.
  1. What type of structure does the PF5 molecule have?

A : PF5 has a trigonal bipyramidal structure.

  1. What shape does the XeF4 molecule have?

A : XeF4 has a square planar shape or structure.

  1. Diborane has an angle of 120 degrees H – B – H, then the hybridization of boron can be?

Boron has the sp3 hybridization in diborane H – B – H, where the bond angle is 120 degrees.

  1. What is the shape of the IF7 molecule likely to be?

The IF7 molecule has a pentagonal bipyramidal structure.

  1. How many numbers are the valence band electrons used to produce sigma bonds in a molecule of acetone?

Acetone comprises three atoms of carbon, only one atom of oxygen, and six atoms of the hydrogen atom. The solvent produced in the result can be mixed or dissolved easily with various substances. 

Valence band electrons of carbon = 4

Valence band electrons of oxygen = 6

Valence band electrons of hydrogen = 1

The formula of the compound is written as C3H6O.

Total electrons = 3.4+6.1+1.6 = 24 electrons.

Where (.) = multiplication

Therefore, the total numbers of valence band electrons are 24.

The number of Sigma molecule bonds this compound has is 9.

Two valence electrons from one sigma electron bond.

Therefore, nine sigma electron bonds will form 18 valence electrons in total.


Hybrid orbitals are generally formed by the intermixing of electrons. The hybrid orbitals have whole different shapes, sizes, and energies. The atomic orbitals of the same energy level generally do not participate in hybridization.

Having equal energy can also have filled or half-filled orbitals that can also occur in operation. The number of atomic orbitals is always the same as the number of hybrid orbitals to form a hybrid. Generally, molecules have a particular type of geometry for their representation. This article has provided you with a set of frequently asked questions on hybridization and aims at solving all your queries related to hybridization.