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Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis

It is considered to be one of the fundamental laws of electrolysis. A basic rule is that the amount of chemical reaction that occurs at any electrode under the influence of electrical energy is proportionate to the amount of electricity that passes through the electrolyte when conducting an electrolysis procedure.

Two quantitative rules used in chemistry to express the magnitudes of electrolytic effects, first described by the English scientist Michael Faraday in 1833 and published in his journal Faraday’s laws of electrolysis in 1834. In accordance with the laws of chemistry, (1) the amount of chemical change produced by the current at an electrode-electrolyte boundary is proportional to the quantity of electricity used, and (2) the amounts of chemical change produced by the same quantity of electricity in different substances are proportional to their equivalent weights Electrolytic reactions include the transfer of an electron, and the equivalent weight of a substance is the formula weight in gram associated with the transfer or loss of an electron. For substances with valences of two or more, the formula weight is divided by the number of valences in the material. The amount of electricity required to create a chemical change in one equivalent weight unit has been labelled as a faraday amount. A coulomb of electricity is equal to 96,485.3321233 coulombs of energy. For example, in the electrolysis of fused magnesium chloride, MgCl2, one faraday of electricity will deposit 24.305/2 g of magnesium at the negative electrode (because magnesium has an atomic weight of 24.305 and a valence of 2, meaning that it can gain two electrons) and liberate 35.453 g of chlorine at the positive electrode (because chlorine has an atomic weight of 35.453).

Faraday’s First Law 

It is stated in the electrolysis Law that the quantity of reaction taking place, measured in terms of the mass of ions generated or released from an electrolyte, is proportional to the amount of electric current carried through it. Electric current (ampere) is defined as the number of coulombs (Q) that pass across a circuit in one second.

The mass of the ions produced or reacted (m) is equal to the electric current Q

m ∝ Q 

 m = ZQ.

In this case, Z is a proportionality constant, also known as the chemical equivalent of the element in question.

For a flow of one Coulomb of charges for one second, m = Z is equal to the flow rate.

In this case, Z is a proportionality constant, also known as the chemical equivalent of the element in question.

For a flow of one Coulomb of charges for one second, m = Z is equal to the flow rate.

The mass of the material involved in the reaction is the same as the proportionality constant in the equation. The electrochemical equivalent mass of the one-coulomb charge is denoted by the symbol Z.

One coulomb of charge is equal to one comparable mass in terms of weight.

Faraday’s Second Law of Electrolysis

When the same amount of electricity is passed through the electrolytic solution, the number of distinct substances liberated is proportional to the chemical equivalent weights of the substances liberated throughout the electrolysis process (Equivalent weight is defined as the ratio of the atomic mass of metal and the number of electrons required for reducing the cation).

We can infer from these electrolysis equations that the quantity of electricity required for oxidation-reduction is dependent on the stoichiometry of the electrode reaction, which is discussed more below.

As an illustration,

N a+ +   e-   → N a

As we can see, one mole of electrons is required for the reduction of one mole of sodium ions, which is a unit of measurement. 

As a result, the charge on one mole of electrons is equal to the following:N

NA X 1.6021 X10-19 C= 6.02 X1023mol-1X 1.6021 X10-19C =96487 C mol-1

Faraday is defined as the quantity of electricity transported per unit mole of electrons and is symbolized by the letter F. Consequently, one Faraday is defined as the charge carried per unit mole of electrons.

It is dependent on the nature of the substance being electrolyzed and the type of electrodes employed to determine what the product of an electrolytic reaction will be. It is important to note that an inert electrode, such as platinum or gold, is one that does not participate in the chemical process and instead serves solely as a source or sinks for electrons during the reaction. In the case of a reactive electrode, on the other hand, the electrode takes part in the reaction itself.

As a result, different compounds are generated from electrolysis depending on whether the electrodes are reactive or inert. In addition, the oxidizing and reducing species present in the electrolytic cell, as well as their standard electrode potential, have an effect on the electrolysis-derived products.


Every electrochemical process, whether spontaneous or induced, involves the transfer of a certain amount of electric charge during the oxidation and reduction of a substance. All of the half-reactions we’ve created for electrode processes take into account the electrons that are responsible for carrying that charge. Faraday’s law of electrolysis states that the amount of material produced at each electrode is directly proportionate to the amount of charge that is passing through the cell during the electrolysis process. Substances having distinct oxidation/reduction changes in terms of electrons/atoms or ions will not be created in the same molar amounts as substances with the same oxidation/reduction changes. However, when those additional ratios are taken into consideration, the law is right in every instance.


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What is the function of an electrochemical cell?

Ans. An electrochemical cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Give some examples of strong electrolytes.

Ans. Sulphuric acid, Bromic acid, Nitric acid are examples of strong electrolytes.

Is a salt bridge used in an electrochemical cell or electrolytic cell?

Ans. A salt bridge is used only in electrochemical cells.

During electrolysis, when will an ion having higher reduction potential be liberated?

Ans. An ion having a higher reduction potential gets liberated at the cathode during electrolysis.