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Entropy as Disorder

An informational guide on entropy as disorder and problems with entropy as disorder.

Entropy is a characteristic of matter and its elements (atoms and molecules) that has numerous definitions and interpretations. The energy loss available to conduct work is referred to as entropy. It is also linked to a closed system’s proclivity toward disarray. The second rule of thermodynamics is studied quantitatively using entropy.

Entropy is commonly defined as the measure of disorder, unpredictability, and uncertainty in a closed atomic or molecular system. It is challenging to anticipate the state of atoms in a system with a high entropy value.

It is a fundamental concept of thermodynamics and has spawned a slew of probability-related mathematical ideas and formulae. Entropy also explains the potential of many chemical reactions and the reasons for their reversible and irreversible character.


Entropy is a measure of a physical system’s thermodynamic disorder. Entropy has the unusual attribute of always increasing or remaining constant in its global value. In the second law of thermodynamics, this trait is expressed. The fact that entropy must constantly rise in natural processes creates the idea of irreversibility and establishes a distinct time flow direction.

Entropy and Disorder

Entropy is a measure of a system’s “order”. Entropy is measured in terms of how much chaos and order there is. It is easy to understand how this link formed. It may appear more ordered if water molecules are contained within a drop of water rather than being dispersed around the room as water vapour.

It is much more ordered if the water molecules in the drop are organised in a hexagonal pattern (ice!). Indeed, ice has less entropy than the same volume of water, and water has less entropy than water vapour. Order and disorder have long been part of human awareness, even before the idea of entropy was even conceived.

Entropy as Disorder

Boltzmann proposed the link between entropy and disorder. The more ways a system may move internally, the more chaotic it was, in Boltzmann’s opinion. A “perfect order” system was one in which all molecules were fixed in a perfect array with no room for mobility. According to statistical thermodynamics, a dynamic system in perfect equilibrium is a system in “perfect chaos”. In the discipline of statistical thermodynamics, his contemporaries accepted and promoted the concept of entropy as a measure of disorder.

Problem with Entropy as Disorder

Employing disorder to define entropy has various drawbacks. The first is that systems with numerous organisational levels exist. On one level, a system may appear to be “orderly”, while on another, it may not. Consider ice cubes in orbit. The system is disorganised at the level of ice cubes, while ice molecules are perfectly organised at the molecular level.

This uncertainty can be addressed in two ways. One option is to limit the term’s use to only one level at a time. We must be cautious about how much weight we give to entropy at higher stages in this process. These “higher entropies” can’t be considered the system’s overall entropy.

Another option is to strip the system down to its bare essentials. The issue with this method is determining whichever level of organisation is the most essential. Molecules and atoms were thought to be the most basic level of structure at the time of Boltzmann and Clausius. Of course, we already know that atoms have an interior structure, as do protons and neutrons. Applying the statistical notion of entropy to any level of an organisation other than the molecular level at which it was designed becomes extremely complicated.

The second issue with the disorder as an entropy definition, even on a molecular level, is that disorder indicates that things aren’t where they should be. This is untrue. Newtonian mechanics continue to regulate movement at the molecular level. If this were not the case, the equations linking molecule mobility to conventional thermodynamic variables like temperature and pressure could not have been obtained in the way they were. They can’t spin or leap at will between collisions. The principles are simple: keep going straight between collisions and follow the equations of energy and momentum conservation throughout the collisions.

Our impression of order in the system should not, and does not, affect entropy. The quantity of heat a system can store at a given temperature is unaffected by our sense of order. Like pressure and temperature, entropy is a thermodynamic feature of the system independent of human perception.

Key Takeaways

  • Entropy is a measurement of a system’s unpredictability or disorder.
  • The entropy value of a system is determined by its mass. It is represented by the letter S and is measured in Joules per Kelvin.
  • The value of entropy can be either positive or negative. The second rule of thermodynamics states that a system’s entropy may only reduce if the entropy of another system rises.


When we apply an approximation statistical approach to a system, we can only compute entropy. However, no physical system adheres to these statistical rules in its entirety. As a result, entropy is used to quantify the seeming “disorder” caused by our limited understanding of the universe.