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Enthalpies of Bond Dissociation

Explanation of concept of Bond dissociation enthalpy of halogens, enthalpy of dissociation, bond dissociation enthalpy of H2 , Cl2 and HCl are 434, 242 and 431 Detailed description given below.


In chemistry, the situation comes up many times when we hear the word ‘Enthalpy.’ What does ‘Enthalpy’ mean? What are its properties? How can we define it? Do different compounds have different enthalpies? What are the types of enthalpies? What is the importance of enthalpy in the industrial sector? Let us discuss all of them.


An enthalpy means energy in the form of heat. When something breaks, or we want to break, we need an enthalpy, which means some energy in the form of heat. It has a straightforward meaning. You just have to remember the five words, “energy in the form of heat.” This enthalpy could be of bond dissociation, which means when a bond breaks or dissociates, the release of energy in the form of heat occurs, this heat is known as enthalpy. 


Besides bond dissociation enthalpy, there could be a bond association or formation enthalpy when bond forms between two ions or molecules, some amount of enthalpy can be needed. 

How to Understand Bond Dissociation Enthalpy Properly?

A diatomic molecule is a molecule of only two atoms. Bond dissociation enthalpy of H2 , Cl2 and HCl are 434, 242 and 431. The bond dissociation enthalpy is the proportion needed to break down one mole of a bond into one of the separated atoms in the gas state. What happens if the molecule has several bonds rather than just merely elements? Consider molecular gas methane (CH4), it comprises four identical C-H bonds. Hence, it looks increasingly likely that its bond enthalpies have to be the same. However, splitting each of the four C-H bonds involves a different amount of energy if you break methane one hydrogen at a time. The environment of those left behind changes every time hydrogen is divided off the carbon. Furthermore, the strength of a bond is determined by what’s around it.


“Bond enthalpy terms” seems to be a word that describes the meaning of bond enthalpies. In reality, tables of bond enthalpies, particularly in organic chemistry, reveal average values in another respect. The bond enthalpy of a C-H bond, for instance, varies depending on what is surrounding the molecule. Consequently, data tables utilise average values, which will be adequate in most situations.


That means that if you use the C-H value in a calculation, you can’t be sure that it fits the molecule exactly. Like an outcome, don’t expect calculations average of the three bond enthalpies to achieve exact findings. Nonetheless, it isn’t something you must be bothered about when considering. Try to use the values which are given.


Mechanism of Bond Dissociation Enthalpy


The bond dissociation energy is essential to break a bond and yield two atomic or molecular fragments, each possessing one electron from the original everyday pair (an endothermic process). As a response, a reasonably solid bond has high binding dissociation energy, demanding more energy to dissolve the connection. A high bond dissociation energy indicates a low-energy and stable bond (and molecule). The number of bonds between atoms determines the bond energies. Even though bonds are weaker than bonds, a double bond, which consists of a and a bond, is more vital than a single bond due to two bonds.


Chemical bonds occur whenever the thermodynamics are suitable, and breaking them requires energy. As a response, bond enthalpy values are always positive. The higher the enthalpy of such a bond, the more energy to break it and the stronger the bond. We simply make the bond’s enthalpy value harmful to predict how much energy will be released when creating a new bond rather than splitting it.


Because bond enthalpy values are helpful, reference tables of average bond enthalpies for common bond types are readily available. While the precise lead to a new building and breaking bonds seems to be reliant on adjacent atoms in a particular molecule, the average values in the tables can still be used as a reasonable estimate.

How to Calculate the Enthalpy of Reaction in an Easy Way

We utilise bond enthalpies to estimate reaction enthalpies once we understand them. 


The first step is to recognise which bonds are about to break when applying or giving heat. Next is to calculate and sum up all the enthalpies which are caused due to each bond breakage, along with up to two decimal points. After that, consider all the enthalpies of bond formation in the product side reaction negative, then calculate the values of enthalpies along with the reaction side and product side. This will give you the approximate enthalpy value of the whole reaction.

For example

The most basic way to calculate enthalpy change uses the enthalpy of the products and the reactants. If you know these quantities, use the following formula to work out the overall change:

∆H = Hproducts − Hreactants

The addition of a sodium ion to a chloride ion to form sodium chloride is an example of a reaction you can calculate this way. Ionic sodium has an enthalpy of −239.7 kJ/mol, and chloride ion has enthalpy −167.4 kJ/mol. Sodium chloride (table salt) has an enthalpy of −411 kJ/mol. Inserting these values gives:

H = −411 kJ/mol – (−239.7 kJ/mol −167.4 kJ/mol)

= −411 kJ/mol – (−407.1 kJ/mol)

= −411 kJ/mol + 407.1 kJ/mol = −3.9 kJ/mol


Bond Dissociation Enthalpy of Halogens


The trend of bond dissociation enthalpy of halogens is Cl-Cl > Br-Br > F-F > I-I.

The reason behind this trend is that the bond dissociation enthalpy decreases as we go down. But there is an exception in the bond dissociation enthalpy. We can see that in the respective group, fluorine is the topmost element, though its bond dissociation enthalpy is lesser than that of chlorine and bromine. It happens that chlorine is more difficult to break in than fluorine due to d-orbital. And the absence of d-orbital in fluorine makes it easier to break. The same concept could be assumed concerning bromine. Still, in the case of iodine, the ionic radius is much greater than all other elements in the respective group, so it has the lowest bond dissociation enthalpy. The amount of individual bond dissociation enthalpy is 243.6 kj/mol, 193.2 kj/mol, 155,4 kj/mol, 151.2 kj/mol, in order of Cl, Br, F, and I.




The enthalpy of binding and the enthalpy of reaction seem to be two terms used to describe how a chemical composed energy during reactions. The bond enthalpy measures bond strength and describes its energy to break or create a bond. It is possible to estimate the total change in potential energy of the system by combining the bond enthalpy values for all of the bonds broken and formed during a reaction, which is deltaH, for a reaction at constant pressure. We can determine whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic, relying on whether the enthalpy of the reaction is positive or negative.