JEE Exam » JEE Study Material » Chemistry » Electropostivity


The capability of an atom to donate electrons and generate positively charged cations is known as electropositivity. We can measure an element's capacity with the help of Electropositivity to donate electrons and to produce positive ions.


We can measure an element’s capacity with the help of Electropositivity to donate electrons and  to produce positive ions. Electronegative elements, on the other hand, are those that can readily take electrons in order to generate negative ions. Electronegative elements include metals and nonmetals. Electropositivity is the polar opposite of electronegativity, which is a measure of atomic metals’ proclivity to accept electrons and create negatively charged anions. As a result, light-emitting elements have extremely low electronegativities, whereas extremely high-energy electrons have extremely low electropositivity. Electronegative materials often lack metals and are prone to losing electrons to create cations, whereas electropositive metals compounds are prone to receiving electrons and forming anions. Ionic salts are formed when the most electropositive components combine with electronegative elements. 

What is the definition of Electropositivity?

The capability of an atom to donate electrons and generate positively charged cations is known as electropositivity. Metallic elements, particularly alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, are known to have this feature. Electropositivity is the reverse of electronegativity, which is a measurement of an atom’s tendency to acquire electrons and create negatively charged anions. As a result, electropositive elements have very low electronegativities, whereas highly electronegative elements have low electropositivity (electronegative elements rarely lose electrons to create cations, while electropositive elements rarely receive electrons to form anions). 

Electronegative elements and electropositive elements frequently create ionic salts. In order to achieve a stable electronic configuration, sodium, for example, is a highly electropositive element that rapidly gives up one electron. In contrast, chlorine is a strongly electronegative element that rapidly receives an electron to create a stable octet. As a result, sodium and chlorine can form an ionic connection and produce sodium chloride (an ionic salt with the chemical formula NaCl).

Periodic Trends in the Electropositivity of the Elements

The metallic character of an element, the distance between the nucleus and the valence shell, the effective nuclear charge acting on the valence electrons, and the ionization energy of the element are all variables that influence its electropositivity.

Periodic trends in an element’s electropositivity are always the polar opposite of periodic trends in an element’s electronegativities. Electropositivity falls over time as electronegativity rises. Electropositivity rises when electronegativity falls along a group, and vice versa. As a result, the elements in the periodic table’s top-right quadrant are the least electropositive, while those in the bottom-left quadrant are the most electropositive.

Because electropositivity is primarily a metallic property, it is influenced by the element’s metallic nature. This is why alkali metals are considered to become the most electropositive elements (with caesium and francium being the most electropositive elements in the entire periodic table). Fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine are the less electropositive elements in the periodic table because they are the most electronegative.

The electronegativity of the elements grows over time, while the electropositivity of the elements declines with time. The electronegativity of the elements drops down the group, while the electropositivity of the processes to maximize. This is why the elements at the top right of the periodic table have the least electropositive properties and the ones at the bottom left have the highest electropositive properties. Electropositivity is a metallic property that is determined by an element’s metallic nature. The one and only reason why all alkali metals are considered the most electropositive elements in the periodic table is because of this.

Because electropositivity is largely a metallic quality, it is impacted by the metallic nature of the element. That’s why alkali metals are the most electropositive elements in the periodic table; for example, caesium and francium are the most electropositive elements in the whole periodic table. Because they are the most electronegative, fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine are the least electropositive elements in the periodic table.

Electropositive Elements 

The elements in a periodic table are generally separated into two categories. The very first group of elements is recognised as metals, whereas the second group is known as non-metals. Electropositive and electronegative are two classifications for metals and non-metals, respectively. Metals and acidic hydrogen are electropositive elements or groupings that give away electrons. Electropositive materials have an electrode potential that is higher than that of a normal hydrogen electrode, which is given an arbitrary value of zero. Li+, Na+, K+, and other univalent alkali metals are examples. Be2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ are examples of divalent alkaline earth metals. Ni

The five most Electropositive Elements

These are the following list of the top five energy selection items:

  • Cesium 
  • Rubidium
  • Potassium 
  • Sodium
  • Lithium


Periodic Trends in the Electropositivity of the Elements is that the metallic character of an element, the distance between the nucleus and the valence shell, the effective nuclear charge acting on the valence electrons, and the ionization energy of the element are all variables that influence its electropositivity. This is why alkali metals are considered to become the most electropositive elements (with caesium and francium being the most electropositive elements in the entire periodic table). Alkali metals are the most electropositive elements in the periodic table; for example, caesium and francium are the most electropositive elements in the whole periodic table. Because they are the most electronegative, fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine are the least electropositive elements in the periodic table.


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