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Electronic Configuration of Elements

The electronic configuration of elements describes how electrons are distributed along with their atomic orbitals. There is copper’s electronic configuration, chlorine’s electronic configuration, and the electronic configuration of chromium.

Electronic configuration describes how electrons are distributed along with their atomic orbitals. The electron configurations of atoms follow a standard notation where all atomic subshells that contain electrons are arranged in a sequence. The electron configuration of sodium is 1s22s22p63s1.

The distribution of electrons into an atom’s orbitals is called its electronic configuration. Every neutral atom has a fixed number of electrons equal to the number of protons; this is called the atomic number. Aside from electrons and protons, an atom contains neutrons, the number of which may or may not be equal to the number of protons. The protons and neutrons in an atom are located in the nucleus and play a minor role in governing any chemical reaction. However, electrons exist outside of an atom’s nucleus, and their precise distribution within an atom plays a critical role in governing the chemical reactions that the atom is involved in. An atom’s electronic configuration defines the precise distribution of electrons in an atom. This distribution aids in understanding the reasons for the chemical reactions in which the atom or its corresponding molecules are involved.

Copper’s Electronic Configuration

To write the electronic configuration of copper, we must first determine the number of electrons in the Cu atom, which is 29 electrons. The ions are simple once we have the Cu configuration. 

We will put these 29 electrons in orbitals around the nucleus of the copper atom while writing 

the configuration. 

Cu, Cu+, and Cu2+ Electron Configuration Notation. 

The first two electrons in the electron configuration for copper will be in the 1s orbital. Since the 1s orbital can only hold two electrons, the next two electrons are placed in the 2s orbital. The following six electrons will enter the 2p orbital. The six electrons in the p orbital can move around in different ways. Six electrons will be placed in the 2p orbital, and two electrons will be placed in the 3s orbital. As the 3s are now complete, we will move to the 3p to place the next six electrons. The remaining two electrons have been placed in the 4s orbital. After the fours orbital is complete, we place the remaining six electrons in the three orbital and finish three times nine. It is worth noting that when writing the electron configuration for an atom such as Cu, the 3d is typically written before the 4s. 

As a result, copper’s expected electron configuration will be


It is simply a matter of how the electronic configuration notation is written that determines which configuration has the correct number of electrons in each orbital (this is why).

As a result, we have 1s22s22p63s23p63d94s2 (still incorrect).

Copper’s Correct Electronic Configuration (Cu)

The half-filled and fully-filled subshells have increased stability. Hence, one of the 4s2 electrons leaps to the 3d9. This provides us with the (correct) configuration of:

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1

We remove one electron from 4s1 for the Cu+ ion, leaving us with:  


We remove a total of two electrons from the Cu2+ ion (one from the 4s1 and one from the 3d10), leaving us with


Electronic Configuration of Chromium

Its electronic configuration determines an atom’s properties.

An element’s electronic configuration is distributed in its atomic orbitals.  The electron configurations of all atoms are a standard notation in which all electron-containing atomic subshells are placed in a sequence according to the number of electrons they hold in superscript.


The electronic configuration of chromium must be written down. We’ll start with the atomic number of chromium.

The chromium atomic number = 24

  • Chromium has an electron configuration that includes a 1s orbital with the first two electrons. 
  • Since 1s can only hold two electrons, the next two electrons for chromium go into the   2s orbital. 
  • The following six electrons will go in the orbit of the second sub-shell. 
  • The p-orbital can hold up to 6 valence electrons.
  • The following two electrons lie in the third shell.  
  • The following six electrons were released. 
  • Now we move from the s orbital to the 4s orbital, with. Then the remaining two electrons.  
  • The remaining electrons move into the 3s orbital.

Electronic configuration is expected. As a result, Chromium’s expected electron configuration will be 1s22s22p63s23p44s23d9

Electronic configuration in action:

The half-filled and fully-filled subshells have increased stability. Hence, one of the 4s2 electrons jumps to the 3d5, filling it halfway.

1s22s22p63s23p6 3d5 4s1


Chromium’s electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p6 3d5 4s1

Electron Configuration of Chlorine

An electronic configuration is a symbolic representation of how atoms’ electrons are organised in different orbits. A standardised notation is used while writing electron configurations, in which the energy level and type of orbital are written first, and then the electrons present in the orbital are written in superscript.


Chlorine, the second lightest halogen, is denoted by the symbol Cl. This chemical element’s atomic number is 17.

Electronic Configuration

The atomic number of chlorine is 17. As a result, its 17 electrons are distributed as follows:

K shell – 2 electrons

L shell – 8 electrons

M shell – 7 electrons

Chlorine’s electron configuration can be written as 1s22s22p63s23p5 or as [Ne]3s23p5


The electron configuration is the standard notation for describing an atom’s electronic structure. We let each electron occupy an orbital that can be solved by a single wave function in the orbital approximation. As a result, we get three quantum numbers (n, l, ml) that are the same as those obtained by solving Schrodinger’s equation for Bohr’s hydrogen atom. Finally, we can say that many of the rules used to describe the electron’s address in the hydrogen atom can also be applied to systems involving multiple electrons. When assigning electrons to orbitals, we must follow three rules: the Aufbau Principle, Hund’s Rule, and the Pauli-Exclusion Principle.

The solution to the Schrödinger equation is the wavefunction. We obtain three quantum numbers by solving the Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom: the principal quantum number (n), the orbital angular momentum quantum number (l), and the magnetic quantum number (m) (ml). The spin magnetic quantum number (ms) is a fourth quantum number that cannot be obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation. These four quantum numbers, when added together, can be used to describe the location of an electron in Bohr’s hydrogen atom. These numbers represent an electron’s “address” in the atom.