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Electrolytic and Galvanic Cells

Know the properties of electrolytic and galvanic cells. The article provides enough study material notes on electrolytic and galvanic cells

Before we proceed towards the basics of electrolytic cells and galvanic cells, let us first understand what electrochemical cells are? The voltaic cells or electrochemical cells are used to convert chemical energy to electrical energy. The reaction is quick, spontaneous, and rapid. It can also work vice versa and convert electrical energy supplied to it to stimulate the chemical reactions occurring in the cell. The cells capable of converting chemical energy to electrical energy are known as Galvanic Cells or Voltaic Cells. However, the cells capable of converting electrical energy to chemical energy are known as Electrolytic Cells. This proves that electrochemical cells have two types: electrolytic cells and galvanic cells. 

What are Galvanic Cells? 

Galvanic Cells are also known by the name Voltaic Cells. In this kind of electrochemical cell, there is spontaneous oxidation and reduction reaction. These reactions convert chemical energy to electrical energy. The production of electrical energy makes these cells extremely useful. This is why these cells are used in a variety of household and commercial products. Without Galvanic Cells, most of the appliances will not work. 

To understand the oxidation and reduction reaction in detail, it is advised to separate the two and then study them in-depth. This will help us better understand both the reactions and chemically balance them for better understanding. 

Working of Galvanic Cells 

The whole mechanism behind the working of the galvanic cells is very much simple and easy to understand. During a redox reaction, the galvanic cell converts the chemical energy to electrical energy by using the energy present between electrons. 

A galvanic cell is made of two metals. One forms the cathode, and the other forms the anode. They need to be in contact with each other. However, galvanic corrosion takes place due to this setup. A basic requirement of a connecting circuit is required to facilitate the corrosion process. 

The galvanic cell uses the separation of electrons during the oxidation and reduction reaction. Thus, they’re treated as half-reactions. A wire is connected between them so that there’s a clear path for the flow of electrons through them. This is termed as current. The current can flow through a wire to help work any electrical device like a watch or a toy. The output can be utilised in these devices.

Setup of a Galvanic Cell

The setup of a galvanic cell is simple but forms an important component of the electrolytic and galvanic cells study material. 

The setup can be made by identifying two electrodes. One is to be used as a positively charged electrode, i.e. the cathode. On the other hand, the other electrode should work as the negatively charged electrode or anode. Reduction takes place at the cathode. In contrast, the oxidation reaction takes place at the anode. For this process, any two metals can be employed to play the part.

What are Electrolytic Cells? 

The electrolytic cells are opposite to that of galvanic cells. In this type of cell, the system is subjected to electrical energy that is used to facilitate the chemical reactions within the system. However, the half-reactions of oxidation and reduction take place here as well.

As opposed to that of the galvanic cells, electron flow in electrolytic cells is reversed. The reaction fails to be spontaneous in any sense. It has a prerequisite of electrical energy for all the other reactions. 

Working of Electrolytic Cells 

As mentioned above, electrolytic cells require the use of electricity. As opposed to galvanic cells, electrolytic cells require the electrodes to be placed in the same container. It makes use of both the cathode and anode. However, the charges are reversed here. The cathode is negatively charged, and the anode is positively charged. 

As a prerequisite of electricity, an external battery is connected to the system. 

The various aspects concerned with the electrolysis or working of an electrolytic cell are as follows:

  • The electrons in the negative terminal move towards the cathode and act as reducing agents.
  • The negative ions move towards the anode. They release electrons and act as oxidising agents.
  • Oxidation takes place at the anode, and reduction occurs at the cathode. Due to this, the charge of the electrodes is reversed. This is why the cathode becomes negatively charged, and the anode becomes positively charged. 
  • Another interesting aspect of working electrolytic cells is the strength of both the oxidising and reducing agents. Their strength determines their fate. The strongest reducing agent will undergo oxidation. Likewise, the strongest oxidising agent will undergo reduction.

Difference Between Electrolytic Cells and Galvanic Cells 

Electrolytic Cells

Galvanic Cells

It converts chemical energy to electrical energy. 

It converts electrical energy to chemical energy. 

Redox reaction is spontaneous. 

Redox reaction is not spontaneous. 

The anode is negatively charged, and the cathode is positively charged. 

The cathode is negatively charged, and the anode is positively charged. 

The electrons are generated by oxidation.

The electrons are given by the connected external battery. 

The electrodes are placed in different containers and connected by a salt bridge. 

The electrodes are placed in the same container. 


This electrolytic and galvanic cells study material has explored all the properties of both the cells. They’re one of the main types of electrochemical cells with many uses in the modern world. From watch to television, we can see the use of galvanic cells everywhere. On the other hand, electrolytic cells are explored in many research activities and find wide applications in laboratories. Due to the discovery of these cells, the perspective towards electrolytic and galvanic cells has completely changed. They are very similar yet different in the way they function. They may use the common anode and cathode for their processes, but the implications differ in electrolytic and galvanic cells.