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Distinction Among True Solutions

The different forms of solutions available are distinguished based on their properties and configuration. But how do we differentiate just by looking at it?

We all have come across solutions in our day-to-day routine. For example, there are three states of matter, and when these states are mixed, it results in a solution. But what exactly is a solution made up of? Or What exactly is a reasonable solution? Although air is considered an example of True Solutions, what is why air is a good solution and milk isn’t classified as one. This article will discuss the compositions, properties of a solution and difference between true solution and colloidal solution . There are various types of solutions, and we will discuss each of them separately and how they differ from one another. 

The distinction among true solutions

What is the True Solution? 

A true solution is a homogeneous mixture that comprises particles mixed in the correct composition and adequately dissolved. The Solution’s particles are almost the same size and can easily pass through a filter paper. A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is uniform across the mixture. An example of a homogeneous mixture is saltwater. Salt is dissolved throughout the saltwater sample. A uniform composition doesn’t mean that it can’t be varied. If you mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 500 ml of water, it will mix well. Suppose if you add another tablespoon, chances are even that will mix well. But what if we add 5 more tablespoons of salt. At this point, the Solution might have already crossed its saturation level and is no longer a homogeneous mixture. The composition can only be mixed up to a certain point before its properties change.

Before we proceed further, it is essential to know the two terminologies – Solvent and Solute. 

Solvent – Solvent is the component that dissolves the other component. For example: In the above example of the homogeneous mixture, water is a solvent as it would dissolve the other particle. 

Solute – Solute is the component that is dissolved in the other component. For example, salt is a solute in saltwater as it would be dissolved in water. 

Preparation of True Solution 

True Solution of Water and Sugar

For formation of ture solution we add some sugar in distilled water and mixed them by using glass rod or spoon after completely dissolving sugar, true solution is formed.

Type of Solutions

The types of solutions are classified into 9 different categories; however, there are mainly 4 types of solutions used – Solid in Liquid, Liquid in Liquid, Gas in Liquid, Gas in Gas.

Colloidal Solutions 

Colloidal Solutions or Colloids are mixtures of two insoluble particles suspended microscopically in one another. In colloids, one particle is split into very minute particles known as colloidal particles and are then mixed with the second substance to form a solution. Colloidal solutions are heterogeneous. A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture where the true Solution’s composition and particle size are not uniform. An example of a heterogeneous mixture is vegetable soup, where the consistency of vegetables to the soup would be different in every spoon. 


Another form of Solution is Suspension. A suspension is defined as a heterogeneous mixture in which the solid particles are spread across the liquid without dissolving in it. The particle size of the true solution is visible with the naked eye. 

Properties of True Solutions vs. Colloidal Solutions vs. Suspension: 

*Tyndall Effect – It is a phenomenon in which a beam of light is scattered when passing through a solution due to it colliding with the particles present. 


Now that we have discussed three forms of solutions, the most important one is the true Solution, which contains items mixed in a fixed proportion and mixes quite well. The other two forms of solutions are colloidal and suspensions which do not mix as well as the true Solution and have products mixed in different proportions. 


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