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Conductance in Electrolytic Solutions

We will be studying electrolytic solutions conductance, electrolyte conductivity, the rules of conductance in electrolytic solutions, and factors affecting electrolytic conductance.

Conductance in electrolytic solutions

Before understanding the concept “conductance of electrolyte” directly, let’s know the basics of the terminology conductance and electrolytic solutions.

The potential for a material to carry electricity is defined as conductance (also known as electrical conductance). The conductance of a substance is a measure of how easily electrical current (or charge flow) may travel through it. Resistance is equal to 1/R, which is the reciprocal of conductance.

To have a better grasp of conductance, consider an object’s resistance. Essentially, resistance represents the difficulty of passing an electrical current. The difference in voltage required to transmit a unit current between two specified locations is the quantitative definition of resistance between two places.

The resistance of an item is equal to the voltage across it divided by the current flowing through it. Ohms are used to measure resistance. A component’s conductance is a measurement of how quickly the current can flow through it. The conductivity unit of measurement is Siemens (S).

Electrolytic solution and electrolyte conductivity

If the electrolyte solution contains electrons that have been lost or acquired, then it is electrically conductive. They are generally referred to as ionic solutions because of this, although there are also circumstances when the electrolytes are not ions. For the sake of this discussion, only ion solutions will be considered. Electrostatics is based on the premise that opposite charges attract and similar charges repel. To resist this electrostatic pull, you’ll need a lot of power.

Conductance in electrolytic solutions

Water-soluble chemicals are divided into two categories: electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Electrolytes are ion-forming substances that are electrovalent. Electrolytes conduct an electric current in the solution as a result of this. Electrolytes are sodium chloride, copper (II) sulfate, and potassium nitrate.

On the other hand, non-electrolytes are covalent compounds in solution that offer neutral molecules. Non-electrolytes are materials that do not conduct electricity. Sugar, alcohol, and glycerol are examples of non-electrolytes. As a result of the passage of electric current through its solution, an electrolyte inevitably experiences chemical deterioration.

Electrolytic solutions conductance

Any conductor’s ability to carry electricity is measured in conductivity or conductance. The reciprocal of resistance is conductance. When a conductor’s electrical resistance is measured, the conductance may be computed as

Conductance = 1/Resistance

Using Ohm’s law, you can measure the resistance of an electrical conductor as follows:

R = E/I

Where R denotes resistance in ohms, I denotes current in amperes, and E represents the potential difference (volts) between the two ends. This law may apply to any solution except for very high voltages or high-frequency alternating current.

The term “specific resistance” was coined to allow researchers to compare the resistances of various compounds. Resistance is proportional to the cross-sectional area of a conductor and inversely proportional to its length so that R = l aA.

R ∝ l/a

Or, R = ρ x (l/a) … …. … (1)

Where (rho) is the constant conducting material’s specific resistance or resistivity. 

The equation may be used to find the unit of specific resistance.

 ρ=(Rxa)/l =(ohm x cm2) / cm = ohm  cm 

The reciprocal of resistance is known as conductance (lambda).

C= 1/R = 1/ohm = ohm-1 

Specific conductance is inversely proportional to a particular resistance (kappa).

Specific resistance = (1/R) x (l/a) by definition.

The following formula may be used to get the unit of specific conductance:

Specific conductance = (1/R) x (l/a) = 1/ohm x cm/cm2 = ohm-1 cm-1

A solution’s specific conductance is proportional to its concentration. Molar conductance (m) is used to compare the conductance of various electrolytic solutions. The molar conductance is calculated as follows:

“Decomposition of 1 mole of an electrolyte into its ions produces 1 mole of conductance in a volume of V mL.”

Specific conductance is calculated by multiplying the volume V in mL, where a mole of the electrolyte is contained by its particular conductance. To put it another way,

Λm = κV

The volume of the solution in mL containing 1 mole of the electrolyte is denoted by V.

The amount of electrolytic conduction is influenced by the following factors

  • Concentration of ions

Electrolytes’ conductivity is solely due to the ions present in them. Due to the fact that there will be more charge carriers present at higher ions concentrations, the conductivity of electrolytes increases with an increase in their concentrations. Therefore, the conductivity of electrolytes will be high when their concentrations of ions are higher.

The molar conductivity of a solution rises as the concentration of the solution decreases. The conductance of a solution containing one mole of solute is measured as molar conductivity. As a result, when the number of molecules remains constant, but the volume grows, the force of attraction between the ions reduces, allowing them to flow freely and increasing conductance.

  • Nature of electrolyte

This type of electrolyte has a considerable impact on electrolytic conduction. The degree to which electrolytes are dissociated impacts the concentration of ions in the solution and, consequently, the conductivity of electrolytes in the solution. With a little degree of separation, substances like CH3COOH will have fewer ions in the solution, and hence their conductivity will be lower; they are known as weak electrolytes. Strong electrolytes, such as KNO3, have a high degree of dissociation, resulting in large ion concentrations in their solutions, making them effective electrolytic conductors.

  • Temperature

The degree to which an electrolyte dissolves in a solution is influenced by temperature. Higher temperatures increase the solubility of electrolytes and, as a result, the concentration of ions, resulting in enhanced electrolytic conduction.

Electrolyte conductivity is extremely important; research on it has served as the foundation for constructing numerous technologies, including batteries and other gadgets.

Electrolytic conductivity rules

The conductivity of an electrolytic solution tends to rise as the distance between two electrodes decreases. Increases in the surface space between the electrodes also tend to boost conductivity. An electrolytic solution’s conductivity increases as the concentration of analytes rises. The conductivity of an electrolytic solution is affected by the type of the electrolyte.


Here we learnt conductance in electrolytic solutions in detail. The potential for a material to carry electricity is defined as conductance. If the electrolyte solution contains electrons that have been lost or acquired, then it is electrically conductive. In this article, we have studied how conductance takes place in electrolytic solutions, the factors of conductance, and their rules.


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