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Concept of Atom, Molecule, Element and Compound

Elements make up everything in our environment. An element is a pure material that cannot be broken down into smaller elements using chemical techniques.

Atoms are the fundamental building pieces of everything you see around you, including the screen you’re currently viewing, your study table, and your books. Such is nature’s incredible strength and the underlying character of these particles. Despite the salient features of Dalton’s Atomic Theory, the discovery of subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, the atom remains the basic particle since it is the smallest unit humans can calculate and model that demonstrates an element’s chemical characteristics. 

Chemistry is fundamentally the study of matter and the transformations that occur during everyday actions such as cooking and more sophisticated processes such as photosynthesis. In essence, chemistry is concerned with the study of changes in our environment. Let us begin by discussing some fundamental concepts about atoms and molecules definition and the substance they produce—elements and compounds.

What is the difference between an Atom definition chemistry , an element, a molecule, and a compound? What is an illustration of each? 


Atoms are the fundamental building units of all visible matter. Because an atom is the smallest unit, it remains the basic particle. An atom is the smallest component unit of an element. It possesses the element’s chemical characteristics and may also participate in chemical reactions. Atoms are minuscule and have a diameter of around an angstrom. Atom’s definition of chemistry refers to anything that is unbreakable. When Dalton presented his atomic theory, the atom was considered to be indivisible, hence the name. However, it was eventually discovered that atoms had been partitioned into smaller components. These are referred to as subatomic particles. 

What are the elements that make up an atom? 

An atom is made up of three particles: neutrons, protons, and electrons, except hydrogen, which has no neutrons. 

  • Every atom contains a nucleus that is surrounded by one or more electrons. 
  • The nucleus usually contains the same amount of protons and neutrons, collectively referred to as nucleons. 
  • Protons have a positive charge, whereas electrons have a negative charge, and neutrons have no charge.

Atomic Components 

An atom is made up of two parts: 

  • A nucleus, made up of particles called protons and neutrons, lies at the core of an atom. 
  • The electrical charge of protons is positive. The atom’s element is defined by the number of protons in its nucleus. 
  • Neutrons are similar to protons in size but do not have a charge. 
  • Electrons are far smaller than protons or neutrons. They are negatively charged. They travel at almost the speed of light and encircle the nucleus at precise distances, determined by their energy.

What is a molecule? 

The smallest unit of a substance that displays the compound’s chemical characteristics is called a molecule. They are composed of atoms arranged in groups. 

As we have already discussed above that atoms are composed of protons, electrons, and neutrons. The existence of positively charged protons in nucleus make the  nucleus also positively charged. The nucleus is the central atomic mass of some elements. Atoms are mostly empty.

The atomic number of each element is unique. The number of protons in an element’s nucleus is known as its atomic number. It is indicated by the letter Z. When we speak about the mass of atoms, we also have to consider the mass of their particles. Electrons have such a mass of zero. As a result, the mass of an atom is equal to the sum of its protons and neutrons. A stands for the mass number. 

A molecule is the smallest component (particle) of a compound, possessing all of the substance’s physical and chemical characteristics. This isn’t to say that molecules can’t be broken down into smaller bits, such as the atoms that make them up or the pieces of the molecule, which are made up of numerous atoms or sections of atoms. Molecules are composed of atoms arranged in groups. 

Molecules Examples 

A molecule is a combination of two or more atoms that make up such a small unit through which a pure substance may be broken while retaining its composition and chemical properties. Here are some instances of molecules. 

  • H2O (hydrogen peroxide) (water) 
  • N2  (nitrogen) 
  • O3 is a kind of oxygen (ozone) 
  • Calcium Oxide (CaO) (calcium oxide) 
  • C6H12O6 is a chemical compound called glucose, a type of sugar 
  • Sodium chloride (NaCl) (table salt)


Each element is composed of a single type of atom that cannot be broken down physically or chemically into a simpler sort of stuff. For instance, the element hydrogen is composed of atoms with a single proton and one electron. 


A compound is a material formed by the chemical union of two or more distinct components. Water (H2O), table salt (NaCl), table sugar (C12H22O11), and chalk are all examples of compounds. Chemically, it may be reduced to a simpler form of matter (elements).

Elements and Compound Molecules 

  • Molecules of elements: An element’s molecules are made up of the same sort of atoms. 
  • Some elements, including argon (ar), helium (he), and others, have only one atom in their molecules. However, this is not the case with the majority of nonmetals. 
  • A molecule of O2, for example, is a diatomic molecule because it contains two oxygen atoms. We generate ozone when three oxygen atoms join together in a molecule instead of the normal two. The atomicity of a molecule refers to the number of atoms that make it up. 
  • Metals and some other component molecules, such as carbon, do not have a basic structure; instead, they are made up of an infinite number of atoms bound together. 
  • Compounds’ molecules: Compound molecules are formed when atoms of different elements combine in certain quantities.

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