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Co-ordinate Bond Examples

There are many types of bonds in chemistry, and a co-ordinate bond or derivative bond is one of the important ones.

All living things are made of atoms. They frequently interact with other atoms and molecules. Atoms, for example, might be linked together by strong connections and arranged into molecules or crystals. Alternatively, they may make weak, temporary connections with other atoms that collide with each other. The chemistry of our bodies, and life itself, requires strong bonds that hold molecules together and weaker ones that establish temporary connections. There are many types of bonds, one of them, a co-ordinate bond, is covered below.

Co-ordinate Bonding

A co-ordinate bond is another name for a dative bond. It is a covalent bond (sharing a pair of electrons) where both electrons come from the same atom. The formation of a covalent bond occurs when two atoms share a couple of electrons. The atoms bind together because both nuclei attract a pair of electrons. In developing a covalent bond, every atom supplies one electron to the bond, but that is not mandatory.

Co-ordinate bond atoms redistribute electrons to satisfy the octet rule. This rule dictates that every atom must lose, acquire, or share electrons to have a full valence of eight electrons in its outer shell, just like any other covalent connection. Since it has only one 1s orbital, its outer valence is complete when it has two electrons.

Properties of Co-ordinate Bond

  • Melting and boiling points of co-ordinate bond compounds are lower than those of ionic compounds.
  • Isomerism can be seen in several of these substances.
  • Sharing of electrons occurs in a specific direction, resulting in a directional connection.
  • It is not as strong as ionic bonding.

The Reaction between Ammonia (NH3) and Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

When these two colourless gases mix, they form the colourless smoke of solid NH4Cl. The reaction is:

NH3 (g) + HCl (g)  →  NH4Cl (s)

Ammonia (g)  + Hydrogen chloride (g) → Ammonium chloride (s) 

The transmission of a hydrogen ion (a proton) from the HCl molecule to the lone pair of electrons on the ammonia (NH3) molecule produces ammonium ions, NH4+.

Since only the hydrogen nucleus is transported from chlorine to nitrogen, the fourth hydrogen is linked via a dative covalent bond when the ammonium ion, NH4+, is produced. The hydrogen electron is left on chlorine to generate a negative chloride ion. It’s impossible to identify the difference between dative and common covalent bonds once the ammonium ion has been produced. Although the electrons are depicted differently in the diagram, there is no difference in reality.

Co-ordinate Bond Examples

  • Example 1

A hydrogen ion transforms from chlorine to one of the lone pairs on the oxygen atom. Ion H3O+ is also known as the hydroxonium ion, hydronium ion, or oxonium ion. The introductory chemistry course talks about the hydroxonium ion when referring to hydrogen ions (for example, in acids). A proton is all that, a raw hydrogen ion, and it’s far too reactive to exist in a test tube.

When the hydrogen ion is written as H+ (aq), the ‘(aq)’ stands for “Aqueous” , the water molecule linked to the hydrogen ion. The hydrogen ion separates from the water molecule when it reacts with something like an alkali. It’s worth noting that after the co-ordinate bond is established, all hydrogens connected to the oxygen are identical.

  • Example 2

Boron Trifluoride is a chemical in which the boron atom is not surrounded by a noble gas structure (a notorious octet violator). There are only three pairs of electrons at the bonding level of boron, when there should be four. The electron deficiency of BF3 is described. A compound comprising a co-ordinating bond can be produced by using the lone pair on the nitrogen of an ammonia molecule to overcome that deficiency.

The reaction between Ammonia and Boron trifluoride is shown below: 

:NH3 + BF3 → H3N :BF3

Ammonia Boron Trifluoride is the product of the above reaction.


The article mentioned above is all about the co-ordinate bond or dative bond. Ionic, covalent, co-ordinate, and metallic bonds are a few strong chemical bonds. Weak bonds, such as hydrogen bond and van der Wal’s bond, also exist.

Co-ordinate bond atoms satisfy their octet rule by redistributing the electrons, therefore, like covalent bonds they try to achieve a full filled configuration by either gaining of electrons, losing of electrons or sharing the electrons. This interaction is found basically between the metal ions and the ligands. Some examples of co-ordinate bonds are Ammonium ions, Hydronium ions etc.


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