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Classification of Hydrides – Ionic, Covalent and Interstitial

The anion for the hydrogen atom is called hydride. The hydrogen element has the potential to react with a variety of elements from the periodic table. The nucleophilic, basic, and reducing properties of hydrogen and hydride chemical compounds can be found in their respective compounds. Aside from a few noble gasses, every element in the periodic table is used to create the hydride compounds, with the exception of a few rare gasses.

Based on the bond formed between the hydride ions and the element, it is possible to explain the properties of the specific hydride compound under consideration. The molecule’s molecular formula is H, and its molecular weight is approximately 1.008 g per mol. It has been discovered that hydrogen atoms do not react with elements belonging to the VA group of the periodic table. The hydride gap is the term used to describe this phenomenon.

Types of Hydrides

Hydrides are classified into three types based on the types of elements that can react with hydrogen atoms and the chemical bonds that are formed: Ionic Hydrides, Covalent Hydrides, and Metallic or interstitial hydrides. Ionic hydrides are the most common type of hydride. We’ll take a quick look at the various types of hydrides in this section. When the chemical bonds between the hydrogen atoms are considered, as well as the types of elements that can react with the hydrogen atom, these hydrides can be divided into three categories. They are classified as follows: ionic hydrides, covalent hydrides, metallic hydrides, and interstitial hydrides.

The following sections provide an explanation of each type of hydride.

Ionic hydrides

Ionic hydrides are the first type of classification and are classified as follows: Ionic hydrides are also known as pseudohalides and saline hydrides, among other names. These electrovalent compounds are formed as a result of the reaction between the alkali metals and S block elements and hydrogen atoms, which results in the formation of the ionic hydrides. These are referred to as the most active elements in the periodic table because of their high levels of activity. They have a tendency to behave differently in the liquid state compared to their solid state counterparts. Ionic hydrides are the first type of classification to be discussed. Ionic hydrides are also known as saline hydrides and pseudohalides, among other names. They are formed when the S block elements (also known as alkaline fiesta metals) and other alkali metals react with hydrogen atoms to form electrovalent compounds, as is the case with the S block elements and other alkali metals. These are the elements in the periodic table that are the most active. Their behavior differs when in a solid state as opposed to a liquid state.

Ionic hydrides are crystalline substances that are non-volatile, non-conducting, and non-conducting in the solid state. In contrast, the ionic hydrides are excellent conductors of electricity when they are in the liquid state. The anode is also responsible for the production of hydrogen gas in electrolysis.


Ionic hydrides include compounds such as sodium hydride (NaH), potassium hydride (KH), calcium hydride (CaH2), and others. This category encompasses all alkali metal hydrides in any form.

Covalent hydrides

Covalent hydrides are formed when one hydrogen atom reacts with one or more nonmetal elements, resulting in the formation of covalent hydrides. The elements in groups 13 to 17 are more likely than not to form covalent bonds with one another. Unlike the formation of ionic hydrides, the formation of covalent hydrides occurs with the electronegative elements, as opposed to the electropositive elements. It is possible for electron pairs to be shared in this location. Covalent hydrides are another type of hydride that can exist. These covalent hydrides are formed when one hydrogen atom reacts with one or more nonmetal elements, resulting in the formation of covalent hydrides. Typically, elements belonging to Groups 13 to 17 can form covalent bonds with one another. In contrast to ionic hydrides, covalent hydrides are formed when electronegative elements react with one another. It is possible for electron pairs to be shared in this location. In accordance with the reaction, the covalent hydrides can be classified as either volatile or nonvolatile compounds.

Covalent hydrides include compounds such as boron hydrides, nitrogen hydrides, silicone hydride (which is saline), and others.

Metallic Hydrides

Metallic or interstitial hydrides are the third type of hydride, and they are the most common. The metallic hydrides have a non stoichiometric composition, which is one of their distinguishing characteristics. Typically, interstitial hydrides are formed by the formation of bonds between transition metal atoms and hydrogen atoms in a solution. These hydrides are extremely hard in nature and have extremely high melting and boiling points. Another type of hydride is found in this category. The interstitial hydrides do not have a stoichiometric composition. It is a distinguishing characteristic of theirs. Typically, these interstitial hydrides are formed as a result of the formation of a bond between a hydrogen atom and one or more transition elements. In addition to being nonstoichiometric, interstitial or metallic hydrides are extremely hard in their natural state. They have high boiling points as well as high melting points, respectively. All of the elements in the d block and the f block are transition elements. They have the ability to conduct electricity, but they differ from ionic hydrides in several ways.

Various types of metallic hydrides, including magnesium hydride, aluminum hydride, and cadmium hydride, were considered to be examples of this type of metallic hydride.

Binary Hydrides

In addition to all of these different types of hydrides, binary hydrides are a unique type of hydride that falls into a separate category. Binary hydrides include compounds such as barium hydride, aluminum hydride, cesium hydride, calcium hydride, lithium hydrides, and other elements. Binary hydrides are compounds that contain an element that can form a bond with a hydrogen atom. Following the formation of chemical bonds, the hydrogen atom takes on the role of an electronegative species. There are very few free hydride anions in these binary hydrides, making them extremely rare.

Uses of Hydrides

Several chemistry applications can be found for the various types of hydrides that exist. Some of these applications are listed in the following section.

  • Lithium aluminum hydride is a powerful reducing agent that can be used in organic chemistry to speed up chemical reactions.

Ammonia is used in a variety of different industries.

  • When it comes to chemical processes, phosphine is an essential ingredient in the process of fumigating a building.

Various applications for metal hydrides can be found. They can be used for a variety of purposes including storing hydrogen and heat, as well as serving as compressors.

In the textile industry, hydrides are used as drying agents to speed up the drying process.

  • Hydrides are also widely used as reducing agents in a variety of applications.
  • Hydrides are essential in the development of storage battery technologies such as the nickel-metal hydride battery. Multiple metal hydrides have been investigated for use as hydrogen storage for fuel cell-powered electric vehicles and other components of a hydrogen economy, including lithium-ion batteries.


The anion of a hydrogen atom is known as hydride. When hydrogen comes into contact with another element of the periodic table, it reacts. The chemical compounds of hydrogen and hydride exhibit nucleophilic, reducing, and basic properties, among other characteristics. With the exception of a few noble gasses, hydride compounds can be formed with all of the elements in the periodic table. Hydrides are classified into three types based on the types of elements that can react with hydrogen atoms and the chemical bonds that are formed: Ionic Hydrides, Covalent Hydrides, and Metallic or interstitial hydrides.Hydrides are essential in the development of storage battery technologies such as the nickel-metal hydride battery. Multiple metal hydrides have been investigated for use as hydrogen storage for fuel cell-powered electric vehicles and other components of a hydrogen economy, including lithium-ion batteries.


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