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Chemical Reactions

Chemical reaction is the process of transformation of chemical elements that are present in our environment by a series of breaking down of bonds present between atoms into a new chemical substance or elements. All the reactions with examples are detailly discussed below in this topic.

Chemical reaction is the process of forming a new chemical substance by reacting with other elements called reactants, or it can be said that it is a process of combining elements to form a new substance. Chemical reactions possess two elements, one is called “reactants” that react with each other and undergo chemical changes and the other one is the “product” that is produced as a result of that reaction. One chemical reaction example is the NaCl production that is produced by the reaction of Na and Cl with each other.
  • Fusion of two compounds to produce a new element by reacting with each other.
  • Chemical reactions generally change the chemical property of an element.
  • During chemical reactions some physical changes are also being observed such as change in colour, formation of precipitation, heat and fire production.
  • Bonds present between the atoms break down during chemical reactions to form a totally new compound that could be reversible or irreversible.
  • The reaction rates always depend on the nature of elements, the strength of the bond and some other external factors including temperature, pressure and light.
Chemical reactions change the internal property of a substance by bond break down and the changes are two types:
  •   Physical changes
  •   Chemical changes

Explanation of different changes:

Chemical Changes Physical changes
After chemical reaction when a new substance formed with different chemical character, the changes are called as Chemical Changes When no such production of an element occurred, the change is called Physical Changes.
Example: After burning a paper, carbon is produced that cannot be reversed back to its previous state. Example: melting of ice resulted into water where the physical character is changed but the chemical characters remain same.
Chemical Formulae: In order to present the accurate reactions with the atomic and chemical changes it is important to put a reaction formula with the reaction details. Chemical reactions formulas also known as chemical equations include chemical structure of every reactant with an arrow of the direction of the reaction. The external factors that affect the reaction are also noted on the equation. The reactants are placed on the left side of the arrow and the product placed on the right side of the arrow.
X + Y → P + Q In the above reaction the X and the Y are the reactant components and the P and Q are the product of the reaction. Types of chemical reactions: There are different types of reactions present that form products with different chemical or physical characters. Also, the type of reaction depends on the reactants nature and the factors that are needed for the reaction.
Combustion Reaction: The reactions that produce fire and increase the temperature and produce a large amount of heat and redox chemicals by the reactions between any oxidizing agent and fuel is called a combustion reaction.
Oxygen acts as the main oxidizing agent in major cases of combustion reactions. There are two type of combustion reactions-
  • Complete combustion when the fuel burns completely
  • Incomplete combustion when fuel burns partially due to limited presence of oxidizing agent.
Glucose inside our body oxidized in the presence of oxygen into carbon dioxide and water with energy.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2+ 6H2O + energy
Chemical Decomposition Reaction: Decomposition is the process of breakdown of one component into two or more components due to the effect of some external factors such as light or heat. In this process one single reactant breaks down into some two or more simple products.
Chemical decomposition reactions are three types-
  •       Thermal decomposition that reacts due to the effect of thermal energy.
  •       Electrolytic decomposition that occurs by the effect of electrical energy
  •       Photo decomposition that occurs due to the absorption of photons.
Due to the effect of heat or thermal energy calcium carbonate is decomposed into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. It is a type of thermal decomposition.
CaCO3→CaO + CO2
Neutralization reaction: Neutralization reaction is the process of reaction between an acidic and a basic compound that forms salt and water as byproducts. The H+ and OH- ions combine together and form water (H2O). It is basically a “acid-base neutralization” reaction.
Formation of sodium chloride by the reaction between acid HCl and a base NaOH.
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
Redox Reaction: it is basically a reduction – oxidation reaction that transfers electrons between reactants.
Example: Mg is oxidized and produces magnesium oxide whereas MgO is reduced with Oxygen.
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
Synthesis reaction: Synthesis reaction is the exothermic process of reaction between two different atoms or substance that produce a totally different product molecule. Example: sodium and chlorine react with each other to form a common salt called Sodium chloride.
2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl


Our external and internal environments all contain many chemical components that continuously combine with each other by reactions and forming new substances. Even when individuals are consuming foods, they are reacting with each other within our body and break down in simple form or substances and produce energy that helps in our movement and metabolism. This is also one of the chemical reactions. All the types of reactions are discussed with chemical reactions and appropriate examples.

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