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Antifertility Drugs

Everything about antifertility drugs, including the meaning, benefits of anti-fertility drugs, uses of antifertility drugs, and antifertility drugs examples.

The improvement of anti-toxins has enormously added to the long and solid lives people appreciate today. It has additionally expanded the hope of life. The increase in the population has caused many issues regarding food assets, business, natural problems, etc. To keep away from these issues, populace development should be controlled. These issues have prompted the development of the idea of family arranging. Family arranging helps make the ideal choice regarding the circumstance to have a youngster and keep a legitimate age distinction between two kids. It gives the techniques to stay away from pregnancy, helps control the population, and reduces the hazards related to untimely births. Conception prevention pills were developed as one of the parts of family arranging.

What are antifertility drugs?

Anti-fertility medications are compound substances that restrain the activity of chemicals that advance pregnancy. These medications diminish the odds of pregnancy and go about as security. Antifertility medications are composed of subordinates of engineered progesterone or a blend of subsidiaries of estrogen and progesterone.

Antifertility medications are engineered chemicals. When progesterone pills are taken, the bodily fluid in the cervix gets thickened. This makes it highly challenging for sperm to enter the uterus and prepare the egg, and subsequently, chances of pregnancy are decreased. Progesterone is a chemical that smothers ovulation in ladies. The engineered progesterone subsidiaries are more strong when contrasted with normal progesterone. Norethindrone illustrates synthetic progesterone, possibly the most ordinarily utilized anti-fertility drug. Ethynylestradiol is a blend of subsidiaries of estrogen and progesterone.

Benefits of antifertility Drugs

These medications, by and large, don’t have many secondary effects. Weight gain is the main issue known to be accounted for. These medications are beneficial whenever taken in the legitimate portion. Coming up next are its critical advantages:

  • Antifertility drugs don’t cause any interference with sexual activities. Also, the danger of getting pregnant is reduced.
  • Antifertility drugs might even reduce menstrual bleeding.
  • One can take these drugs immediately after childbirth. Uterine cancer is reduced when these medicines are taken as a long-term dosage.
  • These drugs also tend to guard against many pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • Progesterone is an anti-inflammatory and helps in regulating the system

Uses of anti- fertility drugs

  • Anti-ovulation activity

    Polygonum hydropiper Linn is a species that comes under the family Polygonaceae. It is essential as it produces active ingredients such as formic acid, acetic acid, beldianic acid, tannin, essential oil, and oxy methyl -anthraquinones. It is, hence, valued for its roots and leaves. It’s used in cases involving diarrhea, skin problems, hemorrhoids, and dyspepsia. The ingredients mentioned above have various effects in humans, like antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifertility effects.

  • Anti-implantation activity

    Calotropis Gigantea Linn belongs to the family Asclepiadaceae. The part of the plant used as the anti fertile treatment is the leaves, and it works on the activity of glycosides and cardenolides. It’s used for colic, flatulence, asthma, cough, and whooping cough cases. This plant has the property to heal wounds. It is also effective in cancer and hypoglycemia and helps in anti-fertility properties. Calotropis Gigantea has the property of anti-fertility confirmed in rats.

  • Antispermatogenic activity

    Plumbago zeylanica is a species that comes under the family Plumbaginaceae. The parts that are considered anti-fertility components include roots and leaves. The chemicals released are plumbagin, isoshinanolone, trans-cinnamic acid, vanillic acid, beta-sitosterol, 4 -hydroxybenzaldehyde, and plumbagin acid help in the treatment of issues like piles, leukoderma, and other skin diseases. It appears to foster diverse biological activities, including anti helicobacter pylori, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and anti-fertility. Piper nigrum Linn is a species that comes under Piperaceae, where the parts used are fruits. The active principles are thujone, piperidine, piperolin A, piperolin B, terpene, volatile oil, starch, piperine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, carotene, and piperidine. Diseases like arthritis, inflammation, asthma, dyspepsia, flatulence, nervous debility, liver affections, urine retention, amenorrhea, sexual weakness, enteritis, intermittent fever, toothache, piles, leucoderma, leprosy, neuralgia, constipation, abdominal pain, paralysis, general liability, fever, and baldness are treated by these plant derivatives. Azadirachta indica belongs to the family Meliaceae, and those parts suspected of having anti-fertility properties are the seeds and leaves. The active principles are Margosic acid, azadirachtin, polysaccharides, Nimbin, Nimbidinate, Nimbidol, oil, and Nimbin. The treatment of skin disease can be done with these plant extracts. They also serve as antioxidants, have antiviral properties, and are spermicidal, effective in hyperglycemia. Striga Lutea comes under the family Orobanchaceae. All the parts of the plants show antifertility activity. Acacetin, luteolin, and flavones are active chemicals. It’s used as an anti-implantation agent, with its principal biological activity being its Antifertility activity. Barleria Prionitis belongs to the family Acanthaceae. Parts of the plant used included the roots, leaves, and stems. Active principles are iridoid glycosides, Barlerin, and verbascoside. People use it to address body aches, toothaches, and bleeding gums. They show biological activity like hepatoprotective, anti-fertility, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulant, and antidiabetic. Tinospora Cordifolia comes under the family Menispermaceae, and the plant stem was alleged to be the active part. There are certain active chemicals like berberine, Gilion, Gilosterol, Columbine, Chasanthin, Palmarin, Tinosporin, alkaloid, Tinospora acid, and Tinospora. It’s used to treat tuberculosis, fever, and wounds. They can work as anti-fertility, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, immunomodulant, and cardioprotective.

  • Abortifacient activity

    Spondias mombin belongs to the family Anacardiaceae where its leaves are the suspected anti-fertility part of the plant. Active principles are flavonoids, quercetin, ellagic acid, and rutin. It’s used to treat insomnia, epilepsy, and psychosis and is endowed with biological activity, including antioxidants and antibacterial agents. Additionally, estrogenic activity wasn’t exhibited by the extract. However, the study indicated that aqueous ethanol extract of the plant has significant anti contraceptive activity.


Antifertility drugs reduce the chances of getting pregnant and act as a safety net. Conception prevention pills were created as part of the family planning process. Weight gain is the most common side effect associated with these medications. Polygonum Hydropiper Linn is a Polygonaceae plant. It’s used for diarrhea, skin issues, hemorrhoids, and dyspepsia.

Calotropis Gigantea Linn has been found to have anti-fertility properties in rats. Arthritis, inflammation, asthma, dyspepsia, flatulence, liver affections, amenorrhea, sexual weakness, enteritis, intermittent fever, toothache, piles, leucoderma, leprosy, neuralgia, constipation, abdominal pain, paralysis, general weakness, fever, and baldness are treated with derivatives of this plant. Spondias mombin is a member of the Anacardiaceae family of plants. Anti-fertility, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, immunomodulant, and cardioprotective biological activity is claimed. Flavonoids, quercetin, ellagic acid, and rutin are the active principles.