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Alloy Formation of D Block Elements

This article contains study material notes on alloy formation of d block elements.d block elements are used to make alloys with other metals.

The d-block occupies the larger middle section flanked by s-block and p-block.

Lattice structures of transition elements are formed by the repetition of unit cells.

The lattice structure of transition elements or metals has closed-packed and highly symmetrical structures such as body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic, and hexagonal close packing. The properties of the lattice structure of transition elements depend on geometry size, shape, structure, and spatial structure of unit cells. Physical properties of d block elements contain, alloy formation, high melting point, density, atomic and ionic radii, and typical metallic properties. The electronic configuration of d-block elements is represented by (n-1) (d0-10) n(s1-2). d- block elements can find stability in half-filled orbital or completely filled full orbital.

Transition metals form alloys due to similar ion sizes. Metals can be replaced with each other in the room grid, such as brass, bronze, steel, etc.

Transition elements or d block elements

The d block, also called transition metals, is found between the s block and p block elements. The last electron of these elements enters the penultimate d subshell and hence has the named block elements. They are called transition elements because they show a transition from highly reactive ionic metals in the s block to non-covalent metals in the p block.

Characteristic  of transition elements or d block elements 

The general characteristic of d-block elements are:

  • The transition elements have very high densities as compared to the metal of groups I and II(s-block).
  • D block elements form compounds that are generally paramagnetic.
  • D block elements are used to make alloys with other metals.
  • D blocks elements have a large size that’s why they form interstitial compounds with elements such as hydrogen, boron, carbon, nitrogen, etc.
  • Most of the transition metals such as Mn, Ni, Co, Cr, V, etc., and their compounds have been used as catalysts. 
  • Transition elements have a high melting point because they have high ionization enthalpy.
  • Except for mercury which is liquid at room temperature, other transition elements have a typical metallic structure.
  • We all know except for some transition metals, all the transition metals have typical metallic properties such as luster surface, hardness, malleability, ductility, etc. Metallic bonds are formed because of the interaction which occurs between electrons that are present in the outermost shell.

What is an alloy?

An alloy is a metal that is formed when two or more metallic elements are combined.

Alloys are a homogeneous mixture of two or more transition elements. We cannot separate alloy into its components by simply using physical means. Because of the method of formation of alloy, they contain atoms of different sizes because different elements have different sizes. Atoms that are used combine and interact with one another to give alloys as their classification. An alloy can be classified into substitutional or interstitial, according to its atomic arrangement. An interstitial alloy is formed when one atom which is smaller in size from one element fills the holes of the metal lattice. The atoms from each element always occupy different sites in metals.

Uses of alloys formed by transition metals 

Alloy is used to providing greater strength and it is also used to protect metals from resistance and corrosion. Alloys made up of transition metals are important because they are used in a wide variety of applications, such as steel alloys, used in everything from buildings to automobiles to surgical tools, exotic titanium alloys used in the aerospace industry, and beryllium-copper alloys for non-sparking tools.

Examples of alloys formed by d block elements 

Some examples of alloys are given below

  • Alloy formed by mixing tin and copper is known as bronze.
  • Alloy formed by mixing copper and zinc is known as brass.
  • Alloy formed by mixing gold and copper is known as red gold.
  • Alloy formed by mixing silver and gold is known as white gold.
  • Sterling silver is formed by silver and copper.
  • Steel and steel silicon, made up of iron with non-metallic carbon and silicon.

Some of the examples of alloys that are formed by transition metals are solder, amalgams, duralumin, pewter, etc.

Alloy formation properties of d block elements 

Alloy retains all the properties of transition elements in its resulting material, such as ductility, electrical conductivity, opacity, and have a more desirable luster and colour and alloy also have magnetic properties, but they also have some properties which are different from that of Pure transition metals like increased strength and hardness. Alloy is generally malleable, which means it can be easily hammered into a thin sheet. Alloy is generally less brittle, soft, and chemically reactive to practical use.


Alloys are generally produced by melting the mixture of ingredients. Most alloys are named on their primary or base metal which is used in the formation of alloy, with an indication of other elements in order of mass percent. Nowadays overall  90% of metals are used in the formation of alloys. We use alloys because the chemical and physical properties of alloys are superior for an application than that of the pure element. nowadays we use alloys instead of metals because they retain the main properties of component metals and they are less expensive than component metals


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