JEE Exam » Free Mock tests for JEE Mains

Free Mock tests for JEE Mains

IIT-JEE Main Mock Test is a collection of sample papers designed to boost the preparation level of candidates for the IIT-JEE Mains Exam. Read the full article for Free mock tests for IIT-JEE Main.

IIT-JEE Main mock test will help you improve your IIT-JEE Main preparation. Expert faculties meticulously design the IIT-JEE preliminary mock test to help you understand complex topics and concepts more efficiently and effectively.

The Mock Test Papers include an answer key and questions based on previous years’ question papers. The main goal of these practice exams is to familiarise you with the actual exam format. You can easily map out your strong and weak areas and work accordingly as you practice these IIT-JEE Main Practice sets. This will also help you understand the IIT-JEE Main exam pattern, marking scheme, and type.

Also check: JEE Mains Mock Test

Benefits of IIT-JEE Main Mock Tests

  • Mock exams are replicas of the structure and content of the real exam. Without actually sitting for the test, you would’ve been taking it!
  • It will offer you a preview of what the exam will look like and acclimate you to the situation so you don’t find yourself chewing your nails or trying to calm your raw nerves when the time comes.
  • They will provide a clear assessment of your preparation status and crucial insight into your weak and robust chapters/topics. As a consequence, you are allowed to evaluate yourself and are given a clear understanding of your areas of improvement.
  • They will help you manage your time strategically and effectively, so you don’t waste necessary test time.
  • Last but not least, mock tests are usually made to be more complex than the real thing so that you may practice for the worst-case situation.

Free IIT-JEE Main Mock Tests 2023

The IIT-JEE Main mock test series is designed to assist students in improving their IIT-JEE Main score. This score will be a stepping stone to the next exam level, IIT-JEE Advanced. 

By taking free mock tests, you can learn about the different types of questions, the marking scheme, the syllabus coverage, and so on. We provide mock tests and chapter-by-chapter 3D videos in easy-to-understand language to help you ace the IIT-JEE Main exam.

Watch our video to get tips on how to solve IIT-JEE Main Mock Tests

IIT-JEE Main Mock Test Instructions

  1. Tap on the problem number in the Question Palette to the right of the screen to move straight to a numbered question.
  2. It is essential to know that choosing this option will not store the response to the current query.
  3. To answer the following question in the IIT-JEE Main mock exam, choose Save & Next after answering the current question.
  4. To preserve the current question’s response, mark it for review, and go on to the next question, choose Mark for Review & Next.

Get the best IIT-JEE Main Mock Test Prepared by experts & IITians from here

How to Mark Answers in IIT-JEE Main Mock Test 2023?

In the IIT-JEE Main 2023 mock test, the procedure for answering a multiple-choice question is as follows:

  1. Click on the button of one of the options to select an answer in the IIT-JEE Main mock test 2023.
  2. To deselect the selected answer, click on the option’s button again or on the “Clear” button.
  3. Click on the button of another option to change the selected answer.
  4. Candidates must click the “Save & Next” button to save their answers.
  5. Click the “Mark for Review & Next” button to mark the question for review.
  6. To change the answer to a previously answered question, first select that question for answering and then follow the instructions.

Benefits of Solving IIT-JEE Main Mock Test

  • Familiarize yourself with online-bases-mock test-solving IIT-JEE main mock tests will help students become familiar with online, computer-based tests, which will aid them in taking the exam-on-exam day.
  • Understand the Difficulty Level of IIT-JEE Main- By completing mock test papers, students will understand the IIT-JEE Main difficulty level and prepare for the exam accordingly.
  • Learn from Mistakes- Students can evaluate and analyze their exam performance, identify errors, and prepare accordingly.
  • Time Management- It is critical to manage your time effectively during the exam. Students will learn to complete exams on time by completing mock tests in a timed manner.
  • Improved Preparation- Taking mock tests and studying previous year’s papers will help students gain confidence in their exam preparation and score higher.
  • Creating an effective and appropriate exam strategy
  • Learning new methods for answering difficult questions
  • Better and more efficient time management
  • Increased precision
  • Increased speed in answering questions


Mock tests are unmissable practice packs for getting into the top IITs on your first try, with its tailored IIT-JEE Main mock test series can help you achieve the best scores. 

Preparing mock test papers for the IIT-JEE main is an excellent way to ensure that your preparation is thorough and results-driven. The more you practice, the better your understanding of concepts will be!


Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is an IIT-JEE mock test?

Answer: IIT-JEE Main Sample Test 2023 is a set of practice exams to help applicants prepare for the IIT-JEE Mains Ex...Read full

What are some free best series for IIT JEE Mock Test?

Answer: The best test series are:-  Moc...Read full

Can I pass IIT-JEE without taking a mock exam?

Answer: It is entirely possible to pass the IIT-JEE without coaching. However, you must remain laser-focused during ...Read full

Is the IIT-JEE Main mock test available in Online mode?

Answer: The IIT-JEE Main mock exam is accessible online on the website. Candidates may practice online or download a...Read full

How difficult is IIT-JEE Mains 2023?

Answer: No matter how difficult the questions are, you should be mentally prepared. IIT-JEE 2023 can be difficult or...Read full