JEE Exam » Difference Between » Venturimeter and Orifice Meter

Venturimeter and Orifice Meter

What do we understand by a venturimeter? What is an orifice meter? What is the difference between a venturimeter and an orifice meter?

The world of science is fascinating. There are diverse concepts included and studied and various methods, instruments and techniques used for studying these concepts. Here we will be focusing on 2 such significant instruments known as venturimeter and orifice meter.


A sort of flowmeter which works according to the principle of Bernoulli’s Equation can be called a venturimeter. It is a commonly used device in water, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas industries. The device has the objective of measuring the flow rate of fluid inside a pipe. From the historical point of view, Giovanni Batista Venturi was the individual who first showed the principle of venturimeter, thus implying how the name venturimeter was given to the instrument. Further, it can be noted that Clemens Herschel was the one who first used it in practical metering applications.

Look at the given figure below so as to understand more about the venturimeter in detail.


Figure 1

The above figure helps to learn more about the venturimeter and its working.

Orifice Meter

An orifice Meter can be explained as a device that has a hole inside it and it is used for taking note of the speed with which a fluid is flowing through taking record of the pressure decrease across the hole. The size of the orifice along with the diameter of the pipe can be called two of the most significant factors which can impact the reading of an orifice meter.

As shown in the figure below, one can learn more about the working of the orifice meter.

Figure 2

The above figure can help in learning in detail about an orifice meter.

Difference between a Venturimeter and Orifice Meter

Venturimeter as well as orifice meter, both are commonly used devices in the world of science making the lives of people easier by measuring what they are developed to measure. Both these devices differ from one another in terms of their definition, work role and other ways as well. The venturimeter can be understood as an instrument that serves the purpose of measuring flow rate and involves diverging as well as converging sections with the throat. On the other hand, an orifice meter can be called the instrument to measure the rate of flow of liquid by means of the restriction to the flow called an orifice plate. The primary difference between a venturimeter and an orifice meter can be that the venturimeter is inflexible with the change in flow rate whereas, in the orifice meter, the orifice plate can conveniently change as per the different flow rates. Thus, is one significant difference between the two instruments.

Apart from the above-mentioned core difference, some other differences can be such that the venturimeter is appropriate for measuring higher flow rates whereas an orifice meter is unsuitable for measuring higher flow rates. In a venturimeter, the losses are highly less, therefore, the coefficient of discharge is more whereas in an orifice meter the losses are a lot and therefore the coefficient of discharge cannot be much. The venturimeter can have more price of installation and replacement as compared to an orifice meter. The venturi meter can also need more space in comparison to an orifice meter. Thus, these are certain common points of difference that can be observed in a venturi meter and an orifice meter.


As we have come to a conclusion of this section, it can be said that the concepts regarding venturimeter, an orifice meter and the difference between the two have become much clearer. As understood, one basic point of difference between the two can be that the venturimeter is inflexible with the alteration in the rate of flow however, in the orifice meter, the orifice plate can conveniently change as per the different flow rates. This can be called a primary difference between an orifice meter and a venturimeter. Apart from this difference, the difference in terms of space required, cost and use were also studied.


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