JEE Exam » Difference Between » Heat and Temperature

Heat and Temperature

Heat is a type of energy that is transferred from a heated to a cold body and temperature means the degree of hotness and coolness of the body. Let’s discuss them in detail:

The terms “heat” and “temperature” are not interchangeable. Isn’t it mind-blowing? Heat is a kind of energy, whereas temperature refers to how hot or cold something is. It will boil if you add water to a stove and set the burner to the right temperature.  The heat energy produced by the burner to warm the water is referred to as heat. Heat is defined as a kind of energy that flows from a hot to a cooler location. A temperature is a unit of measurement for hotness or coldness that may be stated in a variety of ways, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. The direction in which heat energy flows spontaneously, that is, from a hotter (higher) body to a colder (lower) body is defined by temperature (one at a lower temperature). Heat is the total energy of a substance’s molecular movements, whereas temperature is the measure of the average energy of those motions.

Heat and Temperature: Difference

  • Definition

The movement of kinetic energy from one media or item to another, or from an energy source to a medium or object, is referred to as heat. Radiation, conduction, and convection are three methods for transferring energy.

Temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold something is; more precisely, it is a measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an item, which is a sort of energy-related to motion.

  •   Units of Measurement

Heat is the one which has joule, and calorie as units of measurement. Whereas, the temperature is the one that has Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit as units of measurement.

  • Values

the value of heat is positive. On the other hand value of temperature is both positive as well as negative.

  • Property

Heat has a link with a substance’s temperature, mass, and volume. The amount of thermal energy per unit mass necessary to raise the temperature of a system of particles by one degree Celsius is known as specific heat.

Temperature is a property of matter, specifically a physical attribute. Boiling, melting, and freezing points are examples of temperature points of changing states. Temperature is directly related to the average kinetic energy of particles in terms of matter.

  • Device

Heat uses a calorimeter ad the device to measure the amount of heat. A calorimeter is a device that measures the amount of heat that is produced by a chemical reaction or a physical change. Calorimetry is the term for the method of measuring heat.

Temperature uses a thermometer as the device to measure the amount of temperature. A thermometer is a device that is used to know the temperature of the body. Electronic heat sensors are used in digital thermometers to achieve this duty. There are a few advantages to using a digital thermometer instead of a mercury thermometer. These thermometers are safer because they are mercury-free.

  • Ability

Heat has a working ability as heat is used in many places for different purposes. The heat serves many purposes like cooking food, boiling water, smoking, baking, cooling, etc. heat is represented by “Q”.

Temperature does not have any working ability and is denoted by “T”.

  •   SI unit

The SI unit of heat is “joule”. On the other hand, the SI unit of temperature is “kelvin”.


We discussed the distinction between heat and temperature. Both of these principles are extremely important in science. The total number of particles in the body is represented by heat energy. The temperature, on the other hand, is just a measure of the average energy of the material’s particles. When you think of heat and temperature, the first thing that comes to mind is probably how hot something is. Take, for example, the heat from a stove burner. As a result, it’s simple to get these two terms mixed up. But now you’re aware of the situation.


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