GATE Exam » GATE MCQs » Operating System MCQs

Operating System MCQs

This article will discuss important points about operating systems and will as mention multiple choice questions on operating systems. The article will further explain the answers to each question in brief. Further questions related to various sections under the operating system are covered throughout the article.

What is an operating system?

The operating system seems to be a piece of software that serves as a channel to computer hardware and the user. To execute different applications, each system needs to have software which is usually called the operating system.  Web browsers like Chrome, MS Office, ms excel and computer games, and various other types of applications always have operating systems as one of their prerequisites for running them properly, and these applications require a certain environment in order to operate properly as well as fulfill their functions.

The operating system enables its users to transfer information with a computer without learning its languages. The user cannot use any electronic device without first installing an operating system as all the important tasks won’t run.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Q1. What is the most used computer operating system?

  1. Linux
  2. Windows
  3. Chrome os
  4. Android

Answer: b) Windows as windows seems to be the only operating system on which most applications are built and are built for. Windows has been one of the most used operating systems as it has evolved completely from its earlier versions that were released decades ago.

Q2. What was the first operating system?

  1. Linux
  2. Windows
  3. GM NAA I/O
  4. Android

Answer: c) GM NAA I/O as windows seem to be the first operating system which was built around the mid-’50s of 20th century for IBM 704. IT was built by a general motors research division. These were made for IBM computers for batch processing which means starting one process once the previous process is finished.

Q3. When was the first operating system built?

  1. 1956
  2. 1950
  3. 1952
  4. 1960

Answer: a) 1956 as the first operation was developed in the year 1956 for IBM 704 as these were used for basic input-output functions. These were widely used around these times for carrying out basic functions like making use of basic input-output functions by the process of batch processing.

Q4. What is the first windows version?

  1. Windows NT
  2. Windows 3.0
  3. Windows 1.01
  4. Windows XP

Answer: c) Windows 1.01. The first Windows version was built around the year 1985, and it marked a historical development in the field of software programming as it was one of the most advanced operating systems that were ever made.

Q5. What does an operating system do?

  1. An interface that regulates hardware and software programs
  2. A hardware device
  3. A program that operates the hardware devices
  4. All of the above

Answer. a) an interface that regulates hardware and software changes. The operating system seems to be a software program that links all the hardware and software devices to produce an interface that will help in managing all the devices in a proper manner.

Q6. What type of extension name do notepads use?

  1. .png
  2. .txt
  3. .jpeg
  4. .xip

Answer. b) .txt. Every program that produces output like a photo or a text can be saved using different extension types. The notepad uses the .txt format, which means “text”. These are widely used formats for recording texts on an operating system.

Q7. What is the full form of BIOS?

  1. Between input-output system
  2. Binary input-output system
  3. Basic input/output system
  4. All of the above

Answer. c) Basic input/output system. The bios seem to be referred to as basic input and output system as it is used to start startup procedures that are important for an operating system to run properly.

Q8. What does FAT mean?

  1. File format attribute
  2. Font allocation tree
  3. File allocation table
  4. Font attribute table

Answer. c) File allocation table. The file allocation table, which is full of FAT, is a file system that seems to be maintained on the hard drive that has clusters of all the files located on it.

Q9. Who needs a BIOS to function properly?

  1. A mobile device
  2. An operating system
  3. Hardware devices
  4. All of the above

Answer. b) an operating system. The operating system has a requirement of BIOS that handles all the basic input and output as the bios helps in starting important hardware processes before the operating system boots up properly.BIOS are intrinsic to the functioning of the complete OS as they help in maintaining a proper link between the hardware and software.

Q10. What does restarting an operating system do?

  1. Restarts all the processes
  2. Shuts down the operating system completely
  3. Terminates all running programs completely
  4. All of the above

Answer. a) restarts all the processes. When the restart button is hit on an operating system, the operating system receives a command to restart all the processes completely by restarting the whole operating system. When the computer is restarted, all the processes running within the system are terminated effectively so that the operating system can reboot.

Q11. What operations mentioned are done by an operating system?

  1. Maintaining recycle bin
  2. Transfer files
  3. Opens a program
  4. All of the above

Answer. d) all of the above. The operating system can do all the above-mentioned activities like maintaining a recycle bin, transferring files from one pc to another as well as opening different programs.

Q12. Where are the errors and bugs recorded?

  1. notepad
  2. New program
  3. Running process
  4. Logfile

Answer. d) lof file. The operating system will always record the generated bugs or errors on a log file when an operating system finds any kinds of errors. The log file acts as a record for all the errors caused consciously or unconsciously by the user or the operating system. These log files can later be used to fix unknown bugs and errors by the developers.

Q13. Which one of the following isn’t considered a real-time operating system?

  1. PSOS
  2. linuxRT
  3. VRTX
  4. Windows

Answer. d) Windows. The window operating system isn’t considered a real-time operating system as it can remain unresponsive completely from durations which isn’t a property that real-time operating systems have. All other three Operating systems mentioned can operate in real time without pausing and are hence used in major technical scenarios that need constant computing power on a daily basis.

Q14. What are the properties of processes in an operating system?

  1. Global variables, personal address
  2. Shutdown
  3. Restarting services
  4. All of the above

Answer. a) global variables and personal address. The processes in an operating system seem to have their own global variables and address spacing making them independent processing units that can perform different tasks at once.

Q15. What are file extensions?

  1. Log files
  2. Output types for file formats
  3. Software programs
  4. All of the above

Answer. b) Output types for file formats. The file extensions act as output formats for various types of file formats, the file types have different suffix attached to them that represent the extension type.

Q16. What is a batch operating system?

  1. Multiple individual tasks
  2. Similar types of tasks are grouped together
  3. Tasks operating at different systems
  4. All of the above

Answer. b) Similar types of tasks grouped together. The batch operating system was the first type of OS system invented around the 1950s that helped in grouping similar types of tasks under one process and automated the whole group together.

Q17. What is a time sharing operating system?

  1. Makes use of log files to do basic task
  2. One shell seems to be shared
  3. Allows users to use one system with two different terminals
  4. All of the above

Answer. c) Allows users to use one system with two different terminals. The time sharing operating system helps in the usage of one system with the help of multiple shells used by multiple users. The CPU processing time is used by multiple users at once.

Q18. What of the following isn’t directly related to the operating system?

  1. BIOS
  2. Software programs
  3. Hardware devices
  4. All of the above

Answer. c) hardware devices. The hardware devices are independent components that aren’t inherently related to an operating system and have their own individual functions without the presence of an operating system, even though they require an os for proper functioning.

Q19. What makes an operating system whole?

  1. Log files
  2. Input devices
  3. Output devices
  4. All of the above

Answer. d) All of the above. An operating system is a mixture of all input devices and output devices along with various log files and services that are important for the proper functioning of the operating system.

Q20. What is FIFO scheduling?

  1. First input-output scheduling
  2. First in first out scheduling
  3. Free input free output
  4. All of the above

Answer. b) First in first out scheduling. First in first out scheduling seems to be a type of algorithm used to group processes in queues and order them in a way that the first process that comes in is the first one that gets processed and is outputted immediately for the other process to run.