GATE Exam » GATE MCQs » Artificial Intelligence MCQs

Artificial Intelligence MCQs

Artificial Intelligence, popularly known as AI is emerging as one of the most demanding fields of computer science. It demonstrates the artificial intelligence of machines instead of the natural intelligence of animals, including human beings. In this guide, we have enlisted the artificial intelligence MCQ questions.

Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the booming fields in computer science and is majorly contributing to the global revolution by developing intelligent machines. AI is currently all around the world from playing chess to self-driving cars and robotics, one can witness the contribution of Artificial Intelligence is almost every field. Artificial Intelligence is made up of two terms ‘artificial’ and ‘intelligence’. Here the term ‘artificial’ means “man-made” and the term ‘intelligence’ means “power to think” thus, the term Artificial Intelligence can be referred to as a ‘man-made thinking machine”. The main goal of Artificial intelligence is to develop a machine that is capable of thinking like humans and making decisions based on different factors. 

MCQs on Artificial Intelligence

For better preparation for the GATE exam, the candidates need to solve maximum MCQs for artificial Intelligence. Here mentioned MCQs will help you gauge the pattern of artificial intelligence MCQ questions for your competitive exam.

1 Who is known as the inventor of Artificial Intelligence?

  1. a) Charles Babbage
  2. b) John McCarthy
  3. c) Alan Turing
  4. d) Andrew Ng

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option b, John McCarthy. He was a pioneer in artificial intelligence researcher who spend years teaching computers to grasp the concepts that are intuitive to human beings. 

Q. 2 What is meant by Artificial Intelligence?

  1. a) Artificial intelligence is defined as a field aiming to make humans more intelligent.
  2. b) Artificial intelligence is defined as a field aiming to improve security. 
  3. c) Artificial intelligence is defined as a field aiming to mine the data. 
  4. d) Artificial intelligence is defined as a field aiming to develop intelligent machines. 

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d, artificial intelligence is defined as a field aiming to develop intelligent machines. It is basically the development of intelligent systems that can work and reach similar to human beings.

Q 3 Which is considered the branch of Artificial Intelligence?

  1. a) Cyber Forensics
  2. b) Machine Learning
  3. c) Network Design
  4. d) Full-stack Developer

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option b, machine learning. It is the most important sub-area of Artificial Intelligence in which ML models are built or trained to do certain tasks.

Q. 4 Blind Search is used for which of the mentioned situations?

  1. a) Advanced Game Theory
  2. b) Real-life Simulation
  3. c) Small Search Space
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c, Small Search Space. Now that Blind Search does not contain domain information, it is best used for small Search Space.

Q. 5 In case a machine is capable of changing its course of action based on the external environment without any external help then the machine is called ____.

  1. a) Intelligent 
  2. b) Mobile
  3. c) Both A and B
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option a, Intelligent. When a machine is capable of changing its course of action without any external help the same is said to be an intelligent machine.

Q. 6 What is the main aim of Artificial Intelligence?

  1. a) To solve real-world issues
  2. b) To explain different sorts of intelligence
  3. c) To solve artificial problems
  4. d) To obtain information about scientific causes

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option b. the main aim of artificial intelligence is considered to explain different sorts of intelligence around the world.

Q. 7 Artificial Intelligence is classified into ____ category processes.

  1. a) 2
  2. b) 5
  3. c) 3
  4. d) 4

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c. Sensing, reasoning, and acting are three category processes into which Artificial Intelligence is classified.

Q. 8 ____ is the common language for AI.

  1. a) Lisp
  2. b) Python
  3. c) PHP
  4. d) Java

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option b. While it is possible to do programming in any of the above-mentioned languages, Python has emerged as the go-to language for AI.

Q. 9 Which of the following are the proposition symbols in Artificial Intelligence? 

  1. a) true, false, and null
  2. b) true
  3. c) false
  4. d) true and false

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. True and false are the two proposition symbols in Artificial Intelligence.

Q. 10 ____ is not an application of AI.

  1. a) Database Management System
  2. b) Digital Assistants
  3. c) Natural language processing 
  4. d) Computer Vision

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option a. Except for Database Management System, all other mentioned options are applications of AI.

Q. 11 ____ is the informed search method.

  1. a) Memory Bound Heuristic Search
  2. b) A * Search
  3. c) Best First Search 
  4. d) All of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. All the above-mentioned options are the informed search methods that are used in Artificial Intelligence.

Q. 12 ____ is considered a type of artificial intelligence agent.

  1. a) Simple Reflex AI Agent
  2. b) Learning AI agent 
  3. c) Goal-Based AI Agent
  4. d) All of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. There are a total of 5 AI agents and these are Goal-Based AI Agent, Learning AI agent, Simple Reflex AI Agent, Utility-based Agent, and Model-based Reflex AI Agent.

Q. 13 ____ is a component of AI.

  1. a) Training
  2. b) Designing
  3. c) Learning 
  4. d) Puzzling

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c. Learning is a process of gaining knowledge and enhancing awareness and thus, is an important component of AI.

Q 14 On which approach the face recognition system is based?

  1. a) Weak AI Approach
  2. b) Cognitive AI Approach
  3. c) Strong AI Approach
  4. d) Applied AI Approach

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. the main aim of the Applied AI Approach is to produce commercially viable ‘smart’ systems.

Q. 15 The recognition system in AI is of how many types?

  1. a) 3
  2. b) 1
  3. c) 5
  4. d) 4

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option a. the three types of recognition systems in AI are Content-based Image Retrieval, Biometric Identification, and Handwriting Recognition.

Q. 16 Procedural Domain Knowledge in a rule-based system is classified in the form of ____.

  1. a) Control Rules
  2. b) Production Rules
  3. c) Meta Rules
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option b. Procedural Domain Knowledge in a rule-based system is classified in the form of Production Rules.

Q . 17 ____ was originally called ‘the Imitation game’.

  1. a) The Turning Test
  2. b) LISP
  3. c) The Halting Problem
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option a. The Turning Test was originally called ‘the Imitation game’.

Q. 18 AI agent can interact with its environment by using ____.

  1. a) only perceivers
  2. b) only sensors
  3. c) sensors and perceivers
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c. An AI agent can interact with its environment by using both sensors and perceivers. Sensors help it sense the surroundings and perceivers help it to act on them.

Q. 19 There are ____ types of observing environments?

  1. a) 4
  2. b) 3
  3. c) 2
  4. d) 0

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option is c. there are two types of observing environments and these are Fully and Partial environments.

Q. 20 ____ are the compositions for Artificial Intelligence Agents.

  1. a) Only Program
  2. b) Only Architecture
  3. c) Both Program and Architecture
  4. d) None of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c. Both Program and Architecture are the compositions for Artificial Intelligence Agents.

Q. 21 ____ is an example of an Artificial Intelligence Agent.

  1. a) Human
  2. b) Autonomous spacecraft
  3. c) Robot 
  4. d) All of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. All the above-mentioned options are examples of Artificial Intelligence Agent. According to a report, humans can also be considered AI agents.

Q. 22 ___ is considered the expansion of Artificial intelligence application.s

  1. a) Planning and Scheduling
  2. b) Diagnosis
  3. c) Game Playing 
  4. d) All of the above

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option d. All the above-mentioned options considered the expansion of Artificial intelligence applications. In today’s world, all sectors require intelligence and automation for better working.

Q. 23 ____ environment is considered strategic. 

  1. a) Partial 
  2. b) Stochastic
  3. c) Deterministic
  4. d) Rational

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option c. A deterministic environment is considered strategic because in this environment the output is determined based on a specific state.

Q. 24 Which of the following is the function of an AI Agent?

  1. a) To map the percept sequence to an action
  2. b) To map the goal sequence to an action
  3. c) To work without direct interference from any external factor like humans
  4. d) To map the environment sequence to an action

Answer with explanation: The correct answer is option a. The function of an AI agent is to map the percept sequence to an action.