Now, you can get comprehensive CSE IT study material online to ace your exam preparation. Enroll now!


Now, you can get comprehensive CSE IT study material online to ace your exam preparation. Enroll now!

GATE CSE paper is expected to be held in the February 1st or 2nd week. The paper will be held in the single or more than one shift. The slots will depend on the number of the applicants. In GATE CSE IT question paper consist of the 65 questions. The paper will be of 100 marks. 10 questions will be from the GA section while 55 from Engineering Maths and core one. According to the previous year’s trend, the operating system, data structure and programming, computer organization, architecture, are the highest weightage in the GATE CSE exam. Those who have opted for the CSE as first paper for GATE 2023 can choose MA, EC, GE, ST as their second paper.The main scope of the GATE CSE branch is that the candidates can get the best educational opportunities, including the study in foreign colleges and universities. The candidates who achieve the GATE CSE IT exam will be welcomed in the IITs, NITs and also to various international universities. Through the GATE CSE and IT the candidates will get a chance to do junior research fellowship in CSIR labs, Those who qualifies for the exam will be eligible for the JRF. They can use the GATE score to the fellowship program. 

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