DNA Repair

DNA structure and the advancement in the study of genetic code, genetic mutation. Mechanism associated with DNA damage, mutagenesis and DNA repair. Successful preservation of genetic code in DNA.

DNA repair can be considered as a typical mechanism that helps in maintaining integrity of a cell with the consideration of the specific genetic codes. It helps in providing surety for the specific species survival through the accentuation of parental DNA that considerably helps in inheritance of the offspring. Not only in terms of inheritance, it helps in the preservation of health along with the maintenance of genetic abilities. However, there are certain unwelcomed events that impose a significant threat to the health of a DNA, among which mutation in genetic code is applicable in developing life threatening diseases such as cancer and other diseases which are genetic in nature. 

Concept of DNA repair

In the context of a successful DNA replication there is a concise requirement of two purine bases, these are adenine (A) as well as guanine (G). This pair helps with the replication of the DNA health with the concentration on their pyrimidine counterparts, which are the significant aspects of thymine (T) as well as cytosine (C) present in every DNA. As a matter of fact, different types associated with the cell and DNA damage replicates correlatively synchronous factors.  Although, it is applicable in preventing accurate base pairing, throughout the aspects with the help of spontaneous mutations, chemical modification and replication errors. It has been seen that there is the occurrence of Spontaneous mutations when there is an obligation of DNA bases in terms of reacting with the environment. As a matter of fact, it is influenced by water hydrolysis on a base of structure changing cells along with the cause of pairing with indifferent bases which happens to be incorrect. 

Replication process of DNA repair

Replication inaccuracies are cut down when the machinery of DNA replication “proofreads” its individual synthesis, however, occasionally incompatible base pairs clear out proofreading. In this process, different chemical agents amend bases along with interfering with specific replication of DNA. In this context, Nitrosamines, that are well present in specific products like beer as well as pickled foods, are capable of causing DNA alkylation that reflects the additional abundance of alkyl groups in the DNA structure. Different oxidizing agents along with the ionizing radiation in the DNA mismatch aspects creates the premonition of free radicals throughout the cell with the influence of oxidized bases most conveniently guanine. 

For the wider aspect of DNA damage, there is a coherent influence of Ultraviolet (UV) rays as it imposes critical outcomes in the development of DNA damaging free radicals along with the fusion of adjacent pyrimidines in terms of producing pyrimidine dimers that intercept DNA replication. As a matter of fact, ionizing radiation as well as certain drugs, with chemotherapeutic substances like bleomycin, can influence block replication, through the creation of double-strand breakage in the structure of DNA. Not only that, agents like these contain the ability of developing single-strand breaks, however, this type of DNA damage is facile for the DNA repairing process for the cells.  

Different types of DNA repair

It has been observed in the study that three different types of DNA repair mechanisms can be identified in the cell biology study. These are direct reversal for damage, post replication repair and excision repair. As a matter of fact, direct reversal repair can be considered as the single type of DNA repair that has specific nature for the cell damage. It can be defined with an example, through a single process termed as photoreactivation in which pyrimidine bases amalgamate by the components of UV light gets segregated by photolyase of DNA, which is a form of light-driven enzyme. In the process of direct reversal associated with alkylation events, there is a factual implication of DNA structure that imposes methyltransferase or the detection of DNA glycosylase gets reduced through the help of alkyl group. 

As a type of DNA repair, Excision repair has specific and nonspecific mechanisms that incorporate huge implications on perception of DNA damage. In the base excision repair, glycosylases of DNA are explicitly associated and removed from the incompatible base. On the other hand, through the process of nucleotide excision repair, machinery associated with DNA repair concedes a wide muster of disfigurement throughout the double helix originated by mismatched bases. As a matter of fact, through the formation of this repairing process, the undivided distorted array is excised. In this context, the post replication repair transpires downdrift of the abrasion, as in this case, DNA replication is obstructed at the veritable plot of damage.


From the above discussion, it can be formulated that the hereditary replication of DNA is a significant process that undermines specific mechanisms associated with the DNA and cell structure. As a matter of fact, the specific gap present at the mutilate site is permeated across recombination repair. In this aspect, it employs the chronology through the undamaged sister chromosome in terms of repairing the destructed. It has been observed from the study that the error-prone repairing process tends to accentuate inaccurate results and the actual subject experiences mutation.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is called DNA repair?

Answer : The main concentration of DNA repair is to maintain the genetic code integrity present in the DNA.  ...Read full

What are the actual methods of DNA repair?

Answer : Mainly there are five methods that promote DNA repair, which are base excision repair, homologous recombina...Read full

What is the process of DNA mutation repair?

Answer : There are two main processes of DNA mutation repair. These are, direct reversal and Excision repair. ...Read full