Striking Features of Parliament

This article will highlight the Striking Features of Parliament in India along with its significance and functions

Parliament is a name for the legislative branch of some countries’ governments. It is a meeting that has representatives from the various political parties in a country who vote on new laws. The word comes from an old English word meaning “to talk”. The idea behind Parliament is to have one place where all parties can come together and find compromises. The first discussion in Parliament was about how much should be taxed and what type of taxes should be collected. This initial discussion led to more talks about the issues discussed and eventually led to agreements about the matters debated. 

What is Parliament?

Parliament is a place for the government of a country to come together and make decisions about how the country should be run.

The word “Parliament” comes from the Latin word “Parlamentum”. This was originally a meeting where Roman Senators would talk about important issues. The type of democracy that works best in Parliament is one that has representatives from many parties who have different ideas and opinions. This sort of situation promotes debate and dialogue between the parties with different opinions. 

Significance of Parliament in India:

Parliament is an important part of any democratic country. Here in India, it is the supreme legislative body and the government comes to it for advice on key issues. It has representatives from all the parties of a country and they are allowed to talk about all the issues facing the country. Parliament works with other legislative bodies in other countries on issues that have a central effect on India’s society.

Features of Parliament:

1) It is a place where representatives from the various parties come together and discuss the issues.

2) It is a place where they can debate new laws that will affect their country.

3) This type of democracy works best when there is competition between political parties and different ideas.

4) It is a place where compromises are made, so that every party gets something they want and no party gets what they don’t.

5) Parliament also gives advice on ways to run the country better for the citizens.  

6) During meetings, people talk about tax laws in Parliament. This helps decide how much money the country should get.

Functions of Parliament:

1) It is a place where people discuss the issues in the country.

2) It is the ultimate legislative body of the country.

3) The most important function that Parliament in India performs is to keep the government accountable to the people. The party in power must be accountable for their actions and decisions, as well as the amount of money spent on various projects. This is ensured through constant monitoring by the opposition parties in Parliament. Sometimes the government will become corrupt and Parliament will try to stop it from acting out of line. 

4) A fourth function that Parliament in India performs is policy-making. Governments need to make laws that are equal for everyone, such as tax laws or business laws, to ensure fairness and transparency. This helps with equality among citizens because all people have to follow the same rules no matter who they are.

5) Parliament performs a function of debating proposed laws to ensure that they benefit the people of India, as well as look out for any problems that might arise when they are implemented.

6)  It helps to maintain law and order in the country by approving new laws and helping people understand them.

7) The last function performed by the Parliament in India is the role of oversight, which means it makes sure that there is no corruption or embezzlement of public funds.

How it works: The majority party will pick a leader who will be the prime minister, who will then appoint other ministers to head various departments and run them on a daily basis.

8) It is a place where compromises between government and opposition parties are made.

9) It advises on ways to run the country smoothly.


Parliament is one of the most important entities in a democratic country. It is the place where you begin to understand how a democratic government works, as well as get to know the core values of a country. The parliamentary system of government is based on several factors that make it so effective, such as open and competitive elections and having representatives from different parties instead of just one. India follows a democratic setup and that’s the reason why it is called a parliamentary democracy. The Parliament of India is located in New Delhi, the capital city. In this country, India, the Parliament exercises the supreme legislative power. This apex law making organ has two houses – Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha – that are equally important and potent in their own way. 


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What is the purpose of an MP?

Ans.  The main purpose of an MP is to represent the common people. To achieve...Read full

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Ans. Lok Sabha means House of People. It’s called so because it represen...Read full

Is it mandatory for a person to study in order to become an MP?

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What is the Significance of Parliament in India?

Ans: Parliament is an important part of any democratic country. It helps to make sure that the government does not r...Read full