Sessions of Parliament

This article will highlight the Sessions of Parliament in India along with its significance and features

This article will highlight the concept of Sessions of Parliament along with significance and features. The session is the most important part in our democracy and it is where we are governed by Parliament. It is held twice a year in the spring and summer, which can last weeks or months, depending on how many times they must vote on bills. 

What is Parliament?

Parliament, in India, is a bicameral legislature. It is the highest political institution in India, which provides checks and balances over all other institutions. It consists of the ‘Lok Sabha’ (House of the People), and ‘Rajya Sabha’ (Council of States).

The Constitution of India provides for an independent judiciary, The higher judicial institution is represented by the Supreme Court and high courts. The Lower judiciary is represented by district courts, sub-district courts and other local judicial institutions. High courts also exist at the state level to provide justice in a particular geographical area.

Importance of Parliament:

The Parliament is responsible for making laws for the country and also provides a platform for discussing various issues in an organized manner. It is an honour to represent our nation in the Parliament. It is a great privilege to be a part of this institution.

What are Sessions of Parliament?

Sessions of Parliament are periods when the Members of Parliament (MPs) in India gather in New Delhi to discuss new laws and bills. 

Importance of Sessions of Parliament:

They give members a chance to ask questions about policy and law making. They also provide MPs with an opportunity to speak publicly. Sessions are crucial for the progress of India as they discuss issues that concern the nation in general and their constituencies in particular.

Features of Sessions of Parliament:

1) Debates in a systematic way to discuss important policies and issues.

2) Debate about finance bills, annual budget and other important bills.

3) Leaders asking questions to ministers and experts on issues related to them.

4) Unopposed passage of bills that require immediate implementation.

5) Consultation with leaders from different political parties also takes place during sessions.

6) Lawmakers from different states get a chance to ask questions regarding demands raised by them (Upper House, Rajya Sabha). This makes for healthy discussion among local MPs about their demands.

Types of Sessions:

1) Budget session: January/February to May: The significance of Budget Session is that it presents the government’s financial statement to the parliament. Furthermore, it discusses the budget proposals and reviews the expenditure. The main objective of the Budget Session is to pass the Appropriation Bill, the Finance Bill and the demand for grants.

2) Winter session: November to December.: This Session is usually called to discuss urgent national issues, State’s demands and other urgent matters. The main objective of the Winter Session is to discuss the financial matters and give ordinary bills.

3) Monsoon session: July to August/September: This session is held after the monsoon session. It is a time when the government presents its plan of action in the coming year.

4) Session starting after the election: This session begins after the election and they elect a new PM, who convenes a meeting of the council of ministers. 

6) Special Sessions: They are called for passing important bills like the GST bill etc.


Sessions of Parliament are very important for the progress of India. They are held in a systematic manner, which makes it easier for each MP to discuss and make decisions. They give every citizen an opportunity to ask questions about policy and law making. Sessions provide leaders with an opportunity to speak publicly on issues that concern their constituencies. Sessions have also a public part in it, where they seek public opinion, which is reflected in policies implemented by the government. With these sessions, the parliament votes on policies that affect all residents of India.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CLAT Examination Preparation.

Why are Sessions held?

Ans. Sessions are held to discuss the bills and laws which help in deciding po...Read full

What happens in any session?

Ans. First, the government presents a detailed budget of all its planned expen...Read full

Are sessions mandatory?

Ans. Yes, sessions are necessary for smooth working of the parliamentary syste...Read full

What is the purpose of the session?

Ans:Every session has a particular objective and objectives are different for each particular session.