MotiLal Nehru Report, 1928: Everything You Need To Know

On the 21st of December 1928, the Motilal Nehru Report was presented to the British Parliament. This report was written by a committee that was headed by Motilal Nehru, and it proposed various constitutional reforms for India. The main goal of the report was to introduce self-government in India within a year. Although the proposal was not accepted by the British government, it paved the way for future discussions about Indian independence. This would allow different provinces to have a large degree of autonomy.

Recommendations Of Motilal Nehru Report, 1928

The report made several recommendations with the intention of unifying the country. Muslims were to be given equal status with Hindus and minorities were to be protected. The Congress was to aim for Dominion Status within the British Empire as opposed to complete independence.

The report was not without its critics, however. Some members of the Muslim League saw it as a ploy to sideline them. The British were also not in favour of many of the recommendations, especially those that would give India more independence. Despite these objections, the report helped to pave the way for Indian independence.

One of the most important aspects of the Motilal Nehru Report was its emphasis on unity and equality among all Indians. It called for the Muslims to be given equal status with Hindus and for minorities to be protected. This was a radical idea at the time and helped to set the tone for the Indian independence movement. The report also recommended that the Congress aim for Dominion Status within the British Empire, rather than complete independence. This showed that the authors were willing to work with the British authorities in order to achieve their goals.


Some key points in the Motilal Nehru Report were:

  • Introduction of provincial autonomy
  • Dyarchy at centre with separate portfolios for legislative and executive functions
  • Separation of the judiciary from the executive
  • Abolition of zamindari system
  • Provision for universal adult franchise
  • Right to freedom of religion and expression
  • Right to form unions and associations
  • Right to property
  • Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, or sex
  • Equal rights for women
  • Free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14 years.

Independence Within the British Commonwealth

The Motilal Nehru Report, 1928 was a document that called for full independence for India within the British Commonwealth. The report was authored by Motilal Nehru, who was the father of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

The Report called for equal status for Indians within the British Commonwealth and rejected the notion of Indian Dominion status, which would have granted India autonomy within the Empire. The Nehru Report was approved by the Congress Party, but was rejected by the British government.

The Report proposed a form of independence that would have given India complete control over its domestic affairs while still allowing it to remain within the Commonwealth. This would have allowed India to retain its status as a part of the British Empire while also being an equal member of the Commonwealth. 

The Motilal Nehru Report, 1928 was an important step in the struggle for Indian independence and helped to lay the groundwork for eventual self-rule. It remains a significant document in the history of India’s struggle for freedom.

Responses & Reactions To Motilal Nehru Report 1928

The Motilal Nehru Report was released on May 28th, 1928 and received a mixed response. Some people were in support of the report, while others were opposed to it. The report proposed various changes to the Indian Constitution, including the introduction of provincial autonomy and dyarchy at the centre.

Those who supported the report believed that it was a step in the right direction and would help to bring about much-needed reforms in the Indian Constitution. However, those who were opposed to the report felt that it did not go far enough in addressing the issues facing India. They also felt that some proposed changes would actually make matters worse.

The Motilal Nehru Report was eventually passed by the Constituent Assembly and became the basis for the Indian Constitution. It was not perfect, but it did lay the groundwork for India’s democracy.


The Motilal Nehru Report, also known as the Indian Industrial Commission report, was a document compiled in 1928 by an industrial commission set up by the government of India. The goal of the commission was to investigate and make recommendations on the state of industry in India. The report is significant because it contains one of the earliest discussions of socialism in India. It also calls for increased investment in education and outlines strategies for industrial development. Many of the recommendations in the report were implemented after independence, and it continues to be cited as an important source for economic policymaking in India. Have you read or heard about this report before? What are your thoughts on it?


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Who appoints the Governor of a state?

Ans : The Governor of the state is appointed by the President of India. 

Who can become a Governor?

Ans : Any person can be appointed as the Governor of a state-provided, he meets the provisions of Article 157 and Ar...Read full

Can the same person be the Governor of two-state?

Ans : Yes, the same individual may be appointed as the Governor of more than one state.

What are the functions of a Governor?

Ans : The Governor is responsible for appointing laws and reviewing the functions of state executive.