Mirror Images of Clock

In this article we will learn about a brief note on Mirror Images of Clock, Perpendicular distance of object from mirror, the image is laterally inverted. The line joining the object point with its image is normal to the reflecting surface. Read to know more.

In a plane mirror, the image is as far behind it as the object is in front of it  and the fronts of the image and the object face one another, which causes lateral inversion.

A brief note on Mirror Images of Clock

A mirror’s reflection or mirror image is the representation of an item in the mirror. The right side of the item appears on the left side in such a picture, and vice versa. As a result, the term “lateral inversion” is used to describe the phenomena of a mirror-image that has been laterally inverted.

For each clock-based mirror image if clock has 12 hours, take the specified time and subtract it from 11:60 hours. In addition, if the clock is 24 hours, subtract the supplied time from 23:60. The mirror image time will thus be 7 o’clock.

Geometrical Mirror Images (Non Verbal) - Reasoning Tricks

The mirror image that we see in a plane mirror is a reflection of something that will nearly identically resemble the thing that it is reflecting, but will be turned around such that it is perpendicular to the plane mirror. If you look attentively at the woman in the image above, you can see that her right hand will appear to be her left hand and vice versa. By facing a mirror, you may try these on for size.

Perpendicular distance of object from mirror

A convex mirror with a focal length of 10 cm is used, with an item positioned perpendicular to the main axis. The object’s distance from the mirror’s pole is10 cm. Determine the location of the created picture.

The focal length is10 cm.

Object separation, u = 10cm (object distance is always taken negative as it is on the left side)

To determine: Image position or image distancev.


The mirror formula tells us that:

1/v + 1/u = 1/f

1/v + 1/(-10) = 1/10

1/v – 1/10 = 1/10

1/v = 1+1/10

1/v = 2/10

1/v = 1/5

v = 5cm

Since the image v is located 5 cm away from the lens, the positive sign (+) denotes that the picture forms behind the lens (on the right side).

The image is laterally inverted.

The image created by a plane mirror is always upright, identical in size and shape to the item it is reflecting and virtual (meaning that the light rays do not truly originate from the picture). However, it is a “mirror image” of the item that is laterally reversed.

The items in front of a plane mirror that it creates appear to be behind the plane that the mirror is located in. A straight line traced from one portion of an item to the corresponding portion of its image forms a right angle with the surface of the plane mirror and is split in half by it.  A plane mirror always creates an image that is upright, identical in size and shape to the item it is reflecting, virtual (meaning that the light rays do not truly originate from the picture), and virtual. A duplicate of an item is created where the light rays appear to originate in a virtual picture. However, the picture is a “mirror image” of the item that has been laterally reversed. In a plane mirror, if a person is reflected, the left hand of the picture seems to be the right hand of the person.

The only sort of mirror for which a real item consistently creates an image that is virtual, upright, and the same size as the thing is a plane mirror.

The line joining the object point with its image is normal to the reflecting surface.

We are aware that, in the case of a flat mirror, the distance between the object and the mirror is always equal to that of the image. Additionally, it consistently creates a virtual picture of the thing. The plane mirror produces an image as illustrated below.


The line connecting the item and the image, as is evident, is parallel to the mirror.

Regarding circular mirrors, namely the concave and convex mirrors, we know that every ray coming from an object, if it passes through the centre of the mirror’s curve, then retraces its route. The image produced by a circular mirror will be located on this particular reflected beam since each reflected ray contributes to the development of the picture. It is usual for the mirror as it travels through the point of curvature. Consequently, the line connecting the object with the image is perpendicular to the mirror for both concave and convex mirrors.

We deduce from the aforementioned two examples that, regardless of the type of mirror, a straight line connecting the object point and image point is always perpendicular to the mirror.

Hence the irrespective of the type of mirror


For each clock-based mirror image if clock has 12 hours, take the specified time and subtract it from 11:60 hours. In addition, if the clock is 24 hours, subtract the supplied time from 23:60. In a plane mirror, if a person is reflected, the left hand of the picture seems to be the right hand of the person. The line joining the object point with its image is normal to the reflecting surface.


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