Centimetre to Foot Calculator
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What are Centimetre and Foot?
Both centimetres and feet are known as the unit of measurement for length. However, the only distinction between both of these measurement units is that the foot is based on the US metric system of measurement, and the centimetre is based on the SI unit of measurement. A centimetre is abbreviated as “cm” mathematically to represent this unit of measurement. In order to find out the area or volume of any object, the square as well as the cubic measure of centimetre is used which is represented as cm2 and cm3 respectively. On the other hand, a foot is considered to be a non-SI unit that is used for the measurement of length as well as distance. Feet are denoted by “ft.”
However, both of these units of measurement can be correlated with the help of the SI unit of metre. A centimetre is considered to be one-hundredth of a metre and a foot is considered to be equal to 0.3048 metres. With help of these evaluations, the conversion from centimetre to foot or vice versa can be made easily.
As per the correlation of feet with metre and that of a centimetre with the metre, a formula can be determined for centimetres and feet. After the evaluation, feet turn out to be equal to 0.3048 metres. Therefore, the formula comes out that one foot is equal to 30.48 centimetres.
However, mathematically, it can be written as.
1 cm = 1/30.48 ft
1 cm = 0.03281 ft
Conversion Table
A centimetre to foot conversion table is a table determining the values of certain centimetre units into feet. The following conversion table has a value of 10 centimetres to 100 centimetres and their respective conversion into feet.
Centimetre (cm) | Feet (ft) |
10 | 0.3281 |
20 | 0.6562 |
30 | 0.9843 |
40 | 1.3123 |
50 | 1.6404 |
60 | 1.9685 |
70 | 2.2966 |
80 | 2.6247 |
90 | 2.9528 |
100 | 3.2808 |
Solved Examples
Some of the solved examples to determine the conversion of a unit of measurement from centimetres into feet are given below.
- Convert 22cm into feet
1cm = 0.03281 feet
22cm = 22 * 0.03281
22cm = 0.72182 feet
Hence, 22 centimetres is equal to 0.72182 feet.
- Convert 45cm into feet
1cm = 0.03281 feet
45cm = 45 * 0.03281
45cm = 1.47645 feet
Hence, 45 centimetre is equal to 1.47645 feet.
- Convert 101cm into feet
1cm = 0.03281 feet
101cm = 101 * 0.03281
101cm = 3.31381 feet
Hence 101 centimetre is equal to 3.31381 feet.