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C To F Formula

C to f formula: Explore more about the c to f formula with solved examples.

C to f formula

C stands for celsius, and f stands for Fahrenheit. These are important temperature scales. Calculating the weather temperatures, double the 0C figure and add 30( but this is inaccurate).

  • Celsius and Fahrenheit are used to calculating the same thing, i.e. temperature, but they use different numbers. For example, boiling water measures 1000 celsius but 2120 Fahrenheit and water freezing temperature is  00 Celsius but 320 Fahrenheit.
  • To calculate Celsius to Fahrenheit, first, divide it by 5, multiply it by nine, and add 32.


It can be written as (0C X 9/5) + 32 =.0

  • Example of converting celsius to Fahrenheit
  1. Convert 250 celsius to fahrenheit 

Sol :- 250 /5 = 5

           5 x 9 = 45

45 + 32 = 770 F

  • Another method to calculate celsius to fahrenheit

Add 40, multiply it by 9/5 and then subtract 40

  • Example for this:- 
  1. Convert 100 celsius to Fahreheit

Sol:- 10+ 40  = 50

         50 X 9/5 = 90

         90 – 40 = 500 F

  • Another method to calculate Celsius to Fahrenheit is 0C X 1.8 + 32
  • Example for this:-
  1. Convert 200 Celsius to Fahrenheit

Sol:- 20 X 1.8 + 32

       = 36+32

       = 68


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the C To F Formula .

What can we measure with Celsius and Fahrenheit? What is the Celsius unit of boiling water?

Ans : We can measure temperature with Celsius and Fahrenhei...Read full

How does Celsius differ from Fahrenheit?

Ans :  Celsius is the common temperature scale in the worl...Read full

Neha wants to know the temperature in Fahrenheit of her place, which is 180C. Help her to find out with any method of Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Ans:  She can use the below-mentioned method for getting the temperature in Fahrenheit ...Read full

Write any two methods to calculate Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Ans: Add 40, multiply it by 9/5 and then subtract 40 first, divide it by 5, multiply it by nine, and ...Read full