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Republics and Monarchies

In this article, we will briefly cover republics and monarchies, the history of republics and monarchies while keeping a thin difference between them both with the right explanation in detail.

What is a republic? Republic is the freedom or the right imparted to the people of a country by which they can choose their government by their voting right. The legislation of the government is formed with the help of the public. On the other hand, a monarch is a sole person, the head of the entire country, running it on his terms. The monarch has the right to run the country his entire life until his abdication. This article will enlighten you on a detailed study of the republics and monarchies. 

History of republics and monarchies

The organisation of the hierarchy that existed since prehistoric times as a tribal kingship or a chiefdom is known to have developed through the centuries to what we know as a monarchy. The 4th century BCE of Ancient India witnessed the basics of monarchism that we know from Arthashatra. Apart from the popularisation of the concept of monarchies in the Indus Valley Civilization, the civilisation of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt witnessed the pillar formation of monarchs and monarchies. And history has witnessed two of the greatest monarchs in the world of the oldest kingdoms, namely, Narmer, the Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, and Enmebaragesi, the Sumerian King of Krish. A monarchy follows the rule of the next ruler by hereditary and bloodlines. With this, titles are bestowed upon inheritance. The state ought to follow the religion of the nation’s monarch, thereby making religion and monarchies go hand-in-hand.

With time, the monarchies of the ancient period faced challenges by the evolving sense of fundamentality, thereby giving rise to a republic state or parliamentarism. There are still some monarch countries in the modern era. During the 17th century, the world saw the initiation of the revolt against the system of heredity or so-called monarchy. The sole purpose of the revolution was to bring in a fair chance of the ruling system. In other terms, we may also say that republics were brought in to abolish the system of monarchy. In the 19th century, the era dawned light upon the arrival of the concept of republicanism. The century saw the devastating World War I and World War II, when the differentiation between the republics and monarchies was dragged in, resulting in the abolition of monarchy in many countries. And many countries established a system of republicanism in their countries. 

Difference between republics and monarchies

The primary difference between the two systems of republics and monarchies is based on the ruling system. A republic state is run by the method of public, whereas the system of heredity and bloodline runs a state that follows monarchy. Let us see the other differences. 



1. In a republic country, people have the right to vote for the government they want to rule their country via elections. This method is also known as democracy. 

1. The system by which a country is ruled a king and a queen is called a monarchy. In these types of countries, the next ruler is chosen by the rule of heredity and bloodlines. No rule of election is applicable in these types of countries. 

2. The rules and regulations are made as per the country’s administration for the benefit and welfare of the country’s people. 

2. The laws are framed by the kings and queens of the state, and no other people have the right or authority to say anything to the framed rules of the country, even if it upsets them. 

3. People are given their fundamental rights to have their own opinion, be it against the administration, and even have the right to talk about the country’s laws. 

3. The people do not have fundamental 

rights. Even if the rules do not satisfy them, they do not have the right to speak up about them. 

4. A democratic government does not challenge people. Every citizen is considered equal and is bestowed with equal rights irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, and financial status. 

4. Sometimes, when the state’s ruler is a tyrant, the citizens may face oppression. Unlike a republic state, people are not considered to be equal. 

Monarchy can be categorised into many types in this modern era: semi-constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, commonwealth realms, and subnational monarchy. 

Some of the central Asian countries such as Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Japan, the Arab Emirate, and the UAE are examples of the monarch countries of modern times. India, France, and the USA are some examples of republic countries. 


We coin the words republics and monarchies every time. But it is essential to know their origin and the concept behind them. Athenian democracy is known as the first-ever democracy known to the world. The term democracy has been derived from the Greek word demos, which means people. Moreover, in a democratic or republic person, the power is vested in the people. Monarchy is the oldest form of government that prevailed in the ancient world. The term monarch has been derived from the Greek word monarchical. It symbolises the rule of one person, the king or the queen.


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