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Original Home of the Aryans in Early Vedic Period

Original Home of the Aryans in Early Vedic Period: In this topic, we will get to know about the different theories regarding the original homes of the Aryans in the Early Vedic period.

The Vedic Period or the Vedic Age refers to the time period when the Aryans arrived in India. The Vedic Civilisation flourished from 1500 BCE to 600 BCE. The history of the Vedic period is based mainly on the Vedic texts such as the Vedas, Upanishads and Epics. It is the earliest Civilisation in Indian history of which we have written records.

Many great changes took place in India during the period of Vedic civilisation (1500 BCE – 600 BCE). The Aryans developed this civilisation. During this period, agriculture was well developed and significant progress was made in social and cultural fields.

Origin of the Aryans

There is uncertainty about the origin of the Aryans. There are different theories about it:

  • They were original inhabitants of India.
  • They migrated from the Arctic regions.
  • They spread out from Central Europe.

But according to most historians, the Aryans came from Central Asia in about 1500 BCE. It is believed that Persians, Indians, Greeks and Romans must have lived together in very ancient times in Central Asia. This theory is based on common words and other similarities in Sanskrit and the European languages. For example:

Similarities in Language













Aryans arrived in India a little before 1500 BCE, albeit there aren’t many definitive archaeological signs of their arrival. They first settled in the area known as Sapta Sindhu.

‘Sapta Sindhu’ refers to the region around the seven rivers – Indus and her tributaries – Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Satluj and Saraswati. This area was named ‘Brahmavarta’ by them, meaning the land of gods.

The Indus river is also known as the Sindhu. The Sindhu River is one of the longest rivers in the world. The ancient Indus Valley civilization flourished in the basins of the Indus (the Sindhu) river.

Aryans came to India in groups. From Punjab, they moved and spread over the Gangetic Valley and then southwards as far as the Vindhya Mountain. The land they settled down on was called ‘Aryavarta’. The original inhabitants were called Dasya by the Aryans. The Dasyus were subjugated by the Aryans.

Central Asia as Aryan’s original home

Based on the similarities in the Vedas and Avesta (Iranian text), scholar Max Muller considered Central Asia as the original home of Aryans. As per this theory, Aryans originally lived in Central Asia. Due to the unpleasant climatic and environmental changes, Aryans left their homeland. They migrated to other places in groups and settled in Eastern Afghanistan and Kandahar in 2000 BC. In around 1400 BC, they crossed many rivers and proceeded towards Punjab or Swat valley. The region is called Sapta Sindhava, the land of seven rivers. It includes Swat Valley, Punjab, Eastern Afghanistan and the Indo-Gangetic watershed.

Europe as Aryan’s original home

Based on the similarities of Indo-Aryan languages, scholars like Sir William Jones supported the theory that the Aryans originally belonged to Europe. The similarity in languages was observed in Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, German etc. Aryans were not familiar with the animals of the East. They did not know animals like camels, elephants, asses, or tigers, but they knew the animals and trees of Europe like oak, willow, birch, beech, dog, ox, cow, pig, horse. Due to all these reasons, scholars suggest that the original homeland of Aryans was Europe and they migrated from there to India and other parts of Asia.

India as Aryan’s original home

The theory that the Aryans were indigenous to India was supported by Dr Sampurnanand and A.C. Das. Aryans were the residents of the Sapta Sindhu. There is literary evidence in the Vedas that the Aryans regarded the Sapta Sindhu as their original home. The scholars believed that there exists no evidence of the foreign origins of the Aryans. There is no mention of any other land other than India in Vedas. Also, Aryan literature is absent outside India but India has Vedas that describe the life of the Aryans, the residents of the Sapta Sindhu. 


There is uncertainty about the origin of the Aryans. There are different theories about it. But according to most historians, the Aryans came from Central Asia, also known as Andronovo culture in about 1500 BCE. It is believed that Persians, Indians, Greeks and Romans must have lived together in very ancient times in Central Asia. This theory is based on common words and other similarities in Sanskrit and the European languages. It was also supported by the similarities between Rigveda and Avesta. The practice of cremation and fire cult was also similar. Aryans arrived in India a little before 1500 BCE, albeit there aren’t many definitive archaeological signs of their arrival. They first settled in the area known as Sapta Sindhu.


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