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Parliament and Consent of States

The need for a “special majority of parliament” in India is going to discuss in this essay and cover the major consent of the state.

Every Constitutional Amendment Process of the country has their own special constitution act that must be followed. As per the special majority of parliament, it follows the “Indian Article 368” where it has been stated that “2/3rd members present and voting supported by more than 50% of the total strength of the house”. Based on this “special majority of parliament” the entire voting of the Indian “Lok Sabha” is dependent. For designing this parliamentary constitution it follows “Article 249 and Article 368”.

Needs of special majority in Parliament 

All the types of the majority aspect the absolute effective or the simple majority is known as the “special majority”. The “special majority of parliament” mainly depended on two constitutional Articles of India are “Article 249 and Article 368”. As per Article 249, the special majority is fully dependent on the “2/3rd members present and voting” of the Lok Sabha. For example, their is 245 members seats are there in the parliament of “Rajaya Sabha of India” out of which if 150 were voted then a “special majority” is required as per Article 249 of the constitution. 

As per Article 368, the special majority is fully dependent on the “2/3rd members present and voting supported by more than 50% of the total strength of the house”. This majority has been designed as per the “Constitutional Amendment Bills”. For example, if there are 123 members in the Rajya Sabha and a bill is passed out of which 82 members or 2/3rd members vote for that bill. Then as per Article 368, that bill will be passed or confirmed in the parliament. These are the needs and requirements of the “special majority” in the Parliament of India. 

Different types of majority in the Indian Parliament 

There are four different majorities in the Parliament of India that includes “Absolute Majority, Effective Majority, Simple Majority and Special Majority”. The Absolute Majority means that if the majority in the house is more than 50% of the member that is present in the parliament. For example, if there is 545 members in the house and out of which 273 member vote for the candidates then it’s known as the Absolute Majority. Effective Majority is the half or the 50% effective strength of the parliament houses and it notes as the total number of seats subtracted by its vacant seat. The effective number of seats that are present its 50% strength is known as the Effective Majority. A simple majority is applied when laws do not specify any majorities and it is the most commonly used voting or form of the majority that are used in the parliament house. Here the majority are taken by observing is 50% of a voting member of the parliament house. The special majority is the “2/3rd members present and voting supported by more than 50% of the total strength of the house”.

Needs of special majority in Lok Sabha

There are vast needs for a special majority in the Lok Sabha Parliament of India because it helps to pass the “Constitutional Amendment Bills” by taking the majority voting of the parliamentary body at Lok Sabha. This majority bill has the power to dismiss a judge of the “Supreme Court or High Court” of the country. It is also applied at the time of emergency or any national distracter or emergency of the country.  This bill has the power to remove the controller of the “Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)” so this majority Act is known as the emergency act of the Indian Constitution. There are of the other benefits of this Act is that it helps to give a solution for the “State Legislature or the Legislative Council of India”. These are the major benefits of the special majority Act in Lok Sabha of Indian Parliament and this Act has helped a lot at the time of national emergency to take a discussion on the behalf of the country. This Act has been designed based on “Article 249 and Article 368” where it has been clearly mentioned how this Act is going to help at the time of emergency in the Indian Parliament. 


It can be concluded from the above study, that the presence of a special majority is of utmost importance in the house of the Indian parliament. The special majority thus effectively and efficiently helps in the successful passing of the constitutional amendment bills that are actually helping to serve the people of India to lead a better and peaceful life. The special majority of Parliament helps in emergency situation cases or conditions.


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