WBPSC » WBPSC Study Materials » Polity » ORDINARY BILLS


This section contains Money bill, Ordinary bills, polity and Ordinary given but the study will go further along with ordinary bill articles that are generally related to the process of the legislative function in both houses of the Indian parliament.

“Ordinary bill” is the draft that is presented either by the house of the parliament and that is passed by both the parliament houses. It is the type of proposal in a legislative manner that is used to introduce bills. Regardless of the circumstance of the particular states, it totally relies on the several types of legislatures they carry, if they are in the state of unicameral or may be bicameral. These bills are basically associated with the rules and regulations except for financial matters. Bills generally first reach as “legislative proposal” which is to be created as a term of law, needs it to have arrived earlier than the “Parliament” in the structure of Bills. These bills are concerned with anything additional than the financial subject of matters.

What are Ordinary Bills

A bill is stated to be a kind of a particular draft form that is delivered in the “either house” of the “Parliament”. Both “the houses” of the “Parliament” approved that bill to reach the approval of the President of India as per the Indian constitution regulation.

Properties of Ordinary Bills

  • As per articles 107 and 108 of the Indian constitution, the ordinary bill is concerned with other than financial property matters as per legislation.
  • This bill can be submitted to any specific house of the parliament
  • The upper house has the authority to neglect or can change this bill
  • The upper house cannot deny this bill for more than six months if its was passed from the lower house of the Indian parliament
  • After the approval from either of the house or from both hoses then this bill dispatched to the official signature of the President
  • The President have the power to reject or can be sent to for the purpose of reviewing this bill

Types of Bills

There are two kinds of bills that rely on the government bill and the “private member bill”. The government bill contains four kinds of bills in this section and that are Ordinary Bill, Money Bill, Financial Bill and “Constitutional Amendment Bill”. These Bills are presented in the parliament for the sake of the people and their country and its growth and development from other countries.

“Private member bill” deals with the member of the respected parliament who does not hold any specific ministry post in the government and the type of bill particularly present on Friday especially. 

Difference between Ordinary bill, Money bill, Finance Bill and “Constitutional Amendment Bill”

Ordinary bill: this bill does not require the president to approve it can pass by either of the house or both of the recommendations of the house. The first property of this bill is that will deal with particular components except for financial property

Money bill: This bill is generally associated with the regulation or alteration of any type of taxes, remission, Imposition and abolition in the parliament. With the help of this bill, the government borrows the money from the treasury of the country. This bill always needs the president’s approval to be enacted in the country.

Finance Bill: This bill is always presented as a “non-monetary” problem in the expansion of the monetary problem in the country. This is the same as the money bill because it is introduced by the lower house and needs the approval of the President. This bill also is rejected by the “lower house” and may be sent by the president for the review approach as well.

“Constitutional Amendment Bill”: This bill basically demands the alteration of one or many provisions of the particular constitution of the country. This bill also does not require the permission of the president concerned. This bill connects to the department of administrations between “the Centre” and “the States”, it has to be approved by at most undersized “half” of the concerned states.

Ordinary Bills example

“The National Commission for Homeopathy (Amendment) Bill in the year 2021, “The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine” (Amendment) Bill in the year 2021 and “The Central Universities” (Amendment) Bill in the year 2021 are Ordinary Bills examples in the country.

Uniform limit of Ordinary Bills

“Uniform limit of Ordinary Bills” that the Bill begins producing its discussion in the “parliament” by being distributed at least two days earlier “it is to be” oriented but the “Speaker” has the authority to change this situation. Then the “MP in charge” of the “Bill” requests for a break to present the Bill. If given, it is presented. This is supposed to be reading of the “Bill” after which, “the Bill” is directed to the “Standing Committee” for investigation and the respected committee cannot prefer to accept the general argument on “the Bill”. Then after the approval, it is sent to the president then the president has to turn down this or to back this as per the review purpose.


The legislative method for all types of Bills has a single specific characteristic that they consult actual power on the “lower house” while the “upper house’ has the capability to discourage uncertainty has been inhibited by the approach for passing the “money bill” in the “parliament”. Regardless, it is significant that any Bill besides a “Money Bill” can evolve a regulation unless it is consented by two “Houses of Parliament”.


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What is the ordinary bill?

Ans : Bill is stated to be a kind of a particular draft form that is delivered in the “either ho...Read full

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