WBPSC » WBPSC Study Materials » Polity » AD HOC JUDGE


“Ad Hoc Judge'' is a political and hot related judgmental matter that depends on the strength and problems of the High court.


“Ad Hoc Judge” mainly deals with 5-year-olds’ major cases that created some issues and problems once upon a time in the high court. Besides this they also appoint another judge if they are required to manage any critical purpose that is related to the case. “Ad Hoc Judge” is mainly used for dealing with some special and specific cases that are mainly dealt with by the Supreme court. Moreover, it can be stated in the constitution that for being an Ad Hoc Judge it is required of the person to be a Supreme court judge first. The main function of an Ad Hoc Judge is to make a final decision based on any case and provide a fair decision to everybody.


What is an “Ad Hoc Judge”?

“An Ad Hoc Judge” usually has a term of two to three years and the power of the High court depends on the critical problems and issues that are faced by the judge. “An Ad Hoc Judge” can also hire 2-5 other judges to make an initial deal with the primary causes of the High court that did not exist for more than 5 years. Consequently, the High court can also appoint another judge for special reference and necessary purposes for the nation. 

Working field and diversity of “Ad Hoc Judge”

“An Ad Hoc Judge” has been appointed by the President and it is required for being an Ad Hoc Judge to be a Supreme court judge initially in his career. Working field and diversity of judges is extensible as per the critical condition of the state and includes different types of jurisdiction. Out of court settlement, resolving some critical cases, activation and consolation are some of the biggest parts of the “Ad Hoc Judge”  based working field.  In recent times, artificial intelligence is greatly encouraged for the steaming and forwarding appointment system of judges over the all India judicial service.

“Appointment of Ad Hoc Judges”

“Ad Hoc Judge” only can be appointed by the judge or chief of the Supreme Court and he is the one eligible person for this quorum. On the other hand, for this appointment of “Ad Hoc Judge,” they need permission from the country’s President and also need to follow article 127 of the Indian constitution. Furthermore, article 128 is also included in this forum to make a proper salary and allowance for the “Ad Hoc Judge”. “Appointment of Ad Hoc Judges” triggered a special condition of the nation that needed some good amount of justice and judiciary management to keep a proper situation in the entire nation.

“Ad Hoc Judges of the Supreme court”

“Ad Hoc Judge” of the “Supreme Court: specifically appointed by the chief justice of India with a constant forum of the president of the nation to continue the holding session in the court. “Docket Explosion” of the Supreme Court activated 5700000 cases in the High court with a constitutional provision. Consequently, to clear the backlog of these pending cases they need “Ad Hoc Judge”.”Ad Hoc Judges of the supreme court” take up a major role concerning the holdup cases every day and also take a clear decision to discharge the duties with proper equity. Consultation of a chief justice and with the President can also be applicable for “Ad Hoc Judges of the supreme court” for resolving critical case scenarios. Likewise, in some special reference and forum the permanent judge of the “Supreme Court” also can be hired or appointed “Ad Hoc Judge”. In order to, for a long time as per article 127 of Indian constitution for or to cope with the negative scenario of the nation.


Subsequently, from the aforementioned data and scenario, it can be concluded that “Ad Hoc Judges of Supreme Court” is a special power and position as per the critical scenario of a court to be of value to a good situation in the nation. On the other hand, the president of the nation and the chief justice of the supreme court also take a major role in this “Appointment of Ad Hoc Judge” to clear all the pending cases with proper and good justice.“Ad Hoc Judge” can also include other junior judges as per the serious condition of cases which are pending for a long time and need urgent and serious justice for the nation. Behavioural management inside the court is also greatly regulated and controlled by “Ad Hoc Judge ‘maintains the forum of institute and judiciary idea of a nation.


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How and why “Ad Hoc Judge’’ is appointed?

Ans: “Ad Hoc Judge” is appointed for special cases and special references of the nation to int...Read full

Who appointed “Ad Hoc Judge'' and what is their working area?

Ans : The Chief justice of the “Supreme Court” appointed “Ad Hoc Judge” with the pe...Read full

What is the role of an “Ad Hoc Judge''?

Ans : “Docket Explosion” of the Supreme Court and backlog case-related solution interpretation is...Read full

What is the necessity of “Ad Hoc Judges of the supreme court”?

Ans : As per article 127 of Indian provision, the temporary judge position of Supreme Court is maintained by the chief justice of court and they in...Read full