
Irrigation is an agricultural practice, by which a controlled amount of water is applied to the land as per the needs of the plants to save the quality of soil and to increase production.


Irrigation is the artificial process by which a controlled amount of water is given to the land at specific intervals to save the soil and quality of the land. Irrigation is mainly applied in lands to assist the plant for better production and by this process; the lawns and landscape plants are also watered with a control system of watering. This agricultural process has been used by farmers and agriculture since years ago to water plants without depending on rain. The process of irrigation is mainly very advantageous in desert regions to water the plants regularly to apply water for the growth of crops and vegetables.  


When the aborigines started cropping they had no idea how to water crops. They were dependent on rains to water the land for agriculture. They only crop the plants in the rainy season but do not grow the crops in other seasons due to lack of water. Then aborigines implement the idea of irrigation to water the plant in the dry seasons to regulate the agricultural system.  Irrigation is the process by which a suitable amount of water is applied in agricultural lands to ensure the growth of crops and vegetation. Water is important for plants to survive. Water is one of the important substances taken by the roots of the plants for photosynthesis. Therefore, a regular supply of water is important for the growth of the plants in agricultural lands.

 Rainfall is a natural event that is not consistent; hence the practice of irrigation is very beneficial to ensure the supply of water in plants. The process of irrigation is maintained by the irrigation system. The irrigation system can be explained as a system where the water resources like rivers and sub-rivers or man-made water reservoirs water the plant through pipes, tubes, and series of canals to establish a slow but regular and sustainable flow of waters in lands uniformly. There are different methods of irrigation, apart from the digging method; the liver system and pulley system mostly use traditional irrigation methods to supply water into lands from rivers. The developed agricultural technologies have invented advanced methods of irrigation processes such as surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, localized irrigation, and sub-irrigation. 

Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most common irrigation technique used in farming where water passes through a filter and goes through special drip pipes and the water emitters are located at different locations within some spaces. With the help of this technique, water is poured near the roots of the plants and the rate of water inflow is comparatively slow. This is a technique which is recommended for farming as it saves a lot of water. Normal and traditional water irrigation techniques consume a lot of water for irrigation and lead to the wastage of water. This technique on the other hand provides water to plants in required quantities and saves water. This technique is impactful to save water as well as fertilizer in lands. This irrigation process is especially used for fruit plants.  

Sprinkler irrigation

Sprinkler irrigation is one of the most used advanced irrigation methods. This method is also known as spray irrigation.   It is a simple method of irrigation by which water is supplied in the forms of raindrops, in lands, fields, and lawns to ensure the application of sprinkling of water. Water supplied by this method either through nozzles in droplet forms or through air shot up in the forms of sprinkle drop. By this method, water is supplied to the lands or lawns steadily and thoroughly at intervals. 

Three irrigation methods are used most commonly in agriculture which include rotary irrigation, lateral move irrigation, and centre pivot irrigation. A nozzle is fitted in a fixed place and it is rotated mechanically in the method of rotary irrigation to supply water to crops. In the method of central pivot irrigation, the land is watered in a circular motion in the process of lateral move irrigation water is applied in a large field laterally through a motion pivot. 


  1. This method can be used in large agricultural areas. 
  2. This method is very easy does not requires labours intensively
  3. It is a very quick method to water lands and also saves much water by supplying the required amount of water. 
  4. The special land organization is not needed in this method


  1. Costly method of irrigation
  2. Nozzles get clotted after times, therefore maintenance is needed. 


The irrigation process is important to increase the production of crops as water supply can be ensured by the method of irrigation throughout the years. The water supply in agriculture in deserts and dry regions can be possible through the irrigation process. The water from rivers or dams or underground water can be used in the irrigation process to apply water in lands and fields. It can be concluded that the irrigation process has developed through agricultural techniques which are very effective not only to give regular water supply in lands but also to save water. 


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Why is irrigation important in agriculture?

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