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Areal Distribution of Size of Holdings

The "holdings" and the "distribution" area are dependent upon the holding size of the area of land, which tries to develop the geographical measurement over the land.

The land possession and the land’s areal distribution of India are more than 51.9 million acres and most of them are declared as surplus holdings. In terms of the aerial distribution of land, Uttar Pradesh holds the maximum number of lands. The distribution and the holding size of the land are not equally distributed within the land sector of India. In this assignment, the requirement of the holdings of land and the distribution of the land is accounted for marginal and smallholdings. Smallholdings are supposed to standardise the maximum number of lands that is held by the owner for better firming.

Operational Holdings of Indian Land Distribution

In terms of some regional perspective, the Indian areal land distribution is regulated with some major factors. It also deals with several laws and implementation of those for the various areas of India that suggested several areal distribution perspectives. This operational holding problem is assisting the Indian land system from the British era or Zamindar rule. From the several protests, the marches government focused on the land distribution system and proceeded with some major laws for managing the holding size of the land for better agricultural production. Still, farmer suicide is the major problem for India even after being associated with several effective land distribution-related law procurements and land distribution or holdings and its areal size becoming smaller, which have to be modified by the government for future advancement of distribution size.

Some Objectification of Land Holdings

  • Rapid urbanisation is the biggest threat for the land distribution size management in the Indian continent
  • In terms of rural area agricultural outputs contributes only 13% in term of total sector outputs
  • Food security plays an important role in this total perspective, as per the efficiency within the land management 
  • The agricultural census is associated with the landholding management system and its distribution size
  • The marginality of the land distribution is increased in the year from 2015-1016 along with its land operation area, this perspective is suggested that the areal distribution of the land is not equal in India, which affect their economy

Types of Landholdings in India

As per the development and the distribution of the land size, the landholding management of India is distributed in several segments. Based on several techno-economical land units, the firming production is divided within the specific segment and that is dependent upon the distribution or the size of the land.

  • Marginal holdings: Size 1 hec or less
  • Medium holdings: Size 4 to 10 hectares
  • Large holdings: Size more than 10 hectare
  • Smallholdings: Size 1 to 2 hect
  • Semi-medium holdings: Size 2 to 4 hect

The Indian Government equally anticipates this total process with the development process of the land distribution procurement in terms of law. The geographical development of size distribution of the land is matter most of the time within this process. 140 million landholders of India are operated by the Indian land distribution system. 

Difference Between a Land Distribution and Land Holdings

The land distribution and the land holding system of India are very different and it reflects the inequality system of this country in terms of land management. It is previously mentioned that from the era of British rule the land distribution has been unstable in India and even after having convenient laws this problem has not been solved as well. The higher authority of the area or government is capable of distributing any land among the farmers or the needy people with the required documentation process. Here the people can firm or fulfil their requirement with the help of government land distribution and on the other hand, land held people have the proper documentation of the ownership of that particular land, no matter what the distribution size or the area is. The land distribution or the landholding process leads to inequality like low capita income, stagnant growth in the economy, and other required productive assets.


This assignment is all about the aerial distribution of the Indian land system in terms of the development and distribution of the land for the farmers. The total structure is initiated with the help of a major discussion of the Indian land system where the operational land holding is the matter of concern. Additionally, the objectives of the landholding system within aerial distribution’s size are critically mentioned in this process. Several types of land holding systems of India, such as marginal holding and smallholding are mentioned in this assignment with major clarification. 


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