WBPSC » WBPSC Exam Pattern

WBPSC Exam Pattern

There are 3 stages in the WBPSC.

1. Prelims Examination

2. Mains Examination

3. Interview”


No of paper(s): 1

Total Marks: 200

Questions Type: Objective

Exam Duration: 2.5 Hours for each paper

Mode of Examination: Offline


No of paper(s): 6 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 1200

Optional Paper: 2(For Gr-A & B Only)

Total Marks: 400

Questions Type: Objective + Subjective

Exam Duration: 3 Hours for each paper

Mode of Examination: Offline

Interview Marks:

Gr-A & B: 200

Gr-C: 150

Gr-D: 100