Study Materials » Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

"Disseminated intravascular coagulation" refers to a condition where the flow of blood gets disrupted within the human body. This condition is quite serious and rare in nature.

There are different critical conditions associated with the flow of blood within an individual that leads to deadly damage to organs. However, the main focus is kept on successively determining conditions of DIC with its symptoms. Proper understanding of the symptoms will help patients to acknowledge their conditions and it will support them to take instant action. Furthermore, it would also support them in taking up precautionary measures to prevent such situations. The study also explores the causes noticed of risk factors and also emergency treatment procedures.

An Overview of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: 

There are several conditions associated with the notions of blood clotting within the human body, however, for the study, it has been noticed that these are associated with DIC. DIC are quite common and pose deadly threats to the individual. Conducting the study of blood flow it is acknowledged that there are proteins that support controlling the clotting of blood flow within the vein and tissues. At times it is noticed that proteins that are used to control notions of clotting, become overactive and thereby result in DIC within the human body. Several causes are noticed that lead to the conditions that are associated with DIC.

Symptoms of DIC:

Various distinctive symptoms of the conditions associated with DIC are noted within a human body that is as follows;

  1. Clots within the blood flow
  2. Frequent bleeding from several sites of the body
  3. Inadequate breath
  4. Fever
  5. Transformation within behavioural activities such as confusion, loss of memory
  6. Bruising
  7. Dropping in the level of blood pressure respectively

Causes of DIC:

Most commonly it has been seen that when an individual gets injured, the proteins within the blood help in clotting the blood, thereby stopping its flow outside the body. When these proteins act in an abnormal way they give rise to DIC, which can be mainly caused by underlying inflammations or may be caused by infections. Moreover, it is as well noticed that small clots of blood occur within blood vessels and thereby may cut off the supply of blood that occurs normally into organs like the kidney, liver and as well as brain. Therefore, it is understood that it may lead to major injuries to the organs. Another factor may relate to over-consumption of the proteins that are used for clotting blood may lead to DIC.

Risk Factors:

From the study, significant factors of risk are noticed from DIC that are as follows;

  1. May result in types of leukaemia
  2. Diseases associated with liver
  3. Pancreatitis
  4. Anaesthesia
  5. Haemangioma
  6. Complications associated with pregnancy 

Tests Associated With DIC:

Due to the enhanced improvement in the field of medical science, various tests are acknowledged that can help an individual with proper detection of DIC, such as, “D-dimer”, and “smear test for blood that will help in providing the total blood count” within the individual. A test of blood will detect the amount of fibrinogen. Other tests include – “Partial thromboplastin time” and “prothrombin time”.

Treatment for DIC:

From various experiments, it has been noted it is noticed that there lie no such proper treatment procedures that will help in curing individuals suffering from DIC. It is advised by the doctors that they eventually study the underlying reasons or cause that is leading to such conditions within an individual. However, some possible treatments are there, such as transfusion of plasma that will prevent blood clotting and medicines of “blood thinner” may be heparin that will also help in the prevention of blood clotting.


In concluding the study, it is well noticed that a vivid overview has been provided within the study that will significantly assist the victim in those specific situations. It is noticed that DIC disease is primarily caused due to hindrance in the flow of blood within a human body due to certain situations. In simpler words, DIC is known to be a disorder of blood clotting that may result in possessing a critical threat within an individual. This further may lead to uncontrollable bleeding in an individual. This disorder affects people who are comorbid and especially those suffering from deadly diseases like cancer and form sepsis.

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