Study Materials » Congenital Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive System

Congenital Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system consists of the following subdivisions:

  • The ovary
  • A pair of oviducts/ fallopian tubes
  • Uterus

Any deviation from the normal formation and development of the female reproductive system results in malformation of the female genital parts. The term congenital means existing by birth, that aren’t acquired during the lifetime but rather present in a fetus itself due to some imbalances, improper development or other shortcomings. The developmental issues in the embryo give rise to what is known as the Congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive system. The deviations can be evident in the uterus, the vagina, cervix and fallopian tubes. Among the female population, a small fraction of them suffers from uterine abnormalities, abnormalities of the ovary etc. 


The malformations and anomalies develop due to multiple contributing factors as described below: 

  1. Missing or abnormal genes. Those devoid of genetic abnormalities can also get affected.
  2. Certain drug usage during the period of pregnancy
  3. Any familial history could also contribute. 

The following are the congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive system;

  • Congenital Malformations- in context to Vulva

  • Labial Hypertrophy: The enlargement of labia minora (or vaginal lips) 

  • Labial Hypoplasia: It is the condition in which there is the underdevelopment of labial folds

  • Congenital Malformations- in context to Hymen

  • Imperforate Hymen: IH is a condition in which the hymen fully obstructs the opening of the vagina. It is a rare congenital anomaly of the female genital tract, specifically the hymen.

  • Septate Hymen: A septate hymen is a condition that arises when the hymen membrane blocks the opening of the vagina partially. The hymen here possess an additional strip/band connecting the upper and lower end of the vagina.

  • Microperforated Hymen: A subocclusive anomaly of the hymen, MH is a rare incident. The hymenal membrane covers the entire vagina with a hole in the middle, obstructing the passage of menstrual flow, and intercourse.

  • Congenital Anomalies- in context to Vagina

  • Transverse Vaginal Septum

  • Vertical or Complete Vaginal Septum

  • Agenesis of the lower vagina

  • Vaginal Agenesis (MRKH): It is also termed as Mullerian Aplasia.

  • OVIRA (Obstructed Hemi-Vagina with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis)

  • Congenital Anomalies- in context to the Cervix

  • Cervical Hypoplasia

  • Cervical agenesis: The individual presenting with this condition has an absent cervix. The connection between the vagina and the uterus is built by the cervix.

  • Cervical Duplication

  • Congenital Anomalies- Uterine abnormalities

  • Uterine Duplication

  • Septate uterus: The formation of septa in the uterus divides the uterus into two chambers.

  • Unicornuate Uterus: As the name suggests, there is only partial development of the uterus. 

  • Uterine Agenesis


The symptoms manifested by the individual depend on the age and severity of the malformation. Apparent clinical signs in infancy:

  • Abnormal vaginal opening

  • Ambiguous genitalia (the genital organ is hard to find)

  • Inequality in the size of the labia or they are either stuck together

  • Presence of a single rectal opening or openings in the genital area

  • The clitoris is swollen

  • Failure to empty the bladder

When the individual attains maturity, the clinical signs include the following:

  • Non-development of Breast organs

  • Despite normal development of a female, presence of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) by the age group of 15 years.

  • The individual experiences cramps and pain Monthly cramping in the absence of menstruation

  • The improper drainage of mucus could lead to the formation of a lump in the lower abdomen.

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Preterm birth or recurrent miscarriages

  • Despite the use of tampons, there is an overflow during menstruation (indicating a second vagina)

  • With time, the menstrual cycle becomes more painful.


A multitude of concerned points is related to the development of a healthy baby in the womb. Simultaneously, a variety of other factors are potent to cause congenital anomalies. Developmental malformations may be caused due to genetic abnormalities, and the consumption of drugs that can interfere during the normal term of pregnancy. Furthermore, few such abnormalities can contribute to pregnancy-related problems. The congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive system involve a broad spectrum of anomalies including uterine abnormalities, abnormalities of the ovary, etc.

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