Study Materials » Cerebral Disorders

Cerebral Disorders

The Cerebellar disorder causes dysfunction of the brain and creates problems with coordination, imbalance and shuffling. Possible damages are vascular, traumatic, infectious, metabolic and inflammatory.

Cerebellar disorder refers to the damage to cerebellum function that causes difficulty with the neurological imbalance and autoimmune system. Cerebellar dysfunction affects the patient due to an increased rate of inflammation in the body. Quality of life has changed due to the weak communication and coordination activity among these patients. This disease is associated with the symptoms of ataxia, uncoordinated movements, speaking problems and visual problems. Cerebellar dysfunction often resulted in the complete damage of the central nervous system due to the decreased activity of neurons and the central spinal cord.

Cerebellar Disorder:

The cerebellum is located under the posterior cerebral cortex in the back end of the cranial fossa and has a diverse connection with the brain stem, spinal cord and cerebrum. This cerebellum is further divided into two parts of the hemispheres that are connected by the vermis with the central brain. Cerebellum maintains the motor activity of the brain to maintain uniformity in the autoimmune system. The cerebellum is the main region of the brain system that impacts the central nervous system. Therefore, dysfunction in the cerebellum causes problems in the nervous system that are associated with the problem of body imbalance, speech problems, and problems in natural movement and communication with others. 

Cerebellar Disorders:

Cerebellar Motor Syndrome, degeneration of Cerebellar cells, a non-motor function of the brainstem, Cognitive syndrome among children, Development of anomalies, Psychiatric disorder, metabolic abnormalities and inflammation inhibition in the cell structure are the common list of Cerebellar dysfunction. Raising intracranial pressure also resulted in Ischemic stroke and medullary syndrome. Coeliac disease due to gluten sensitivity and Vitamin E deficiency causes cerebral ataxia.

Causes of Cerebellar Disorder:

Haemorrhagic stroke and multiple sclerosis are the most common causes of Cerebellar dysfunction. Neurofibromatosis and lacunar stroke is the important cause of cerebellum damage and dysfunction of the central nervous system. Genetic disorder and multiple system atrophy resulted in the lack of coordination of the brain stem with the central nerve. Causes of the most dangerous Cerebellar ataxia are viruses (Rubeola, varicella), traumatic stroke and toxins like alcohol, and antiepileptic drugs. Brain cell disorder and degeneration also caused difficulty in cerebellum function and normal body movement. The prevalence and symptoms of childhood ataxia and autism are associated with the increased difficulty in coordination and movement of the body.

Symptoms of the Cerebellar Disease:

  1. Primary symptoms of the Cerebellar disorder are clumsiness, problems in natural body movement resulting in ataxia
  2. This disease caused body imbalance and coordination problems, speaking difficulty, visual problems
  3. Metabolic dysfunction and damage to the autoimmunity system also occur due to the disease
  4. Neoplastic and other genetic disorders are associated with the dysfunction of the cerebellum
  5. Thyroid abnormality and vitamin deficiency are the most two common symptoms of the cerebellum dysfunction
  6. Infection in the blood vascular cell and posterior circulation stroke also resulted due to the cerebellum damage 

Treatment of Cerebellar Disorder:

  1. Neurological treatment and complete diagnosis of central brain function can be beneficial for the treatment of the disease. 
  2. Surgical experiments on cerebellum tumours by immunotherapy or plasma exchange are beneficial for the treatment of patients. 
  3. Speech therapy and time to time counselling of patients reduce the imbalance in communication with others. Acute Cerebellar ataxia could not be cured completely if the patient has debilitating problems and Cerebellar disorder. 
  4. Neurologists often use rotary chair testing for quick diagnosis of Cerebellar dysfunction in the body. The ENG test is not useful for the disease of Vestibular disorder. 
  5. Brain Imaging is also a useful treatment method for the diagnosis of Cerebellar dysfunction in the body.

Characteristics of Cerebellar Dysfunction:

  1. Hemispheric Cerebellar dysfunction is characterised by imbalance and difficulty in sensory activity. 
  2. Dysdiadochokinesia is caused due to the irregular performance of body movement. Linguistic difficulties such as dysprosodia are other effects of the hemispheric dysfunction in the body. 
  3. Spinal fluid occupied in the cerebellum skull also makes coordination with the central nervous system. Hence the dysfunction of the cerebellum increases the difficulty of nerve sensory and function of the spinal cord. 
  4. Cerebellum generally contains neurons for coordinating with the body and brain stem. 


The above study indicates that cerebellum dysfunction is associated with several other diseases that cause cardiovascular problems and problems in communication. Cerebellar dysfunction is associated with acute ataxia and a genetic disorder that inhibits cancer cells in the body. The study also highlighted that virus infection and toxic intake increases the chance of the disease. Multiple sclerosis impacts the central nerve and breaks the coordination of the body with neurons. Personality changes due to the impaired spatial syndrome, linguistic problems and anomia.

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