Those numbers are considered as decimal fractions whose denominator has a power of ten or multiple of ten. Numerator of that decimal number needs to be expressed with the help of such figures that are placed at the right of the point of the decimal. In this context, “multiplication of decimal fractions” is really important and the process of “multiplication of decimal fractions” needs to be known properly to get an accurate answer.
Definition and concept of Decimal fraction
Those fractions are called decimal fractions which have the denominator and the power of the denominator is equal to ten. It is mandatory in every case that the power of the denominator has to be exactly equal to ten, not more than ten, or not less than ten. In this case, only a fraction will be called a decimal fraction and a decimal fraction needs to have this quality otherwise it will not be categorized as a decimal fraction. Along with this, the numerator of a decimal fraction needs to be expressed with the help of those figures exactly at the right of the decimal point.
In the context of algebra, decimal fraction refers to a fraction whose denominator has the power of ten and it is recognized as a mandatory characteristic for being a decimal fraction. In a few cases, the power of the denominator does not have the power of ten, however, power of the denominator can be multiple of ten; it can be hundred, thousand, ten thousand, or any multiple numbers that are multiples of ten.
Discovery of decimal fraction
It was found that Chinese were the first ones who developed the concept of a decimal fraction. Along with that, the Chinese were the first ones who discovered the usage of a decimal fraction within the fourth century BCE. After this discovery, usage of decimal fractions has been spread and extended to the Middle East and from the Middle East; it was also spread to every corner of Europe. However, another characteristic of written decimal fractions by Chinese is that it was non-positional.
Process of converting a decimal number into a fraction
At first, a decimal number needs to be written down and then that decimal number needs to be divided by 1. After the division format is ready then exactly ten has to be multiplied with both the numbers in bottom and top. While doing the multiplication process, it has to be kept in mind that ten nerds are to be multiplied after the point of the decimal for every number in each case. For example, if there is any such case that there is more than one number or exactly two numbers after the point of a decimal, then a hundred need to be used. If there is any kind of situation where there are a total of three numbers, in that case, a thousand need to be used. After all of the above-mentioned process is done then the fraction needs to be simplified.
Process of converting 0.75 to a fraction has been provided in this article as an example. First, the number 0.75 needs to be written down and it has to be divided by 1. Now, according to the process, hundred needs to be multiplied with both bottom and top since there are only two digits exactly after the point of the decimal. Now the number needs to be simplified as the process of simplification.
Multiplication of decimal fractions
The process of multiplying two decimal fractions has been provided in this part of this article. “Multiplication of decimal fractions” needs to be done by following a few important steps and no steps need to be ignored. If one of the steps is missed during the process of “Multiplication of decimal fractions” then it will be difficult to get the exact and right value. According to the process of “Multiplication of decimal fractions” at first, the decimal point needs to be ignored and both the provided numbers need to be the main focus area. Therefore, both of the given numbers have to be multiplied as per the process of multiplication. After that when the multiplication of both numbers is done then numbers that are in the place of decimal need to be counted in decimal numbers.
After completing these steps, decimal points need to be placed in the product in such a way that the original decimal number and the number in the decimal place in the product have to be the same.
It can be concluded that a number will be recognized as a decimal fraction only if its denominator has the power of ten. The numerator can be expressed through the help of a figure that is placed to the right of the point of a decimal. Therefore, it can also be said that both of these characteristics need to be there in a decimal fraction. While doing “multiplication of decimal fractions” all of the above-mentioned steps need to be followed.